Chapter 19 - Ana

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I stepped out of Christian's embrace, blushing as I turned to see Grace's face in awe. Christian shrugged, looking embarrassed.

"I don't know why, but she can," Christian confirmed.

"That's so romantic!" Mia swooned, missing her mother's hopeful, albeit slightly sad expression. Christian had told me he'd never been able to hug his mother properly, hence her 'touch his shoulders and kiss his cheek' half-hug. To see someone else enjoy what she'd waited nearly a quarter of a century for would have to hurt. If Mia was incognizant of their mother's feelings, Christian was not.

"I've been talking with Flynn about it. I doubt I'll ever become touchy-feely with everyone, but he thinks with some time and therapy, I might be able to accept touch from close friends and family."

Hearing this, Grace lit up like the fourth of July. "I am thrilled for you, my sweet boy. It doesn't hurt?"

Christian smiled softly, his eyes meeting mine. "No. No, it feels wonderful."

My hand still in his, Christian led me to the breakfast table where he pulled out a chair before bringing me an empty plate. The table was already laden with platters of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, spinach, fruit, and several other sauces and toppings.

"Help yourself," he said, sitting beside me, serving himself pancakes with berries. Deciding what he had looked good, I followed suit. Conversation over brunch was casual and easy. Grace and Mia were mostly comparing notes and opinions over the gala - who wore and said what. Christian, Carrick, and Elliot were talking about sport and their hopes for the teams they supported.

"You're very quiet," Mia said, sipping on her third mimosa. "I'm sorry you weren't feeling well last night."

"I had a wonderful time," I replied honestly. "It just all became a bit much."

Christian and I had decided he would share the news about my stalker when he told his parents and Elliot about Elena. Mia couldn't reveal information she didn't know, and it worried Christian that if he told her, she'd unintentionally be indiscreet. Since she'd been the person who initially helped me, I felt bad excluding her from news now we had some. Still—if my stalker was a people smuggler, secrecy was paramount until they apprehended him.

"How much did you end up raising?" Christian asked, coming to my rescue.

"One point two," Carrick said with a satisfied grin. "Our best gala yet."

"And the first planning meeting for next year is in two weeks. We need a new theme," Grace lamented.

"What about a circus?" I suggested off the top of my head. Last night had been lovely, but it was kind of exclusive. Maybe something with a broader appeal would get the word out there a bit more? "Not with animals... You have the room... you could have a big top with acrobatics, then a sort of side-show alley with games, but really good prizes? There could be gourmet versions of carnival foods for sale, plus rides. You'd probably make less money per head, but you could invite more people to make up for it?"

No one said anything for a moment, and I started to blush, thinking everyone thought my idea was stupid. I honestly wished the ground would open up and swallow me.

"That's a great idea," Elliot said, nodding his head. "I'm not as wealthy as moneybags there," he said, gesturing to Christian, "but I'm doing ok for myself. Yet the only charitable gala I come to is this one because I have to. I don't attend others because they're boring! Sorry Mom, but first dance and silent auctions are lame. No one under forty wants to do that shit. A circus would appeal to a younger audience. If you did it right, you could probably engage both groups. A fancy dinner and acrobatic show in the big top for the oldies. Think like Cirque du Soleil with a few tables. People with money would fall over themselves to buy a table and invite guests to show everyone else they could afford to. Then outside you can have the fair with rides and games for everyone else. The tickets to play would need to be higher than normal, but you can use the donated things for the auction as prizes. Like at the end of the night, the best shooter on the western game gets one of the donated prizes."

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