Chapter 20 - Christian

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The meeting with Taylor in the security office took ages. First, I had to apprise him that my family, except Mia, were now aware of my history of BDSM relationships, and that Elena Lincoln had played a part procuring subs for me. So he was across everything I'd told my family, I also revealed to him the full history between Elena and me.

"That's fucked up," Taylor replied in a moment of uncharacteristic candor as he sat at his desk stunned. "I mean, Gail and I always figured you'd been with her at some point—she doesn't exactly hide her interest in you—but fifteen? That's... wow."

"Yes, well..." I said blushing at Taylor's assessment of the situation, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention it to Gail. It's not something I'm proud of or want others to know about."

"Not a problem, sir. You know how tender-hearted Gail is. If she found out you'd been abused that way at fifteen, she'd be crying into your meals for weeks. I'll keep it to myself."

Hearing Taylor call it abuse made it even clearer in my head that is what it had been. It was embarrassing that I had ever thought it anything else.

"Thank you. Now, where are we at with Van Ryn?"

"I had Jenkins, one of the new hires, tail him home after pack up last night. The address we had for him in Kirkland checked out. He lives alone in a rented two-bedroom apartment."

"Kirkland isn't cheap," I mused. "Not if you're only bartending. Have we got hold of his bank records, yet?"

"No. In fact, Barney advised against it. He said what he's got so far is more than enough for the FBI to go on, and that if he goes digging in certain places, it could leave a record which could jeopardize the case."

"Let's hold off, then. In the meantime, I want twenty-four-seven covert on him."

"Already organized. We've also put a tracker on his car and a link to the car's Bluetooth system. If he uses his phone hands-free, the device will broadcast the conversation to another number. We'll be able to hear both sides of the conversation. It's not exactly legal, but it may give us information we can then pass onto the FBI via 'anonymous tips.'"

"I didn't know there were things that did that?" I said, truly perturbed.

"We check the vehicles for them two or three times a week. There's also a blocker installed on each car."

Well, that made me feel marginally better, although most of the time I didn't use Bluetooth.

"Welsh and Barney are almost done putting together everything to send to the FBI. We should be able to send it off tomorrow morning. Barney has a friend there who will make sure the information gets to where it needs to go and receives the swift attention it deserves. After that, it's a matter of sitting back and letting them do their thing."

"And Anastasia?"

"We keep her safe here and at Grey House."

"I have to go to Taiwan in a week or so. I'm going to try to convince Ana to come with me."

"I think that would be wise. Until the FBI grabs Van Ryn, and we work out what he's all about, we have to assume on some level at least, Ana is still in danger."


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