Chapter 5 - Anastasia

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Eating eggs benedict at the kitchen counter beside Christian was surreal. Dressed in a suit, no doubt ready for his day workday ahead, the man looked nothing short of fine!

Well rested after a night on the most comfortable mattress and sheets I'd ever experienced, enjoying a mouth-watering breakfast cooked by Christian's housekeeper, I stifled a giggle at how bizarre this whole situation was. This time yesterday I was waking up in my tiny studio, considering where to check out in Seattle and fervently hoping wherever I chose I wouldn't see the man who seemed to shadow me ever since I'd moved here.

Twenty-four hours later, I was under the protection of the sexiest man I'd ever met who was apparently immensely wealthy, to boot. It was the stuff of fantasy, and for this reason alone I decided to just go with the flow and see where it led me. So far, Grey had been nothing short of kindness itself, and while I'd expected to sleep poorly, one ear listening out for a rattle at the door handle to my room, no such noise had been forthcoming, and I'd slept like a log.

"I usually leave for the office just before eight," he said, breaking the silence as I finished the last mouthful of breakfast. Checking the time displayed on Mrs. Jones' state-of-the-art cooker, I saw that gave me fifteen minutes.

"Perfect. I'll just brush my teeth, get my laptop, and I'll be ready to go."

I was back in the main room with five minutes to spare. Taylor and Christian nowhere to be seen, so I chatted with Mrs. Jones. She asked again about particular dishes I liked, noting my preferences down on a small notepad she slipped from the pocket of the light gray canvass apron she wore when she cooked. Guaranteeing I was not fussy and would eat almost anything put in front of me, she assured me she loved trying new recipes and appreciated the opportunity to cook something different. Between the comfy bed, the food, and the sexy guy I was sharing the latter with, I might never want to leave! I was just letting my mind wander to the fantasy of sharing the former with Christian when he and Taylor appeared.

"Ready, Ms. Steele?" Christian asked, giving me a smile too sexy for words.

"I am, thank you, Mr. Grey," I replied reciprocating his smile with my own. We walked to the elevator followed by Taylor. Once in the elevator car, Taylor stepped forward and waived a swipe card over a sensor before pressing 'B1'.

"An override," Christian explained. "For security. Once the access card is swiped, the elevator will go directly to whichever floor is pressed without stopping. There is a sensor at the elevator call button on each of the floors, including the basement garages and ground floor. Tapping the card will call the next available elevator car, overriding any previous requests. Taylor will have your card ready for you by the time we get home today."

My own elevator card! It was more than I expected and somehow made me feel more secure about this impromptu and unexpected living arrangement. As if divining my thoughts, Christian spoke.

"I meant it when I said I want you to be comfortable during your stay. I've never shared a living space with anyone other than family... Yet I am finding myself enjoying the experience."

I giggled, touched by his heartfelt confession. "You never know. I might snore horribly or leave the kitchen in disarray!"

"My room is far enough away from yours that you can snore your heart out, should that be the case. As for dirtying the kitchen? I'm sure, like me, you'll be far too afraid of angering Mrs. Jones to leave a mess. Once I tried to make toast and left half a loaf of burned bread on the counter. Gail served me salad—only salad—for dinner for an entire week!" His chuckle brought a smile to my face, and in the highly reflective inner surface of the elevator car doors, I saw a smirk on Taylor's face, too.

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