Chapter 28 - Ana

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As soon as the FBI and Carrick left, Christian started strategizing about Elena, immediately calling Ros, as well as several members of his legal and accounting teams. I knew he didn't want to leave me, so instead of going into Grey House, he asked them to meet with him here at Escala. The rest of Sunday afternoon Christian was busy with the team in his office. I would have been happy to go to the library and spend my time there, however, Christian wanted me to stay close. Accordingly, I fetched my laptop and set myself up on the sofa in front of the windows in Christian's office. Looking for job openings, I occupied myself customizing cover letters and my resume before scheduling emails for tomorrow morning. I was fairly confident I'd get an offer from Random House and hopefully SIP, too. But until I had a job, I'd continue to apply for positions.

Thinking about SIP, I came to a decision. While I hated the idea of using Christian's influence, if I got an offer at SIP, I was going to ask Christian to make sure that I wouldn't be Jack Hyde's assistant if he also got a position. The guy seriously creeped me out, and if the whole Van Ryn situation had proven nothing, it had shown me I needed to trust my instincts.

Finished with my job applications, I lounged on the sofa, watching Netflix with headphones. I could see Christian's staff glance at me curiously from time to time, however, I ignored them, instead focussing on a drama I'd selected at random and was now interested in. I was getting hungry when Christian finally farewelled his company, coming over to the sofa to suggest dinner.

"Baby? I'm sorry for neglecting you. With what the FBI told us, time is of the essence. First thing tomorrow, my representatives and an independent team are going to the salons to instigate a thorough audit. I need to do this before the FBI charges her to prove she's not just been falsifying her tax records, but she's also stolen from me. I have to get in first, so it's clear I wasn't part of her theft."

"You'll be ok?" I asked, worried now about my man.

"I'll be fine," he assured me. "Worst case, if the FBI moves first, it will mean a long, drawn-out audit where Elena and I are both under suspicion. It is cleaner, and quicker, for all concerned if I instigate the audit. By the time the FBI move on their findings, I'll have enough evidence to bury Elena."

"That sounds like a good thing," I remarked. Anything that harmed that bitch was good, in my opinion.

"It is," Christian confirmed. "As part of the whole investigating Elena thing, it is critical she has no access to me or my family. That includes you, baby."

"I won't let her up again. I promise."

Christian gave me a small smile. "I know you won't. Security is going to be super tight the next week or so. I want you to travel to and from work with me. I'd also like to move you to the executive level until the Elena situation is under control."

"Because me sharing your office with you will help keep things on the down-low," I said, raising my eyebrow at Christian. Not that it mattered, I guess. I mean, people had seen me here today.

"Tempting as it is to have you next to me all the time, I thought you could work in an office near the security office."

"You want someone watching over me all day?" I joked, the laughter dying on my lips when I saw Christian's face. "What do you think she's going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know. That's the problem. She could try to hurt you or expose my former lifestyle. I don't know what Elena is going to try. I just need you protected, baby. That's why I want you somewhere close. I... I love you, Ana. I can't risk anything happening to you."

"You love me?" I knew I was there, but I hadn't been certain he was.

"So, so much," he replied, moving closer to me and cupping my face. "You're clever, beautiful, and kind. How could I not love you?"

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