Chapter 20

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Today was the day. 

How Lizzie would manage, she didn’t really know.

But she guesses it won’t be too enjoyable.

What was she talking about?

Three words.

Dinner. With. Caroline. 

Yes, today was the day that the Bingley’s were coming over. Although she was happy to spend the evening with Charles and she was sure that the rest of their family would be lovely, the thought of Caroline made her shudder. She hadn’t told anyone but her aunt about Caroline’s treatment towards and she knows that Caroline probably wouldn’t act like that around the Darcys, but Lizzie couldn’t get rid of a small worry that continued to run rampant in her head.

At this moment she was walking through the halls of the university when she heard the object of her worry talking to her clan. Not wanting to give Caroline the satisfaction of teasing her, she didn’t turn the corner and just listened in on her conversation.

“My family is invited to the Darcys’ house today. We are so close with the family that it is practically like a family dinner. William is sure to want to spend the night with me because we have been so busy lately that we haven’t much time to chat. I wouldn’t be surprised if he asked me out tonight. He has been wanting to, I can tell, but he has simply had so much to do at work. Probably from all the mistakes that Eliza makes at Pemberley. I still don’t understand why they put up with her.” A few nodded along, but some seemed confused.

One of them spoke up. “But didn’t you say that William Darcy liked Elizabeth?” 

Caroline laughed. “As if he still does. It was probably a fascination with something new. He’s not into her anymore, of that I’m sure. How could he? She has no beauty and wealth to recommend her. Besides, the union between the Darcys and the Bingleys has been long coming. William has always wanted to date me, but I wanted to make it harder for him than it needed to be so that he would be even more interested in me than he already was. It definitely worked. He will ask me out any day now and from there I wouldn’t be too shocked to receive a proposal soon after.”

Elizabeth, who was still listening, didn't know whether to be shocked or amused at Caroline's statement. Lizzie was shocked that she could have deluded herself so much that she believed Will was interested in her when that clearly wasn’t the case. ‘I’m dating Will for goodness sake!’ It was also amusing because this was something that Caroline wouldn’t win. In the end, Lizzie already has William and they were hopelessly in love. ‘Take that Caroline’ she thought.

“But isn’t Elizabeth staying at their house?” Another member of Caroline’s group asked.

“Yes, but I’m sure they wouldn’t invite her. They have much more sense than that. She’s only a student staying in their house because she can’t afford her own and in return she works an unpaid job. Does that sound like someone who they would willingly associate with?” Caroline smirked triumphantly when she saw no one was going to contradict.

With that they all left to return home or go shopping and that left Lizzie with the opening she needed to get home. Walking fast out the doors she got into the car that was always there on time and watched out the window as they made their way to Pemberley. 

Now at her destination, she said a quick thank you to Charles, she quickly made her way to her desk in Will’s office. That desk has become her main workspace instead of the one in the cubicle outside the door. 

She wanted to get into the office as fast as possible and simply forget about all her worries about tonight and the comments Caroline made. She didn’t want to think about anything that had to do with the Bingley woman for the moment and just wanted to feel safe and worry free. She knew that one way to achieve that would be to be in the company of Will. He always makes her feel safe and loved. Quickening her steps to make that happen sooner.

Opening the large wooden door, she saw that William wasn’t in his office at the moment. Heaving a big sigh, she dropped herself into her chair and rested her forehead onto the edge of the desk. Closing her eyes she tried to drown out all of her stress from the day. She was so focused, that she didn’t hear the door open and someone greet her. Only did she realise she was not alone, when she felt the light pressure of lips against the nape of her neck. 

“Rough day?” William murmured into her neck as he rubbed his hands up and down her arms.  She instantly felt slightly better knowing that he was here now. Not wanting to concern him about Caroline’s treatment towards her, she just nodded and leaned back into him.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“It’s really nothing. Can you just hold me for a minute?” She asked quietly. He slowly pulled her to stand and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Elizabeth leaned her head against his chest and let all the stress fall from her body. She has never known herself to be so sentimental and need someone else’s presence to comfort her, but with William it was different. He made her feel secure. Like he would always be there for her no matter what the issue was and she loved him for it.

After a couple of minutes, she felt better and let go. “We should probably get to work.”

Before she could turn around towards her desk, he caught her hand. “Lizzie I want you to know that if you ever need to talk about anything you can always talk to me. You know that right?” he looked so truthful that it made Lizzie’s heart speed up.

“Of course I know that Will. I love even more for it. Thank you.”

“Anything you Lizzie. I love you.”

Both smiled and got to work. In the morning, they were told by Anne to get home an hour earlier than they usually did so that they could get ready for the dinner. When the work was done, they grabbed their bags and headed home.

Anne and Georgiana were already preparing everything. They had hired a catering service for the night. Anne practically pushed them to their rooms to get ready. In the hallway, Lizzie and Will shared a small kiss and entered their rooms.

Now ready, Lizzie thought that this would be an eventful evening, but didn’t know whether that would be good or bad. 

The doorbell rang.

‘Well’ she thought ‘here goes nothing’

She opened the door and made her way to the foyer.

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