Chapter 19

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Hey guys! Here is another chapter. Enjoy!


The next week was quite hectic for Lizzie and the Darcy family. Since he was now back home, William went to work like normal. For Lizzie, she returned to school as well. Both of them have talked further on keeping their relationship a secret and decided that they would tell everyone on Lizzie’s birthday which was coming up in 3 weeks. Will had mentioned inviting her family to come visit so that they could throw a small birthday party for her, but she didn’t really enjoy the idea of her mother’s constant complaining and endless supply of nerves, nor her younger sister’s silly behaviour. With that being said though, she did express that maybe they could invite the Gardeners and her older sister Jane since he already knew her aunt and uncle and Lizzie missed Jane a lot. Anne happily agreed with this plan and got to work on  the preparation. 

Now that there was a time limit on the secrecy, the couple tried to spend all the spare time they had learning new things about the other. Overall, it was going very well. They continued to fall even deeper in love with each other and never got tired of the other’s company and conversation. The best part of this arrangement was that they didn’t need to prove anything to anyone. There was no one to comment on how they act or what they do.

But, there have been a few times where they were almost caught....

They were laying on her bed cuddling. They just returned from Pemberley together since they both now leave together. The conversation was about inconsequential topics while they simply enjoyed the warmth that their closeness brought them. Occasionally, one of them would reach over and kiss the other softly before returning to their previous position. 

They knew that this was kind of a risk since both Anne and Georgiana were home as well, but they hoped that neither came to Lizzie’s room. 

However, luck was not on their side today.

After an hour, they were starting to get tired due to the comfort of each other’s arms and were starting to doze off. At least until the sound of fast footsteps broke them out of their haze. 

Not knowing what to do, Lizzie shot up and none-too-gracefully pushed Will off the bed while telling him to roll under the bed if he didn’t want to be caught. Still rather sleepy, he begrudgingly complied, though not before sending her a scowl at being thrown off the bed which she replied to with a smile in apology.

Mere seconds after he was hidden, Georgiana came bouncing in through the door after a short knock.

“Lizzie you’ll never guess what?”

Elizabeth gave a short laugh and asked what it was Georgie wanted to tell her.

“Next Sunday mom invited the Bingleys over for dinner and I’m finally old enough to attend. Even though it’s mainly about work and Pemberley and I’m not too fond of Charle’s sister. Oops I wasn’t supposed to say that. Will says it’s not nice no matter how true it is. (under the bed, Darcy was barely keeping himself from bursting out with laughter at his sister’s comment.) Anyway, it doesn’t matter how boring the dinner will be because I know it won’t because you’re invited too! And you can sit beside me so that I always have someone to talk to. Won’t it be fun?” She bounced excitedly on her toes.

Lizzie didn’t know what to say at first. Dinner...with the Bingleys....with Caroline… And that is where she shook herself out of her thoughts and decided that everything would be fine if she had Georgie, Anne, and Will there with her. She looked up at the excited girl.

“Yes Georgie, that's very exciting, but I think that you will be the best company for me, not the other way around.” 

The conversation continued for a little while longer until Anne called her daughter downstairs to finish her homework she rushed away from in her excitement.

Then there was the office…

“Will, we should try to keep it professional while we’re at work. How would we explain this if someone caught us?” She reasoned, but that did nothing to sway her boyfriend.

And she was right. They were in his office which could be explained that he needed her to work from the desk in the office because more days than not she did anyways, but what they were doing could not be explained as easily. 

They really didn’t mean for it to happen...truly they didn’t...ok so maybe a little...but it wasn’t their fault...ok sooooo maybe it was but that’s not the point.

She was standing beside him as he sat at his desk. The computer in front of them was showing important paperwork that Lizzie had corrected and he was reading the final product so that he could give it the final ok before it was sent off. Both were focused until they turned their heads to look at each other and realized how close they actually were to each other. Will kissed her, they got distracted and now here they were, her sitting in his lap, while he rested his head on her shoulder and had his arms tightly wrapped around her waist. As nice as it was to have him so close, Lizzie understood that they couldn’t be seen like this and was trying to tell as much, but he refused to move.

“But I’m comfortable, Lizzie.” He whined and snuggled deeper into her neck.

“William Darcy, stop acting like a 4 year old and get back to work.” She tried to act stern, but that quickly softened when she saw his face with his eyes closed and a slight smile on his lips. “Are you trying to go all soft now that we’re dating? Where is the stern Mr. Darcy of Pemberley that I met when I moved here?”

“He retired when he got justly admonished by the most beautiful and kind woman he ever knew.”

“Well-” Whatever she was about to say was cut off by a knock on the door which sent them both panicking. Lizzie, finally managing to release herself from Will ran over to her desk and pretended to work while William told the person to enter. The door opened, revealing Charlotte.

“Hello Mr. Darcy, sorry to bother you. I came to ask Lizzie if she finished that paperwork so that I can have it looked at before sending it.”

“There’s no need for that Charlotte. I looked at it myself and agreed to have it sent out. If you could do that now that would be wonderful.” Darcy told Charlotte, trying to act as normal as he could after the events of a few moments ago.

“Certainly sir.”

And finally, when Anne almost caught them…

Knowing no one was home, they took full advantage of that. They were both on the couch, Lizzie under Darcy as they kissed passionately. All the love they had for each other was shown in this kiss. They were so caught up in each other that they nearly didn’t hear that someone was home and was coming their way. They finally came back to reality when said person was just about to come around the corner.

In a moment of panic, Lizzie pushed Will up into an upright position while she quickly made it look like she had been sitting with her legs tucked under herself facing Will. That was how Anne Darcy found them. She smiled at them. 

“Hello you two. What are you doing?”

Will rushed to create an explanation, while trying to keep himself from blushing. “We were discussing some of the deals that Pemberley recently made and what work we will need to complete because of them.”

Lizzie, trying to stop herself from blushing as well just nodding her head in agreement.

“Well ok I was just going to say that dinner will be ready in half an hour, but I’ll leave you to be now.” And with that she left the room not knowing what she nearly walked into.

Well that was all the times in the last week that they have almost been caught. It seems that their secret is a little harder to keep then they thought, but to them it’s worth it. 

What they don’t know is that Anne and Georgie definitely notice a difference in the two of them. They just don’t know the extent of how much change there has been. But they do hope that maybe they’ll get together...But then they think that they are hoping for too much, but nonetheless keep their fingers crossed.

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