Chapter 7

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It's been a month since the phone call.

The phone call.

This phone call solidified Elizabeth's bad opinion of Mr. Darcy.

For the past month, she has been trying to avoid him as much as humanly possible. He however, is making it quite difficult since he insists on trying to talk to her every chance possible and she doesn't know why.


It was a slightly cloudy day. It has just finished raining and Elizabeth decided it was a lovely time to take a walk around the gardens of the estate.

She walked outside where she was met with a late fall breeze as the leaves turned many different colours. As winter was soon coming Elizabeth had a light jacket on.

She continued down a path that leads her into the woods that she has come to adore. The silence of the woods made her feel free but also grounded. She could forget all about the drama of Caroline Bingley, her family, and Mr. Darcy. She could just be Elizabeth Bennet, a girl who enjoys walking, reading, and has a lively personality. It was a comfort.

Elizabeth looked up at the sky peeking through the treetops and soaked up the warming sun. She then closed her eyes and spun in a circle with her arms outstretched up towards the sky. After spinning several times, she opened her eyes and shrieked at the view in front of her.

Standing before her was a stern looking Wiliiam Darcy. She quickly righted herself and stood up straight. Looking at him with confusion she quickly said in a slightly dismissive tone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Darcy. I did not see you there."

"No, it is fine. I have a matter that I would like to discuss with you." he paused for a while. Elizabeth just stood confused, not knowing what to say to his comment. He kept his proud look, but there was something else there along with it. "I would first like you to be informed that with me doing this, I am sacrificing a lot and I make this sacrifice for something that many would think silly. For you are not of high social standing and come from a rather small town, but I am willing to put that aside and ask you to end my agony." he then looked at her with an odd expression.

"I don't understand"

"I have come to feel a most ardent admiration and fondness. Therefore, I ask if you would have dinner with me someday." This was it. Elizabeth was sure she had lost her mind, for William Darcy could not be asking her out. It was just impossible. He hated her and she returned this sentiment completely. This was not possible. So, she answered with the only words she could get out.

"Sir, I'm sorry for any pain I caused. Believe me it was unconsciously done."

"Is this your reply?" he questioned.


"Are you laughing at me?"

"No, sir"

"Are you-" he paused for a second and squared his shoulders, "are you rejecting me?"

"I am sure if you look at it from my view that you will see that I have many reasons as to why I refuse you now."

"Would you care to explain? For I cannot understand why you would reject me when I would be sacrificing my reputation by connecting myself with you."

"See! That is exactly what I mean! You have no regard for people who are as you call it below you 'social standing'. Do you know how conceited you sound? Just because someone does not have as much money as you does not mean that we deserve to be treated like that. We are human beings who are just as if not more of a decent human being then some wealthy people. They certainly acted more amiable than you. All you have done is hold that proud and belittling expression on your face. Do you think that it is something that makes someone want to get to know you? From the beginning you have treated me with dislike and you never even gave me a chance to show you my character before you had already made your decision to treat me with no respect. What do you have to say about that?" by now, Elizabeth was practically burning with hatred. She did not know how she managed to get into this position, but being given the chance to voice all of her dislike caused her to spill all of her thoughts about him. At this point, she did care whether he was her boss or not. If no one would tell him that his thoughts and character were terrible, then she most definitely would. "And what of George Wickam?"

"George Wickham?!" he demanded bewildered why this would have anything to do with this conversation.

"Yes, George Wickham! I found out about him. How could you have been so cruel? He told me about his misfortunes."

"Oh, yes! I'm sure his misfortunes were great indeed."

"You've treated him terribly and yet you treat him with sarcasm? How could you?"

"You wouldn't understand." He said firmly.

"There it is again! From the first moment I met you, your arrogance, and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others, made me realize that you are the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to associate with." Elizabeth stared him straight into the eyes as she said this. Mr. Darcy blinked a few times before responding.

"So this is your opinion of me. I thank you for explaining so fully to me. Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time." And with that he walked away, leaving a dumbstruck Elizabeth, left to ponder over what has just happened.

After about 10 minutes of thinking and pacing, Elizabeth made her way back to the house. Upon entering, she immediately rushed to her room, afraid of seeing Mr. Darcy.


It's been about 2 hours since Elizabeth ran to her room. During that time, she has paced the room, seethed in anger, and thought about what she would do next. Could she stay here? Would she be kicked out? He was her boss so would she be fired? Would he do the same thing as George Wickham and get her expelled from school? She didn't know.

Just then, she heard a knock on her door. Assuming it was Anne or Georgiana, she called for them to enter. Her back facing the door, she didn't know who it was until she heard them speak, startling her to turn around.

"Miss. Elizabeth, do not worry, I have not come to renew the sentiments which were so disgusting to you. Would you do me the honour of reading this letter?" He held out the letter, which she instinctively grabbed. He gave a slight nod of the head and left the room.

She stared at the letter for a while before she hesitantly opened it.

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