Chapter 27

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Hey guys!! I will try to post as regularly as I can, but between work and school it might become a little much to post each week. I will try my best, but this is just a warning beforehand. Sorry.


There was 2 days left until Jane and the Gardiners were returning to Canada.

Jane and Charles had gone on a few more dates and were definitely making good progress in their relationship. Lizzie and Will couldn’t be happier for their sister and best friend. After assuring Will of her sister’s feelings, Lizzie noticed that there was no hesitation in his joy for the couple.

It was the truth. William truly was happy for his friend. He thought that Jane would make a perfect partner for Charles and only wanted to know that Jane felt as strongly as Charles did. Once that was sorted out, everything was perfect.

Or it was until Caroline.

Originally, she must have ‘accidentally’ forgotten William’s harsh words from the weeks prior because out of the blue she showed up at Pemberley while Lizzie was still at school. She strolled right into the office like she owned the place and sat down in a chair in front of his desk. Will first thought that it was his assistant(the one he hired while Elizabeth was at school so that she wouldn’t be weighed down by pointless tasks when she got there and could focus on more important work that he has been asking her for help with), so he didn’t bother to look up, thinking they were just coming in for paperwork he left on his desk. That assumption was shut down though when he noticed that the person sat down. WHen he looked up, he was both shocked and furious at who he saw before him. Caroline, not noticing his emotions, spoke with a confident air.

“William, I am here to speak to you about something that I know you agree with me on.” He was too angry to speak initially so she continued. “I realise that you might have heard about Charles dating that nobody from Canada named Jane and I know that you would never approve of one of your friends lowering themselves to such a level, so I need your assistance in my plan.”

That is when he spoke up. “I have no idea how you can possibly think that I would help you.”

She mistook his comment. “Oh there’s no need to be so modest William. I am sure Charles would listen to you.”

“I think you are forgetting a very large flaw in your plan. I am dating Elizabeth who is Jane’s sister. So I ask again. Why on earth would you think I would help you?”

“William, although you have not said it I know your true feelings. It is quite obvious that she is merely a charity case to you and that the only reason you said those nice words about her at that diner was because her family was there. I really do admire how much you think about the less fortunate even if they don’t deserve it. Which is why, my plan can also work at releasing you of your burden as well. All that is required of you is making Charles see how terrible this match is. He will listen to you and break up with the little pest, forcing her to go back to her backwater town heartbroken. Then, once she sees the truth of how below her sister was for Charles, Eliza will start to realise the differences in your stations. You can suggest that she go visit her sister to comfort her and while she is in Canada, you break up with her. Since she is so far away, she won’t be able to make a big deal out of it and you can find someone much more suitable for your social standing.” She finished with a triumphant smirk, thinking that she came up with the best plan posible. Sadly(or maybe not so sadly), William had a few issues with it.

“Firstly, I will tell you this one more time since you clearly misunderstood me the last time I told you. I love Elizabeth. My relationship with her is not some act of charity that you suggest. I am with her because I love her and I will not let you try and separate us. Second, I am not helping you to separate your brother and Jane. They both care for each other and that is all that matters. Not how much money either one of them has. The fact that you even suggested what you did shows that you don’t care about your brother’s feelings. Since I am his best friend, I only want him to be happy, so I suggest you leave now before I am forced to have your forcefully removed. I told you Caroline, I will not tolerate your company unless you change your ways or I willingly invite you here or to my home. Goodbye, Caroline.”

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