Chapter 11

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Okay, so this is by far my longest chapter so far. It is not exactly what happened in Pride and Prejudice, but it has the general idea. I hope you guys enjoy.


The plane has just landed. Elizabeth was rolling her luggage towards the place where she said she would her aunt and uncle. To say she was excited would be an extreme understatement. She hasn't seen them in over a year because of school and work. She has missed them a lot and is glad to have the opportunity to spend time with them.

Once she got there, she came to look for them. Her flight was supposed to land 15 minutes before theirs. After looking at the board she saw that they were on time and decided to get a coffee while she waited.

She got her drink and sat at a table waiting patiently. Okay, maybe not as patiently as she could have been since she was constantly tapping her foot, but what could someone expect her to do. She was excited.

After 15 minutes, she saw them. Quickly standing and running over, engulfing them in a hug. Once they let go, she was showered with questions about her health and life in London, along with comments on how well and grown up she looked.

Finally, they were ready to depart. A car was parked outside for them which would bring them to the resort.

The view on the way to the resort was amazing. Elizabeth could see the ocean out her window. The sun reflecting off of the water causes it to look a beautiful blue. The trees swaying from the ocean view and town they passed through filled with history.

When they reached the resort, the valets brought their luggage into the lobby and the front desk attendant exclaimed "Welcome to Rosings in Derbyshire". They got their room keys and made their way up to the rooms.

Lizzie walked into hers and was in awe. It had a modern feel to the room, but still held dome traditional elements. The view from the balcony was spectacular. She had a view of the beach and some of the small town they had passed through on the way here. Inside, the bedroom was large with a king bed in the middle. The sitting room and bathroom were large as well and she couldn't believe that she was going to be staying here.

An hour later, the Gardiners met up with Elizabeth again and they decided that they would go for a swim in the pool before they got ready for dinner. Lizzie got on her bathing suit and they headed down to the pool.

The pool was just as luxurious as the rooms. They set their towels and bags down on chairs and Lizzie took off her cover up. She then offered to get them all drinks at the poolside bar which they agreed to. She got their orders and headed that way.

As she was walking she was having a hard time dodging kids who were playing with a ball on the pool deck. She thought she was finally through when one kid ran in front of her reaching for the ball that was being thrown to them. This caused her to have to jump to the side, where she ran into someone. Due to the speed and force that she ran into this person, both of them lost their balance and fell into the pool.

Standing in front of her in waist deep water was William Darcy.

Both completely frozen from shock for 1 minute. Just staring at each other with wide eyes and mouth slightly dropped. The first of the two to shake out of the state they were in was Darcy. He gave her a polite, but kind smile before swimming to the edge. He lifted himself out of the pool, turned back towards her and extended a hand out to help her out. She finally shook her head and came back to real life. She quickly swum over to him and gave him her hand. When their skin touched, she felt an electric current run through her arm. He pulled her out of the pool as gracefully as possible for this circumstance. Once her feet were safely on the ground, he quickly let go of her hand and flexed it at his side since he as well felt the electricity. Through this whole scene, neither have said one word to each other, not knowing what to say. Thankfully, Mr. Darcy decided that it was more awkward staying silent and decided to break the silence.

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