Chapter 15

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When morning came, there wasn’t much time for Elizabeth to think about the events of last night. She woke up early and brought her already packed bags to her aunt and uncle’s room, where they were just finishing up. Then, they all made their way down to check out and call a taxi.

The ride to the airport was the first chance she got to remember the wonderful events of yesterday. She thought about how beautiful the hidden beach was and how much fun she had. The fireworks were the next thing she thought about. How was it possible to have so many wonderful things happen all on one night? The final thing that came to her head was the look of pure happiness and excitement on William’s face. Sure, since she came to the resort she has seen him happy, but this was different. It was like there was nothing bothering him. Whether that was work, his aunt, or something else, it was all gone. His eyes were shining and the smile he wore was so genuine that it still surprised Lizzie. Sadly for her, she knew that seeing another side of William is only making her fall deeper in love with him. There was no stopping it. She tried as hard as she could, but these new sides of him make her see the real, genuine guy that William Darcy is. Under the mask he uses to protect himself and his family from pain, is a caring, sweet, and thoughtful young man who has trouble trusting people.

That’s when she remembered something she was hoping to forget. ‘Oh god. I almost kissed him.’ This thought left her mind racing. ‘Why would I try to do that. He obviously could never like me anymore. And of course I had to practically tackle him to the ground and almost kiss him. Did he lean in? My heart was pounding too hard for me to notice. No, he wouldn’t. Why would he? Oh no. No no no no no. Do you think that he knows I tried to kiss him and now thinks less of me? I hope not. Now that I know the real William Darcy, I don’t think I could deal with him looking at me any other way.’

She decided to let that thought go for now since she knew that she would only worry herself more. The rest of the car ride was passed by looking out of the window, admiring the view for the last time.


Getting past the airport security was turning out to be longer than expected. With everybody going back to school or work after the winter break, it created long lines that Lizzie and her relations were now stuck in.

They have been in line for 20 minutes and it didn’t look like she would be getting up there any time soon. She and the Gardiners discussed plans for the upcoming months and when they could meet again.

“I still cannot believe that William invited us to his house in London to visit and invited the children no less. Most young men want nothing to do with children.” Remarked Mrs. Gardiner.

“I do admit that I was surprised as well, aunt, but I don’t think that he is against the company of children. His sister is pretty much 10 years his junior so I’m guessing that he is used to younger children. The Darcy family is also very kind and would welcome you all with open arms and warm smiles.” Replied Elizabeth, thinking about the Darcy’s and their close relationship.

“Then maybe we will come t-” Her uncle got interrupted by a rather loud screech.

“MS.BENNET!!” Elizabeth looked around to try and locate where her name was being yelled. Finally she came face to face with a very angry Catherine De Bourgh. Lizzie could tell that she was not happy at all. Her face was red, her mouth was pulled into a tight line, and her eyes were showing a very sharp disapproving look. Her being here confused Elizabeth a lot, but she decided, due to her expression, that she acts as casually as she can.

“Mrs. De Bourgh, wonderful to see you. What are you doing here?” Lizzie then tries to give her the most convincing fake smile she could create. Even with the friendly welcome, Catherine did not look pleased. She continued to glare at her and stood a bit taller and prouder.

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