Chapter 14

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Hey guys, the chaptet after this won't be up until next week(maybe a bit later) because I won't have access to wifi. Sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Much to the disappointment of Elizabeth and William, he was called into an emergency meeting on Friday that took the whole day. Catherine De Bourgh was behind this. It was a way to get him away from Lizzie and he knew it, but didn’t want Elizabeth to know. Any chance there was of her becoming upset, he wanted to eliminate that as much as possible. He also couldn’t say no because his aunt had managed to get the investor that was coming at the end of next week to come that day. On the positive side, this means that he will be able to leave sooner than he planned. The only reason he was staying until the end of the week was to meet him and if he could do it today then that was great. That means being sooner reacquainted with Lizzie.
William had caught Lizzie when she was walking to their meetup spot and explained the situation. He told her that he could not walk with her today and that he didn’t know when the meeting would end. He made sure to tell her how much he would rather spend the day with her, but it was something that had to happen.
“On the plus side, I will be able to leave by Thursday at the latest since the meeting will be done with.” That seemed to make her become a little more relieved. 
She said that although his presence will be missed, she understood and wished him luck in his meeting. 
Now, here he was in a meeting that has been going on for 5 hours and did not seem to be ending anytime soon. At first he asked all the questions, thinking that if it was all done in the beginning, he could see Lizzie sooner. His aunt had other ideas. She asked him questions that were both specific and vague so that the answers were long and drawn out. She then would ask if the board members in the room had any questions which of course they would find something to ask when Catherine gave them an icy glare. Once all of that was finished and William had hope he could leave soon, she started inquiring about the investors family and relaying some of hers, explaining that if they were working together it would be beneficial to know about each other. The investor seemed to be loving the attention and seemed to be similar to Mr. Collins because it looked like he thought the world of his aunt. All in all, he was tired of this meeting and had nothing to do. So what does he do when he has nothing to do (or let’s face it, even when he is supposed to be doing something), he thinks about Lizzie. 
He wants to do something special for her last day here, but doesn’t know what. 
After another half an hour of brainstorming because this meeting has no end, he has an idea. He will take her to the beach, but not any spot. It is the spot that he found he was 12 and going exploring. Nobody swims there because it is far enough away from the hotel and is fairly hidden. Then, at night, they can watch the firework show (it was planned in celebration of a town tradition) from the hotel’s beach. He can pack a picnic and they can stay out all day. He also wanted to make sure to ask Edward and Cassie since they have been busy the last couple of days. Even though it would be preferred to be alone with her, he cannot keep taking her away from her aunt and uncle if they are free.
That settles it then. A picnic on the beach.
By the end of his mental planning, the meeting ends after a whole six and a half hours. Not enough time to hang out with Lizzie, but enough to ask if she wants to hang out with him tomorrow. 
Lizzie was pretty disappointed that she could not hang out with William today, but she knew he had to do his job (that was why he was here in the first place). The Gardiners noticed this and decided that they would make it a great day. They started at the pool and relaxed. Elizabeth couldn’t help but look at the spot where she bumped into William with both amusement and relief. Even though the result was soaking them both, she was thankful to have met him again because she didn’t know if she would have otherwise. She smiled to herself as she remembered the difference in his personality from this day and on.
Then, Lizzie was dragged to a painting class being hosted at the hotel. It was complimentary so her aunt and uncle were going to as many classes as they could. The class was actually quite fun and she made something decent enough to not be embarrassed too much.
Dinner was at the hotel’s restaurant and was delicious. If there was one thing Catherine De Bourgh knew it was how to pick a chef.
Elizabeth told them after dinner that she was starting to feel tired so she asked if they could all upstairs to her hotel room and have a quiet night. 
The truth was, she was tired, but not enough to want to retire to her room. It was that she missed William and she didn’t feel up to doing anything else. The Gardiners took pity on her and brought her upstairs. They all sat on the couch and chair in the sitting room and watched television.
Around 8:00pm there was a knock on the door. Lizzie got up since her aunt and uncle were having a discussion over what classes they would go to tomorrow. When she opened the door a wave of happiness went through her.
William smiled at her when the door was completely open.
“William, it’s nice to see you. Did your meeting go long?” She asked, hoping he said yes and he wasn’t just avoiding her.
“Yes, I actually got out about 45 minutes ago. I ate and then came to find you.”
“Well that was a long meeting. Would you like to come in? My aunt and uncle are in the sitting room.” she stepped to the side showing the Gardiners.
“Thank you.”
He walked in and greeted Edward and Cassie before addressing them all. “Since it’s your last day here tomorrow, I thought we could do something special. That is only if you would like my company tomorrow.” He added the last bit quickly when his confidence started failing. 
Lizzie was the one to answer. “Yes, that sounds perfect. What did you have in mind?”
“I was actually hoping for it to be a surprise. All I will tell you is to wear a bathing suit and bring a towel.”
“Okay” she said, thinking of ways to get the secret out of him, but ultimately deciding that if it meant so much to him she would suffer about not knowing.
Both missed the knowing look Cassie sent to Edward, but heard when she said:
“We are both sorry to miss it, but Edward and I were going to be doing the couples cooking class tomorrow so I guess it will be just you two.”
Elizabeth and William both inwardly rejoiced that they would be alone, but tried not to show it on their faces.
“We will be sorry to miss your lovely company” Replied William.
He then said his goodnights and left for his room.
It’s Saturday. The picnic is packed and both participants of said picnic were dressed and ready to go. Due to his excitement, William got to their meeting spot 20 minutes early, so he set the basket containing their lunch down and decided to get them both a coffee. 
Elizabeth was equally as excited, but also nervous. She didn’t want to do something that she would regret in the end. She just needed to make sure that she would reveal her feelings if she wanted to keep their friendship. 
Seeing the time on her phone, she figured that waiting a few extra minutes in the lobby wouldn’t hurt if it meant getting out of her hotel room. She got her bag with her towel and phone in it and made her way to the lobby.
Upon sitting on a bench to keep watch for him, she noticed a random picnic basket on the chair next to her and became curious as to what was in it. Although she did not want to be nosy, it was such an odd thing to be left around. Before she could truly get into her investigation of the basket, the owner came back and startled her out of her thoughts.
“I see you found part of my surprise.” The voice said from behind her causing her to jump and quickly stand to see who the voice belonged to. William was standing with an amused smile on his face and extended his hand, offering her one of the coffees. “I thought since I was a little early, I might all well get us coffee.”
“William, I’m sorry I didn’t see you walk over.” She took the offered coffee, thanked him, and then pointed to the basket. “So this is part of the surprise? Do I get to know anything else about the day?”
“No, you do not. I guess you’re going to have to accept this small piece of information.” He then grabbed the basket and turned back to her. “I think that it’s time to get going on our adventure, don’t you?” And with that, he started walking towards the doors, lightly swinging the basket and leaving a slightly shocked Lizzie. When he noticed that she was not following he turned around slightly smirking and said:
“Are you coming?” That seemed to force her out of her reverie because she quickly shocked the thoughts out of her head and followed him.
The entire walk to the beach was a mix of pleasant conversation and happy exclamations from Lizzie about something on the sand. Although she looked to be so carefree, she had several thoughts swirling around. First, it was the energy William was giving off like he really was excited about whatever this surprise was. And second, where were they going? They have been walking for about half an hour and it did not appear to be anywhere near their destination. She wasn’t complaining because the walk has been beautiful, it just seems for William of all people to be leading her on an adventure, but then he keeps surprising her so what’s one more?
After a 45 minute walk, they made it to their destination and Lizzie was in awe.
In front of her was a white sand beach covered in seashells of all colours. The water was the perfect clear blue and the waves were rolling over the sand, never too big to lose it’s magic, but large enough to make crashing sounds. To her left, was a small rocky cove. The rocks were perfectly situated to create a medium sized pool that is connected to the ocean, but also is protected from the wave. Above the cove, was a cliff that stood about 8 meters tall.
William was glad that the beauty of this place remained after all these years and now he just hoped that Elizabeth liked it. He shyly looked at her, cleared his throat and awkwardly scratched his neck.
“So, I know it took awhile to get here, which is why I packed lunch, but I hope you like it.”
“Like it? I love it! It’s so beautiful. How did you even find this place?” The look of pure astonishment and awe on her face would have William completely lost if it wasn’t for his mind forcing him to answer her question.
“I discovered this when I was about 12. I wanted to leave the resort for the day because there was nothing exciting going on, so I snuck out in the early morning and left a note for my parents. I didn’t come back until late at night because I spent the whole day swimming and exploring here. Let’s just say that my parents weren’t too happy that their son came back in the dark, soaking wet after only leaving a note. It took a while for them to trust me going out again.” He laughed slightly at the memory.
She chuckled at the image in her head of a soaking 12 year old William being punished for running off. That was not the story she was expecting. “Well it seems that you were quite the troublemaker when you were younger. At least it seemed to come in handy in this case, this place is amazing. Come on, let’s go in!”
She quickly discarded her sundress she wore over her bikini and sprinted down towards the water.
William was left speechless. He couldn’t form one thought because they all left him the second he saw her start running. She wore a sunny yellow bikini that went with her hair perfectly. Then, watching her jump into waves was like seeing another Lizzie. He knew that she was a mix of playful and serious, but this was different. He has never seen her be so carefree, like there was nothing in the world that could bring her down. He simply could not move from his spot. That was until she called him.
“William, come on! The water is perfect and there is no fun just standing there.”
So he took off his shirt and joined her in her fun.
Elizabeth knew that he was attractive. Obviously she did, but this was not expected. Somehow, the man who is constantly behind a desk has a perfectly toned chest and abs. She was speechless and blushing hard. To save herself from embarrassment, she took a deep breath and submerged fully into the water, hoping that the coolness would reduce the colour in her cheeks. 
When she came back up to the surface, she decided that it would be funny to splash his unsuspecting self. After a gasp of surprise from him, he reciprocated, sparing no effort. That is what started the splash war that went on for 15 straight minutes, until Darcy declared that she won for now since Lizzie made it clear that she would not give into defeat.
What she didn’t know was that he had another idea. When she was resting on the sand after their battle, he snuck up behind her and threw her over his shoulder. She was kicking and screaming before she was suspended above the pool by his arms. She was holding onto his arms tightly not letting him drop her.
“William Darcy, what do you think you are doing?! Put me down on the ground now!” She tried to say seriously, but the smile on her face was betraying her.
“See, Ms. Bennet, I do believe that you declared yourself to be the winner of our water battle, but I happen to know a way to ensure my winning by drenching the other participant.” He gave her a smirk that she wanted to wipe of that smug face of his.
“You wouldn’t dare.” She challenged.
“Wouldn’t I? You underestimate my competitiveness, miss. Of course, I could easily forget about my plans if someone were to declare me the winner.”
He looked him straight in the eye. “Never.”
“Okay then.” He then let her go and she fell into the pool while he laughed. When she resurfaced, she was both amused and not impressed, but in a playful way.
“I can’t believe you did that!” She exclaimed while laughing.
“I did give you a chance, but you didn’t take it. I guess that makes me the winner, huh?” She just shook her head wordlessly. That’s when he remembered his manners. “Here, let me help you out.” He stuck his arm out for her to help lift her out. What he didn’t expect was that Elizabeth had a plan. When he gripped her hand, she quickly jerked backwards resulting in him falling in with her. He made a big splash and came up with a shocked look on his face. She laughed so hard that she had to hold the rocks with one hand and her stomach with the other. After her laughing subsided, she swam over to him so that there was about a foot in between them and gave him an innocent look.
“That is how you learn that you never mess with Elizabeth Bennet and receive no consequences.” She then went to the side once more and lifted herself out, but she stopped after and looked at him again. “Also, if you didn’t figure it out yet, I am definitely the winner of the battle. Good luck next time.” She smiled at him and confidently walked to the picnic basket, laying the blanket out.
William joined her and they enjoyed the packed meal. Laughing and joking, they spent the rest of the day enjoying the water and discovering hidden treasures of the place. It lasted until about 6:00pm and then they packed everything up, dried off and put their overclothes back on. Walking back, the stars and moon were illuminating their path.
“Thank you for the surprise today. It was amazing and I will never forget it.” Elizabeth spoke after a companionable silence.
“It really was my pleasure, but the night is not over yet.” When he reached the hotel’s beach, he took her hand slightly tugged on it. “Follow me.”
“Where are we going, William?”
“You’ll see.”
He surprised her with fireworks and she could not have been more pleased. They watched on the beach, sitting on the picnic blanket. Admiring the show, it gave plenty of time to think. 
Lizzie was so happy. Probably the happiest she has been in a very long time. She knew that there probably wasn’t anything romantic about this, but she let herself think it was for just this moment since she was too happy to care. Tomorrow she will be back in reality and leaving the hotel so why can’t she dream now.
William was hopeful. This day has been amazing and Lizzie didn’t seem uncomfortable with him. In fact, she seemed to react so different to his presence than she did in the months prior. He knew that it could just be her version of friendship, but he wanted desperately for it to mean something more. He decided that until he had a clear sign, whether that be positive or negative, he could continue to hope and pray that perhaps, one day things could be different.
The fireworks ended and they refolded the blanket. Elizabeth was the first to get up. As she was standing up however, her foot tripped on a shell and she fell forwards, falling onto William who was putting the blanket. Since there was no time to brace for the impact, the pair fell back onto the sand, leaving them in a very awkward position. Lizzie was laying across William, who was laying on his back. Their faces were mere inches away from each other while both were breathing heavily. Their eyes were locked together and although it was extremely slow, they were leaning towards each other. When there was about an inch between both faces, they were interrupted. 
Mr. Collins has been looking for Mr. Darcy all day because Catherine has given him special instruction to make up different obligations he had to do for the day. It was becoming quite concerning when he spent the whole day looking for him and he was still not found. He asked all the staff and no one has seen him since the morning when he was in the kitchen packing a picnic lunch. Due to this information, he had looked all over the beach and the gardens with no success. It was now dark and he was giving up hope, until he finally found Mr. Darcy. He looked to be packing something into a picnic basket. Mr. Collins, unknowing the details of the scene he was stepping into, called his name,quickly ran to the stairs and made his way to him. When he got there, he saw Mr. Darcy and a woman who looked familiar quickly standing with their faces to the sand and clearing their throats.
What he was delightfully oblivious to was that once they heard the call, they both gasped and practically leapt from the sand, trying to pretend like nothing happened. They refused to look at each other and could not help the blush that was creeping up their faces.
“Mr. Darcy, I have finally found you! We have been looking for you all day and with no success. Your esteemable aunt had sent me to find you this morning, but you were nowhere. She wanted you to go over the services offered at this superior resort, but I’m sure that she will overlook this one lap of judgement since she is so forgiving.”
“Mr. Collins, I am sorry to have caused you to look for me all day, but you can tell my aunt that I have already completed that task several days ago. If you would also be so kind, could you inform her that I will be leaving the resort earlier than first discussed since we have already had the investor come in for the meeting?”
“Of course, Mr. Darcy. I will inform her right away tomorrow morning. The wise Mrs. Catherine De Bourgh does not like interruptions at this hour of the night.” 
“Thank you. You may retire for the night if you wish.”
“Thank you very much, Mr. Darcy. You are a most just employer. I’m sure Mrs. De Bourgh had set a wonderful example for you as a child. She is most kind that way.”
William, who has had enough of Mr. Collins’ useless blabber and compliments, gave him the most stern look he could and it seemed to do the desired effect. Collins simply gulped and quickly left. That’s when he sighed deeply and looked over to Lizzie, who seemed to have been enjoying the interaction greatly because he could tell she was holding in her laughter. In truth, he kind of was too. As annoying as Mr. Collins, there was something amusing about how the man would constantly be trying to compliment him and would never question anything he told him. Even if the praise of his aunt was so wrong.
“Thank goodness he’s gone. I don’t think that I could hear him compliment me and my aunt any longer. Especially when he practically bows down her feet.” He says and grabs the basket off the ground.
Lizzie laughed and they started walking to the lobby. “I think you handled it quite well. That last look you gave him seemed to give him the hint to go. And even though it may be a little bit extreme, it is important to have employees who admire you.”
“Yes, I agree, but Mr. Collins has this crazy picture of my aunt in his head and it is not true at all. Although she is my family, I would never put my aunt’s name and kind in the same sentence.”
 Lizzie just shrugged and kept walking. They reached her door and turned to each other. The interrupted moment from before was on their mind, but they weren’t going to let that make this conversation awkward. They wouldn’t see each other tomorrow since Elizabeth was leaving early and William had a meeting, so they had to say goodbye now.
“It was great seeing you here these 2 weeks, William. I hope your next few meetings go well and I will see you in a few days.” She said thoughtfully.
“Yes, these 2 weeks have been amazing and I don’t think I have had so much fun in a long time. I will be eagerly awaiting until I will be returning.” He replied, his voice filled with emotion.
“I’m sure Anne and Georgiana miss you dearly.”
“I know I’ve missed them. We normally all go out for dinner when I return. Do you think that you would be able to join us?” He asked hopefully.
“I don’t want to intrude on a family tradition.” As much as she would love it, she still feels a little hesitant to accept.
“You wouldn’t be. That I can promise you. You are practically part of the family. I think it might actually make Georgie happier than my presence. She adores you.”
“Okay then, I would love to come.”
They then stare into each other's eyes for a while, completely forgetting where they are until they hear people coming down the hallway. They happened to be the Gardiners. Cassie saw her first and said:
“Oh Lizzie, were you just retiring now?”
“Yes, aunt, I was. We were just saying goodbye. You both came at the perfect timing.”
“Oh yes. I was wonderful getting to know you William.”
“You as well, Cassie. Both you and Edward as well as your children are always welcome at the Darcy home if you ever would like to visit Lizzie. I’m sure my mother and sister would love your company and most likely dote on your children. Now that me and my sister are older, she misses having children around.”
Now it was Edward who spoke. “We will keep your invitation in mind. We always miss our Lizzie and enjoyed your company a lot.”
“I think it’s time to say goodbye for now. Don’t you Lizzie?” asked Cassie.
“Yes, it is getting late and we have an early flight.”
“Yes, I’m sorry for keeping you so late.” William apologised.
“There is no need to apologise William. I had fun today. I guess I will see you soon.”
“I will see you soon, Lizzie.”
Lizzie was laying in bed and all of a sudden it just hit her.
She almost kissed William Darcy!

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