Chapter 4

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Hey guys, sorry for being absent. I've had a lot of schoolwork to do lately. I hope to post more frequently.


The week leading up to Elizabeth's first day at her new University was mainly spent familiarizing herself with the Darcy Estate. Yes, estate. Elizabeth never would have thought that her past problem of finding a place to stay would have her living in an estate, much less the Darcy estate. She is still discovering the extent of their family's name, but she has already discovered that the family is one of the richest in England.

Due to that fact, she learns that they own a lot of land around their house, which holds gardens and a stable. Lizzie then decides to renew her usual morning walks, and occasionally is joined by either Georgiana or Anne.

Elizabeth also becomes more acquainted with the Darcy family. Well, everyone except Will. She still doesn't understand him. Georgiana and Anne are lovely and constantly welcoming her to the family, while Will is constantly distancing himself from her. This only serves as another reason for Elizabeth to dislike Mr. Darcy.

The rest of her week was pretty boring. Just basic unpacking and other household stuff. By the end of the week, Elizabeth was excited about the school year.


The next day(first day)

Lizzie opened her eyes after being woken up by her alarm and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Early morning sunlight was leaking through the window, slowly lighting up the bedroom. She stretched her arms and legs while yawning, slowly forcing herself to get up and out of bed. She pushed the curtains further open and gazed out onto the gardens underneath her windows. Birds were singing their own songs and squirrels were bouncing happily from tree to tree. Although she was excited for her first day, Elizabeth was definitely NOT a morning person. She might take morning walks and loves them, but before that she would rather wrap herself in the blankets of her bed and stay there forever. But she knows that she has to get up and prepare for the day. 

After changing her clothes, brushing and styling her hair into a high ponytail, she was ready. Well, almost ready. She had to decide whether or not she is going to wear makeup on her first day. Normally, she doesn't like to wear it and the times she does, it is very minimal. In the end, she decides against it since it would be out of the ordinary for her.

With that, she grabbed her bag and headed downstairs and into the family wing of the house where she met Georgiana and Anne. They smiled and greeted Lizzie warmly before they all headed to the dining room table. 

It was a quick breakfast that consisted of cereal and muffins. After they finished, Lizzie left the house where the Darcy car was parked with Charles Bingley inside. He opened the door and then got in himself, pulling out of the very long driveway. While inside Bingley said;

"So Ms. Bennet, are you ready for your new university?"

"Yes, I think so. Also, you really don't need to call me Ms. Bennet, Lizzie is fine."

"Okay, Lizzie. Also, I have been told to pick you up after your classes and bring you to the Pemberley office to start your internship."

Lizzie remembered that today she would start her internship which she was excited for but also dreading having to be in the same office as William Darcy for hours on end. Then she thought about the fact that she would not have to take public transit today due to the fact that the Darcy car would pick her up on request of who she thinks was Anne Darcy and she says as much.

"It's very kind of Mrs. Darcy to allow me to use the Darcy car when I'm sure it is somewhat of an inconvenience."

Bingley then frowns slightly frowns. "Actually, Lizzie, it was Will who requested you use the Darcy car instead of a bus and I'm sure it's not an inconvenience. Ms.Georgiana talks about you on the way to school as though you are part of the family and it has only been a week."

Elizabeth could not imagine her ears. The arrogant William Darcy requested that she use the Darcy car. Why on earth would he do that? She couldn't possibly think of a plausible excuse. Maybe she misjudged him. No, she didn't. She heard him say that she was merely tolerable at best and that was before he even met her. He was probably doing it to flaunt around that he has excessive amounts of money. That's the only logical explanation. 

There was a small voice inside her saying that maybe he's trying to be nice, but she quickly squashed that down by her hatred. She then realized that she has been silently fuming and hasn't replied to Charles' comment. 

"Will requested the car? That's not what I expected." Lizzie said trying to stop the angry blush blossoming on her cheeks. "Are you friends with him? I noticed that you call Georgiana by Ms. and Anne by Mrs. Darcy but you call William by Will."

Charles then gives Elizabeth a friendly smile and a nod. "Yes, indeed. He and I have been friends since high school. Our parents were business partners so we met and became friends. That's also how I probably managed to get this job out of all the other, more trained options, but Will insists that it was merely because I was the best option. He is too kind to tell me otherwise."

That final comment left Elizabeth speechless. William Darcy, kind? How can it be that someone who seems to be so nice and amiable thinks that Mr. Darcy is kind? And after knowing him for so long. And friends? 

Elizabeth decides that it is a conversation for a later date and drops the topic. They continue their chatter until they pull up at the university. They say goodbye, Charles confirming her classes end time and Lizzie grabbing her bag and heading towards the big doors of the University.

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