Chapter 21

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Elizabeth arrived in the foyer as the Bingley family was entering. Charles said a friendly hello to her and the parents greeted her kindly, while apologising for their oldest daughter, Louisa and her husband being unable to join them.

At first, she couldn’t see Caroline which confused her greatly, but her luck was short lived. Caroline definitely was trying to make an entrance. She entered about 1 minute after everyone else and her clothes left very little to the imagination. She was wearing a tight orange bodycon dress that barely covered what it needed to and heels that Lizzie couldn’t even dream of being able to walk in. Even though this was a close friends dinner, she clearly was trying to show off and Lizzie knew exactly why.

“William! It’s so lovely to see you again. I realize that you have had much to do, but we must make time to chat.” As she talked, she strutted over to him and gripped onto his arm with a very possessive way. Will visibly flinched and tried not to show his discomfort too much.

Sadly, the other Bingley members didn’t notice Caroline’s display since they were too busy chatting with Anne, but Lizzie did and found it a little amusing. After all, she knew William cared nothing for Caroline, so it was a little funny to her to know that eventually Caroline will be greatly disappointed when their relationship becomes public. 

Trying to hide a little smile, she stayed near a corner, wondering how long it would take for Caroline to realise that she was here.

Drawing Lizzie out of her thoughts, Anne announced to everyone that the food is ready. 

The dining room had been decorated for this occasion and Anne and Georgiana had even arranged a seating plan. Georgiana knew that she wanted to sit beside Lizzie and be as far away from Caroline as she could, but she also wanted to do a little bit of match making. Even though they sometimes overlooked her as an adult, Georgie knew that something was going on between Lizzie and her brother, so why not further that along? She always wanted a sister and she already loved Lizzie like one so why not try and make it a reality? 

Anne also agreed that there was something between the two and she was willing to put up with Caroline's irritating behaviour if it would help them. After all, anyone who didn’t see Caroline’s obvious interest in her son would have to be both blind and deaf.

So with all that said, the seating plan went, Georgiana, Elizabeth, William, and Mr. Bingley on one side and Charles, Mrs. Bingley, Anne and Caroline on the other.

Most people were agreeable to this plan, except for Caroline. She did not enjoy being separated from William. After all, in her head they were practically dating. That was however when she noticed Elizabeth was present and she was not amused. Once everyone was seated, she decided to make her displeasure known. 

“Eliza! I didn’t know you would be joining us. However did you manage an invite? I never realised you were so close with the Darcys. You never once mentioned it.”

Lizzie took a deep breath knowing where this was going, but she was determined not to let Will know about Caroline’s behaviour. “I don’t believe you have ever asked Caroline. Although I have only known them this year, they have become very much like family to me and can never thank them enough.”

William took her hand under the table and gave it a loving squeeze. 

“Well Lizzie, you have become an extension to our family as well and it means a lot that you consider us like that as well. You and Caroline seem to be familiar with each other. Do you mind me asking how?” Anne commented, touched at Elizabeth’s regard for them, but also confused.

Caroline could not stop herself from explaining. “Why of course Mrs. Darcy! Eliza attends the same university as me. We are acquaintances there although she never shows much interest in getting to know us. I must say I am surprised she has not told you seeing as we are such old family friends.” She then turned to Lizzie. “Really, Eliza, I know you are not accustomed to associating yourself with people of higher standing than you, but you must learn to show your superiors respect.” 

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