Chapter 16

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Hey guys!!

I am so incredibly sorry for not updating in such a long time. There has been a lot happening in my family and there has not been a good time to get back in to writting this story. Hopefully, I can continue this story now, but there might be periods when I can't post frequently. If that happens do not worry, I will NOT be abandoning this story. I know that this chapter is very short and is more of a teaser, but I wanted to post something to give a short preview of what is coming. The next chapter will be coming very soon. I promise! Enjoy!


Completely in shock are the only words that could describe Elizabeth’s feelings at the moment. She couldn’t think straight and her body had not moved from its original position at the door.

Darcy on the other hand was standing in the same spot as well, but for a completely different reason. He was frozen due to a mixture of fear and awe. He was scared because he didn’t want her to be upset about him being here so unexpectedly and also because of his aunt’s action prior to when she left. The awe was from how beautiful he thought she looked while she was staring him straight in the eye. He saw a look of shock on her face, but was too busy gazing into her warm brown eyes for him to truly notice.

After a whole minute of them staring at each other, William started to get shy and dropped his gaze to the floor while shuffling from one foot to the other. This was enough to pull Lizzie from her thoughts.  

“W-what are you doing here?” She managed to choke out.

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