Chapter 5

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I was finally the end of classes for Elizabeth. She quickly walked out of the building's doors, where she found Charles patiently waiting for her. She walked quickly to the car and hopped in the back.

"How were your classes, Lizzie?"

"They were a lot better than I thought it would be actually. I mean, it was pretty similar to what I did in Canada, but for some reason, it also felt different. Does that make sense?" 

Bingley gave her a look saying that he did in fact understand what she was saying. "Yes, I do get it. It must feel like a new challenge that your undertaking." They continued in companionable silence until they got to Pemberley.

Lizzie walked into the building and headed towards the secretary's desk. When she reached it, the older lady looked up and smiled. 

"Hello, dear. What can I help you with?"

"I"m hear for an internship at Pemberley. I was sent by Mrs. Darcy." Elizabeth explained.

"Yes, you must be Elizabeth Bennet if I remember correctly."

"Yes, that's me"

"Perfect, I will call for someone to come down and escort you around to show you the basics. My name is Mrs. Reynolds by the way."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Reynolds"

"You as well, dear."

Mrs. Reynolds then turned around and dialed a number on the phone. After a quick conversation, she turned back around and told Lizzie to sit over on one of the seats closest to her. 

Eventually, the elevator opened revealing a young woman who looked to be the same age as Elizabeth. She smiled while walking over to her after greeting Mrs. Reynolds. Elizabeth stood up and they shook hands.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. My name is Charlotte Lucas and I will be showing you around Pemberley."

"Hi, my name is Elizabeth Bennet."

The two of them walked to the elevator and made their way up to the right floor. Once the door opened, Elizabeth was met with an office that made her beyond in awe. From what she saw, it looked like it was very modern but also had a family feel. This detail surprised her because what she knew of Will Darcy was that he didn't seem like the kind of person who would create an office that gave off a family-first kind of feeling. She didn't even think that he would care about his employees that much. Maybe she was wrong? No, his mom probably told him to have an office like this because this definitely seems like something she would do. She was soon pulled from her thoughts when Charlotte spoke.

"So, I heard that you are staying with the Darcy family. They are the best, don't you think? Always so kind to their employees." 

Charlotte then motioned for her to follow as they cibtibued their walk through the office. Charlotte introduced her to many people, all who seemed to be very friendly and welcoming. 

Soon, she reached an an empty cubicle in the corner, which was near a rather intimidating looking door. Elizabeth realizes that describing a door as intimidating is fairly odd, but she couldn't deny that it did. It was a large, solid wood door. The fact that it is the only door in the office closed also gives it a air of authority which kind of unsettled her. Suddenly however, her thoughts were interrupted by Charlotte.

"This is your desk and cubicle. It's bare but you can decorate it how ever you like. Mr. Darcy doesn't mind. For your internship you will mainly be doing odd jobs that are assigned to you from department head or the boss. You will also by sort off a assistant to Mr.Darcy. Don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds. All he really asks you to do is bring him a coffee when you get one for yourself, which both are paid for by the company, and then he asks you to copy the odd document. All in all, it's not hard. Mr. Darcy is kind to his assistants but you may be asked to use the desk in his office to work on occasionally so that it is easier to call for you. That's his office right there." Charlotte then pointed to the intimidation wooden door Lizzie was previously wondering about. She then looked down at her watch and exclaimed. "Oh! Look at the time! You don't want to be late for your first day as an intern. Just go to the door and knock. Normally, you would introduce yourself but since your staying at his house I don't think that will be necessary. Anyway, I'll stop rambling. Bye! I'll see you later. Have fun!"

After that, Elizabeth turned and started walked towards the door. It wasn't a big deal, she's already met him and found out about his terrible personality. She shouldn't be this nervous. She is just going to ignore all of the comments about him being so kind because they clearly haven't seen his real personality. Finally reaching the door, she hesitantly knocked. Once she heard his reply to proceed in, she took one deep breath and entered.

Upon opening the door, she found Mr. Darcy sitting at his desk with a computer in front of him. He looked up and gave her that stern look that has been directed at her since she came here. 

"Miss Bennet, please take a seat." He motioned to the seat across to him on the opposite of his desk. She sat and waited for him to continued since she new not what to say.

"I assume you had a pleasant drive from the university?" He questioned. Is he trying to be polite? No, he can't be. He's probably just saying that to show how rich he is with his personal driver. He is definitely not being nice. 

"Yes, it was most interesting, thank you." she replied and he nodded in return.

"And I also assume Charlotte has told you what you will be doing while you are here?" She gave her affirmative to his question. "Very good. Well, I decided that you will be using the desk in the corner of my office since it will be easier for me to give you instruction. It also gives me chance to observe your work ethic to ensure that you are what this company needs." She nodded her agreement, but inside, her head was pooling with questions. What does he mean, observe my work ethic? Is this about me being merely tolerable and Canadian? Oh, I'll show him that I'm not merely tolerable.

"Ok that is all" he then went back to looking at his computer. Elizabeth stood and made her way to the small desk in the corner of the room. It was not big, but not small either with a nice view of the outside from the window just above. After sitting down in the office chair she made a promise to herself.

She was going to show William Darcy that she was in fact not merely tolerable, but an asset to his company. She would do everything in her power to show this conceited man if it was the last thing she did.

She was determined.

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