Chapter 23

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The Gardiners and Jane were arriving and Lizzie was ecstatic. This morning she and Will decided that they would tell the family at dinner tonight. She was feeling excited about telling the people she loved about her relationship, but she was also nervous that they would be upset that they kept it a secret. 

Will tried to calm her fears by saying that they would understand that both of them needed time to get to know each other properly, but there was still a small bit of fear creeping its way up.

She sat in the family room watching the clock on the wall intently. Only 30 minutes until Charles would take her to the airport. It’s been so long since she has seen her sister face to face and she could hardly wait. She was also excited to see her aunt and uncle, as well as their children.

Around her Georgiana was practically bouncing with excitement over having guests soon. She was looking forward to seeing little children since she never had a younger sibling and Anne loved the idea of having kids in the house again.

“It’s been so long since there have been little kids in the house. I miss the days when Georgie would host tea parties with her dolls and force Will to join wearing a plastic crown and tutu. You know that he actually went out with Georgie and bought himself one so that he would be matching her? She was practically flying with excitement, but he did receive a few odd looks at the store when she was seeing which one suited him the best.” She looked like she was about to continue, but between the hysterical laughing coming from Georgiana and Elizabeth, as well as the scowl and blush on her son’s face, she thought it best to stay quiet.

What Anne and Georgie didn’t know was that later that night, Lizzy had continued to tease him about the tutu memory. This resulted in her being attacked by tickles until she promised to never bring it up again. Reluctantly, she agreed.


It was 2:00 by the time Lizzie made it to the airport and was standing in the baggage claim area. Impatiently(although could you really blame her), she was searching the crowds entering the area.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity for her, Elizabeth spotted them. With a shriek of joy, Lizzie raced forwards and wrapped her arms around Jane. The sisters hugged until the children named Emily, James, Lily, and Peter demanded their cousin’s attention. 

She gave them all quick, but loving hugs and then greeted her aunt and uncle in a similar manner.

They went to baggage claim and found their suitcases. An activity which the children found great amusement in.

They continued to talk all the way out to the car. They spoke of the Bennet family, her uncle’s business and how her life in London was going. Lizzie was finding it incredibly hard not to tell them about William.

When they got to the car, the kids quickly hopped in the back after saying a quick hello to Charles, who was waiting beside the car after putting all of the luggage in the back. Cassie and Edward quickly followed their kids into the car, leaving Lizzie, Jane and Charles. Elizabeth was about to tell Jane that they should be going now, but she stopped herself with what she saw in front of her.

Charles who had been opening the door for Jane to enter was staring intently at her sister and she was staring right back. They both had something in their gaze that made Lizzie chuckle quietly. They both looked shocked, but also Lizzie noticed how they both had dopey grins on their faces. She hoped that she didn’t look like that around William all the time because that would have made their secret quite obvious. 

She decided to talk to her sister about that later because now that she thought about it, Charles and Jane were perfect for each other. They were both so caring and kind that they would be the sweetest couple she knew. Personally, Lizzie knew that someone like that would not suit her well because she definitely needed someone who could compete with her wit and teasing. That thought made her love William even more.

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