Chapter 25

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Hey guys sorry for the long wait in between updates. Enjoy!


Jane was nervous and Lizzie didn’t know how to calm her down. 

Why was Jane so nervous?

That had everything to do with Charles Bingley.

It all started at dinner last night. Anne thought that it would be nice to invite Charles to dinner with the rest of them since he has become well acquainted with the Gardeners and Jane. She also noticed the obvious connection between Jane and Charles and decided that it might help them further their relationship(but she told no one else).

When Charles arrived, the group was surprised to see Caroline exit the car as well. Before she could reach the house, he ran up quickly and began apologizing profusely for Caroline’s arrival. “I am so sorry, Mrs. Darcy. I didn’t invite Caroline. I just mentioned to her that I was dining here tonight and she announced that she would be coming too and refused to hear anything I said against that. If it is an inconvenience we can go home. I wouldn’t blame you.”

Anne stopped his apologies and told him kindly. “Charles it is really alright. I’m sure we can make enough room and I don’t blame you in the slightest for the actions of your sister.” She turned to walk inside with him, but turned and gave him a teasing look. “And as i’ve always told you Charles, it’s Anne not Mrs. Darcy. I have seen you run around the garden with William covered in mud, I think you have earned the right to call me Anne.” Charles just smiled and nodded.

This was when Caroline showed up. “Mrs. Darcy, how nice it was of you to invite us. When Charles informed me of his invitation I knew it was extended to me as well. I can only assume that it is a way to find some relief of the unrefined manners of your guests. I truly do not blame you for wanting a more high society dinner party. It is most charitable of you to allow Eliza’s relations to stay with you, but I guess we must always try and help the lowly, less fortunate crowd, mustn't we? I hope that they learn some more refined manners in the presence of such dignified hosts as the Darcy family.”

Everyone around was in a state of shock. Charles was shocked that his sister had actually said those words, but he was also bright red from embarrassment. Anne and Georgiana were shocked by her words, but for a completely different reason. They both knew that Caroline was rude and they already knew that there was something going on between her and Elizabeth, but this was completely uncalled for. The Gardeners and Jane were shocked because they had not known what Caroline Bingley was like and this just hit them like a ton of bricks. They were definitely a little hurt by her comments, but they knew that the Darcys did not share her sentiments and decided not to dwell on it. Finally, Lizzie and Will were shocked and angry. Both were mad about what was said about Lizzie’s family and wanted to say something about it, but refrained from causing a scene the only thing holding them back was the fierce grip they had of each other’s hands(a grip that Caroline did not notice). William was also angered by the comment because he was seeing more of the torture Elizabeth had to deal with every day.

When no one could reply to her comment, Caroline assumed that the Darcys were in agreement and smirked triumphantly. She then strutted over to William, who was still trying to hold his anger in. “Dear Mr. Darcy, it is always nice to be in your company. We really must do this more often. However I am sure that you would find it enjoyable to have less boarders.” 

Thankfully, Anne noticed that her son was about to burst with fury and invited everyone to enter the house to eat. That gave Elizabeth a moment to face William and discreetly give her boyfriend a soft kiss on the lips. This seemed to mollify him for the time being when he gave her a sweet smile.

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