Chapter 13

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So this is my longest chapter. I think the chapters are getting longer as I continue to write the chapters and I don't know if this will be a constant thing or not. I hope you enjoy it.


To say that the second week of her vacation was the same as the first is completely untrue. Although there were several similar components like the Gardiners and the morning walks with William, it was different. Now that Lizzie knew about her feelings towards him, nothing was the same. She could barely look him in the eye for more than 3 seconds before blushing and was now having trouble conversing casually because she was trying so hard not to embarrass herself.

She could tell that he was starting to become confused by her change in behavior, but was too polite to question it.

To Darcy, he was much more confused than he showed. He noticed that it started after their dinner with her aunt and uncle, but didn't know what brought the change up. It started to discourage me. He thought that he was getting somewhere with her. She had been teasing and joking with him and that gave him some hope about the future, but this did the opposite.

Could it be possible that she didn't want to be friends with him anymore? Did she decide that she couldn't actually forgive him? Did she find out about his feelings? Did he do something wrong?

Those were all the questions constantly turning in his brain. He decided that perhaps she will return to her normal self eventually and if not, he would question her after his return to London, so that she has time to process it by herself in the comfort of her temporary home. Until then, he would have to try and act normal.

To Elizabeth, this was torture. How could she be in good conscience when she felt certain that the person she has feelings for, doesn't care for her in that way. Even worse, that if she had learned this information a couple of weeks earlier and had not been so rude, that perhaps they could be something else. Guilt was also a factor. She had told in no unclear phrasing that she felt him to be the last person she could see herself going out with. How could she have said such a thing when now, all she wanted was to do just that?

The knowledge that her feelings for him were growing with each encounter was also weighing her down. She feared that soon she would like him so much that he would be able to tell and that would be the epitome of bad.


The first two days of the second week, the morning walks continued with William joining her, but she did not see him much afterwards since he had to finish the last of his work. He told her that if he finished the work in the two days, he could show her around the resort and beach for the next 4 days before she has to leave on the Sunday. She told him multiple times that he did not need to feel obliged to do that, but he would tell her that it was much more amusing doing things with her than his aunt and Collins, so why not just get it all done in two days instead of a week.

Those days, Lizzie and the Gardiners went into the town again to visit tourist attractions and learn more about the culture. They also visited the spa once more and would spend the rest of the day laying at the pool. She found those days to be quite relaxing, except for the constant thought of William.


The Wednesday, or third day, of that week, Lizzie woke up in a flurry of emotion. Firstly, she was excited because this is the first day that William had promised to give her a tour. He even came to her door last night to ask her if she was free the next couple of days, which she said yes to. She was also feeling nervous because she didn't really have trust in herself that she wouldn't do something to embarrass herself.

But, she knew that she needed to get up for the day so that she didn't miss their morning walk.


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