Chapter 10

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Hey guys! I wanted to let you know that there will be a time when I can't post for a week so I am trying to update as much as possible to make up for it and get as far into the story as I can. This chapter is my longest so far. Hope you like it.


Surprising Elizabeth, the next month was not as awkward as she would have thought. The day after her revelation, she tried to act as normal as possible in front of Anne and Georgiana, and luckily, she doesn't think they noticed her change. She continued excelling at school and did the regular schedule at Pemberley, minus being William's assistant.

She also told Jane all about her troubles, being school, Caroline, William, and Wickam. She knew she could trust her not to tell another soul. She was also a good source of comfort and reason when Lizzie wasn't being rationale. She explained that although he could have handled it better, it seemed that Darcy was scared of being disappointed and causing his family to hurt again. Elizabeth agreed with her on that point. Lizzie also told Jane about Caroline, which she gave an answer that shocked Elizabeth. Jane was usually someone who tried to see the good in everyone no matter what they have done, but she said that since this woman clearly made part of her little sister's life miserable there was no good in her and she hopes that something happens to her to realise what she's doing is wrong. There are very few times when Jane becomes mad and this was one of those times. Lizzie assumes that it was Jane's protective older sister side coming out and Elizabeth was proud.

This last month came with many revelations for her. Besides the whole William Darcy fiasco, she observed how strong Georgiana is to live a practically normal life after the events of last year. She was amazed that a girl of just 16 could withstand so much. She also noticed further how good and supportive of a mother Anne Darcy was. She was constantly helping her daughter if something became too hard and made sure she got a smile back on her face. The last revelation for her was one that she did know about previously, but could not be really surprised, and that was that Caroline was trying to get William Darcy to date her. She came upon this when she was walking through the halls of the university, where she heard Caroline and her 'friends' talking.

"It's only a matter of time really. We are practically made for each other. I mean he is rich and has great connections and my family has money and is high in society as well."

This intrigued Elizabeth, so she hid around the corner while Caroline continued to boast about her excess money and connections and she wondered who she could possibly be talking about. Whoever it was she felt bad for them for being ogled at by the Wicked Witch of the west herself. The answer to that question came up next and saying that it shocked her would be an understatement.

"I'm sure he will eventually ask you out." assured a brown haired young lady.

"Oh, I don't have to be worried. I know that he will. I practically have William Darcy wrapped around my finger. If I gave in to him that I wanted him to ask me out he would jump at the chance." replied Caroline confidently.

"But wasn't he talking to your brother about that Elizabeth Bennet just last month?"questioned the blond standing beside her.

This peaked Lizzie's attention. 'Did he really mention her? Probably not. She just misheard them.'

"Oh forget Elizabeth Bennet. She was merely a distraction to make me jealous. Why would he ever want her. She has nothing to offer him. She is just a canadian country nobody here by complete luck. I guarantee you that he is already tired of her." she then snickered and her group quietly agreed.

After they parted, Elizabeth stepped out from where she was hiding. She felt an odd feeling in her stomach. "Did he talk to Charles about me? Really?" She did not, however stay very long on that topic because anger started to well up in her. Why does Caroline think so little of me?! Was she jealous about me and William? No, that couldn't it because there was no reason to be jealous. She was probably right. She couldn't mean anything to him anymore after how she acted. "Why that make her feel sadness? That's what she wanted anything, right? She didn't have feelings for him so why would it be fair to lead him on?' There was another feeling that Lizzie couldn't pinpoint exactly when she thought about him not caring about her and she didn't know why. She decided that the best thing to do was push that feeling down and continue on with her life.

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