To Whale Island and Beyond

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I had trained almost all day. Most of my training was me sweating out my anxiety and the rest of it was prepping for the Exams. Tonight I would be leaving for the site of the Hunter Exams. I would be heading to the port in Whale Island and from there a ship would take the wannabe Hunters to Dolle Harbor. I was so ecstatic that the nerves had all worn away.

Izunavi told me that once I could show my Hunter's License to him, he would teach me the final lesson he had to offer. He always mentioned it and how I would love the lesson. He even told me that when I learned the lesson I might even be better at it then he is, and I will never pass up an opportunity to beat Izunavi.Was I curious about what the lesson was? Hell yeah, but I knew that no matter how much I pestered Izunavi about it, he wasn't going to budge. I was fine with it being a mystery. It kind of gave me an incentive to try my best. I couldn't wait!

I know that I was taking the Hunter Exams primarily to earn my Hunter's License so that I could learn Izunavi's "top-secret" lesson, but even so I could not prevent myself from hoping I would meet interesting and kind people there. I know it sounds stupid to try and make friends, but it has been a while since I had a friend my other than Izunavi. I highly doubt anyone there will actually be willing to make friends anyways, or be young either. Now that I think of it, it'll probably be primarily creepy old guys.

Izunavi walked into the room, so I turned to him while tapping a pen on the table repeatedly. The taps seemed to both annoy me and distract me from the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"What's wrong? Are you nervous?" He asked as he quickly swiped the pen from my hands. I guess I'm not the only one that found it annoying.

"It feels surreal to know that I'm going to take the Hunter Exams. What if I fail, or have to forfeit? Isn't it supposed to be really dangerous? I could die!"

"And you want me to do what about it? You'll be fine, just stay calm and always think your choices through. Plus, I know a few of the examiners and as long as you stay rational and focused you'll be just fine,"

"You're probably right and I'm just freaking out over nothing...hopefully. Hey, Izunavi, could you hold onto my phone for me? You know, just in case anything in the Hunter Exams can potentially damage it. I've thought this over and knowing that you have my phone would be an incredible incentive for me to come back as fast as possible. So...will you?"

He looks at me questioningly, silently asking me if I actually trusted him with my phone. I nod in response and hand him my precious phone. Secretly, I'm worried Izunavi will lose my phone or something, but I also feel happy to know that he'll have some part of me to remind him of me. After the Exams I might even drag him to get matching tattoos with me.

Just in case i dont finish this tonight, i just want you vuys to know that im editing this chapter

"Hey look!" Izunavi tells me as he holds the phone ridiculously close to his face and pretends to be me.

"Oh my God! I just read the best manga. It was about three people lost in the woods and then they find a sacrificial burial site and THEN one of the friends goes missing. Then they look for them, but PLOT TWIST the other friend was part of a cult and the one friend got sacrificed and the other one escaped. THEN another plot twist, it turns out that everything was an hallucination a person had of their personalities because they were locked in an abandoned asylum in a straight jacket. Yeah, they died at the end of the manga, but the story was riveting," He said in a squeaky voice that I think was supposed to be feminine.

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