Welcome to the Hunter Exams pt.1

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(Y/n POV)

Now we just have to find the nagivators that the Captain was talking about.

"Should we go to the tree like the Captain said?" I ask Gon. He turns to me and immediately chirps a "yup!"

"I'm going to go with Gon. I want to see where this goes," Kurapika says, as he walks towards Gon and I.

"But this map clearly says that taking the bus would be faster! But yourselves I'm taking the bus. See you at the Exam site, if you get there," With that Leorio turned towards the bus stop and half walked half ran to it.

"I've heard that the bus to Zaban City is a trap for wannabe Hunters," stranger one said.

Stranger two, "Yeah, I've heard that as well."

"So why are we going to the tree again?" I question, confusedly.

"The Captain told us that there was a house near that tree. The navigators live there. We find the navigators, and then we get to the Hunter Exam Site," Gon explained.

"Hey! Wait up! I'm going with you!"

"Leorio, I thought you were going to take the bus,"

"Well, I decided to stick with you guys,"

"Well, I will not be stopping you, as much as I want to,"

"Thank you Kurapika. Anybody else have an opposition to- Kurapika!"

I chuckle a bit. At least I know that the Exams won't be dull.

Eventually we arrive at...a town? I can tell we are not alone because I hear breathing around us. I'm sure everyone else notices. They have to, it's so damn loud my grandmother could probably hear it. That is if I had a grandmother of course. Soon after I think about the breathing around us Leorio mentions no one being around. I-...how old is Leorio? I knew he was old, but is his hearing already starting to fail? I look around trying to find the source of the breathing and in the spaces between buildings you could notice shadows of people in there. It had been at most a minute and since we arrived at this abandoned town when suddenly the breathing was replaced by echoing footsteps and loud shuffling. An elderly woman was carried out by figures in cloaks and masks.

"Exciting. Exciting. Time for the Exciting Quiz of Two Answers! If you want to to reach the tree you must choose correctly. There will be two options, if you choose incorrectly then you shall fail," the old lady explained.

Suddenly, the voice of a man said, "I'll answer the question first," Was he the person that had followed us here. I had my suspicions someone else was present but I wasn't entirely sure, so I didn't mention it. Gon says something about having noticed the man earlier, but I am too focused on what the man will do to pay much attention.

"Rogues have taken your mother and your lover captive. You may only rescue one. 1. Your mother. 2. Your true love. Which do you save?"

"Ha! This is easy. 1, a mother's love is irreplaceable while you can always find another lover," and then in a hushed voice taht I could barely hear he says, "Of course I would choose my lover over my mother, but number 1 is what the grandma wants me to say, so that's probably the answer,"

"You may pass," just as she says that the group of people in masks and cloaks create a passage in which the man luckily walks through. I hear his voice call out a snarky remark but his words do not register in my mind. I was focusing on trying to decipher the riddle. This was an assessment of our ability to analyze a situation and find a solution, but how could you choose an answer to a question such as the one presented. It was impossible!

Breaking The Chains (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now