I Dream of You pt.2

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(Its not too descriptive but a heads up, real spiders will be mentioned and I just want yall to know before yall get uncomfy)

Kurapika's POV

We had sat down with our backs to the wall. Not a particularly comfortable position, but somehow Leorio and Y/n both managed to fall asleep quickly. I, on the other hand, was awake and trying to rest, but it seemed impossible. Especially when half an hour into Y/n being asleep, they got a lot closer to me. I tried to not focus too much on their breath hitting my bare arm or how closely they were to me. I closed my eyes and thought of absolutely nothing except Y/n's proximity to me. After trying to not shift to much, so as to not wake Y/n, I finally felt myself start to fall asleep. I let myself drift off into unconsciousness, wary of the trials we would have to face not long from now.


"Earth to Kurapika!"

"What do you mean 'Earth to Kurapika' I am very focused!"

"Oh really? Then why have you not responded to me calling you like five times?"

"Because umm.... That's not important Pairo. What is important is that the kid I found earlier is still asleep in the infirmary,"

"Do you think that they'll play with us?"

"I mean they are a kid, so probably, yeah,"

"What do you think happened to them? Why do you think they just appeared randomly?"

"I don't know what happened to them, but they probably got lost and found their way here. Well, to be fair, I found them, but other than that, they just showed up out of nowhere,"

"Oh. Do you want to go check on them to see if they're awake now?"


We ran excitedly into the infirmary, only to be stopped by one of the nurses. She told us that both of us couldn't go in to see the kid. We decided that whoever won the rock paper scissors match would visit the kid.

"Rock. Paper. Scissors,"

"Rock. Paper. Scissors,"



"I won, Pairo! You can come with me to visit them when they're better," With that I ran to the room where the kid was laying down, now awake.

"Hey! Me and my friend want to play with you, but you probably can't, right?" They shook their head a bit. I walked to the side of their cot and sat in the nearby chair. I began to talk about myself and my life and soon I noticed that they started to close their eyes and fall asleep. I looked at them and wondered if they were here by chance. Maybe when they woke up I'll ask them how they got here. I slightly closed my eyes, and in the time it would have taken me to blink, I woke up to the kid poking me. I tried to get away from the poking, but accidentally ended up falling.

Y/n helped me up and we ran out of the infirmary to Pairo who was waiting with a ball in his hands. He threw the ball upwards and then hit it  towards us. Y/n caught it and put it u der their arm. Y/n grabbed my hand and started to run after Pairo, who had gotten a headstart. I reach Pairo first and "win". We play hide and seek, and one of the rounds Y/n and I hide in a small barn.

Because Y/n wouldn't stop boasting about how good they were at hiding, Pairo found both of us. I was "it" the next round and went after Pairo first. I quickly found him hiding behind a house. After catching Pairo I went after Y/n. As I was looking for Y/n I heard a commotion and quickly ran towards the noise. I see Y/n about to leave and run to them as fast as I possibly can. It feels like I'm running through water, but I keep going regardless.

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