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I looked over at Kurapika and saw him quickly lower his gaze. He had been throwing glances at me for about thirty minutes. It was starting to make me nervous. I walked over to him and decided to ask him why he had been staring at me.

"So are you going to tell me why you've been looking at me for the past thirty minutes or should I use my psychic powers to figure it out?"

"Oh! You umm noticed," he responded sheepishly before meeting my gaze, " I was just trying to think of how I should ask to check your bandages. Sorry if my staring was annoying you."

"Oh. Kurapika, you should've just said you wanted to check my bandages!" I exclaimed. I pulled my shirt over my head and sat on a chair expecting for Kurapika to come. Instead of coming he sat in shock of my actions. It was only after seeing his hesitation that I realized my relationship with him was not simply that of a patient and a doctor, and as comfortable as I was with him, that did not give me the right to act in such a manner. I slightly covered myself with my shirt before apologizing.

"I'm sorry if that was too abrupt. If you want I'll check my own bandages today," I say embarrased because of my own actions. I turn around and begin to untie the bandage. As I'm unwrapping the bandage I feel Kurapika's cold fingers move on top of my own. He slowly starts to unwrap the bandages for me, still behind me.

"It's fine. I'll help you, Y/n," he says, his warm breath hitting my bare back with every word. I shiver at the feeling of cold air reaching the now uncovered areas of my body. When the bandages are completely removed I look down at my injury.

"What the fuck!" I yelled out.

"Y/n calm down. There's probably an explanation for that."

"Kurapika, I got stabbed! There is no logical reason for the injury to be gone!"

"I mean, you still have a scar, so it's not completely gone. There has to be a reason this happened, Y/n. We just have to think. Is this normal for you?"

"I don't think so," I respond, trying to rack my brain for any possible reason for this situation. While I was trying to remember, a strong hallucination came on. I opened my eyes to find that I was reliving the time when a large tree branch had fallen on my leg as I was exploring the forest. The tree branch had left a nasty bruise, a few cuts, and my leg was in a lot of pain. In the time that it took for me to get the branch off and find my way to my first aid kit, the bruise had reduced to a few scabs and at most my leg was sore. In the moment this was a good thing because I wouldn't have to waste my first aid supplies.

Could this be the same as now?

The hallucination ended after forcing me to watch my younger self throw up because of the blood.

"Kurapika! I think I remembered something!"

"What is it?" He said, perking up. I explained the tree branch incident and showed him my leg which should have sustained some type of permanent damage, but instead only had a thin scar. He ran his finger over it and then over the scar left from my recent injury.

"It doesn't hurt does it?" He asked, looking into my eyes intently. Was he expecting me to lie? Probably not, nonetheless, I still thought it was a bit strange for him to be looking at me like that.

"It feels fine, like I never got stabbed."

"Well, then I guess it's not a bad thing that this happens?"

"It actually seems quite useful," I say as I pull my shirt back on. He nods his head in agreement and then we go back to our usual routine of conversing, stretching, and then resting.

The timer on the wall displayed that there were only six hours remaining of our forty-five hour imprisonment. Kurapika and I decided that we would both rest during that time so that by the time we left we would both be able to get out of the tower as quickly as possible. We fell asleep as soon as possible to maximize the amount of sleep we would get.

I wasn't quite sure why I woke up, but when I did the timer showed that we only had forty-five minutes left until we were released. I was about to go back to sleep when I noticed that Kurapika was no longer laying on the floor next to me. I scanned the room quickly to see that he was standing in the corner near our stuff. Maybe if he didn't start to pull his shirt off I would have asked him why he was awake.

Instead of being distracted by his lean and pale figure like the pervert I am, I was shocked to see that running across his back and shoulders was what seemed like a huge bruise. The bruise seemed to travel further down than his waist band allowed me to see. Without thinking about it, my body moved towards him. I must've made no noise when approaching him because he only reacted to me when I reached my fingers out to trace the bruise. He spun around to face me and grabbed my hands tightly in his own. I instinctively pulled my hands back because of the agressive manner in which he had gripped them.

"That hurt."

"You squeezing my hands hurts."

"Oh. My bad," he said, dropping my hands and lowering his head.

"No, it was my fault," I said, rubbing my hands, "What is that?"

"I'm not sure. It doesn't matter. We only have half an hour left," he said, brushing off my questions. He reached for his shirt, but I reached out to stop him from putting it on.

"So, you were in pain? You could have told me."

"It doesn't hurt. You were dealing with the hallucination pill and then you got stabbed. I just feel slightly sore. I'll live."

I place my hands on his bare chest to get his full attention and because the temptation was there and I'm weak.

"Firm, nice."

"It is okay for you to express your pain, Kurapika. Yeah, I got stabbed, but that does not take away from the fact that you are also dealing with something. I would like to think that by this point we're close enough for me to call us friends, so as your friend I think it's important for you to tell me when you're not okay. Hiding stuff like this, especially in this situation, can be really damaging to our relationship. Don't suffer in silence," I finish talking and remove my hands from his very nice chest. For a moment I couldn't look him in his eyes and had to bear with the tense silence.

"We are friends. I wouldn't want my friend to worry over my health because of my personality. And you're right. We are in the middle of a very important test. We have to help each other out to pass. You shouldn't suffer in silence either, okay?" He looks at me with a very pleasant smile on his face. He opened his arms, inviting me in for a hug. I smiled back at him before going in for the hug. This might be my only opportunity to embrace a man, no chance in hell was I going to pass it up.

"You should put your shirt on before I develop a staring issue," I whispered to Kurapika, hoping he doesn't hear me.

"What did you say?" He asked, as if he had genuinely not heard my perverted remark.

"Nothing important. We should start waiting for the alarm to sound so that we can leave quickly and get you that antidote," I say hoping to change the subject. I quickly start packing up the things we used to sleep.

"Do you think they would mind if we took these covers?" I ask as I fold the blanket I had used.

"Probably not. They could easily replace it."

He was right, but I ended up leaving the covers as they were anyway. The alarm sounded soon after and we quickly left the room that had imprisoned us for to 2 days.

I apologize about the ending I am very tired right now. If you celebrate, Merry Christmas. AND IN GENERAL Happy Holidays
Wattpad is being an ass. I'll publish this when I can connect this to some wifi.

Breaking The Chains (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now