Hey! I'm Gon!

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I walk onto the ship and head to a less crowded place, eventually I find a clean corner to stand at. I pull out my notebook and pen and write the date on the corner of the page. Just as I begin to write the entry I see someone come towards me. I lower my notebook to see who it is. To my surprise the small child in green is standing in front of me with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey! I'm Gon!"

"Hey. I'm Y/n," I say hesitantly. He looks at me with his nose scrunched up a bit.

"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Now I won't forget your name. Your name is nice." He looks at the notebook in my hands turns and then turns back towards me and says, "Hey, are you reading a book?"

"No. This is more like a journal I have for the Hunter Exams. You know, so that I don't forget anything," I explain to him. Considering the fact that I have a pen I would believe that it would be obvious I was writing, but who am I to judge.

"Oh, that's cool. I just thought you were reading because the guy over there is also reading. I thought you might want to talk about... I don't know your books I guess. You could have also traded books if you finished reading your own book. I'm just so excited for the Hunter Exams. My aunt Mito always told me that I was an open book. She also tells me I talk like a kid on a sugar high. I never really understood that sayi-"

"Hey, Gon, how old are you? You don't look to be too much younger than me, but you still look very young. Also, I agree with your Aunt Mito. You really are an open book, and you most definitely seem to be on a sugar high." I say, interrupting him before he decided to hand me his autobiography and ask me to study it thoroughly.

"Oh! I'm twelve! How old are you?"

"I'm 16 years old. I was right. I am only a few years older than you. Did you come with someone?" I ask, both judging his guardian and itching to return him. It sounded mean, but I just wasn't ready to have a conversation right now.

"No, I'm by myself," He looks at me and asks, "Are you here with someone?"

"No. I was hoping to meet people here. It sounds strange, but I wanted to make friends I guess. I thought maybe it would make things be a bit easier if I were also having fun," I say while looking down.

"That makes sense. We can be friends if you want. We are the two youngest ones here. We can stay together throughout the Exams! That way we aren't bored," he says so genuinely that it stirs up some emotion in me. I quickly make sure the stirring goes back to not existing.

"Sure. This could be make things a bit better. Hey, Gon, I'm going to need you to sign my journal. I'm doing it to remember everything, since you're me first friend at the Exams you most definitely deserve to be in the journal," I say whilst also extending my journal and pen towards him. He signs it, sloppily I might add.

Gon Freecss

That name seems familiar. Oh well, since I had his signature now, I quickly placed my journal in my book bag again.

"Gon, I think I'm just going to walk around the ship a bit. If you want you can just stay here and talk to the others," I tell him. I didn't want to come off as rude, but I needed some time to think about...everything really.


Gon then walks over to another person. I can see that they looked annoyed, but I decide that that seems like a them problem. I start walking in a secluded area when I bump into someone accidentally. I see the blonde from earlier stumble back a bit. His bag falls from his hands when his back hits the wall behind him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you," I say and quickly pick his bag up. He looks at me as if he were expecting me to try and hit him again. I hand him his bag and apologize again. His stance loses the tension, but his expression still made him seem unkind. I know I could just leave it at that and go away, but I'm curious about this guy. He was one of the three guys that caught my attention earlier.

"Hey, I'm Y/n. I saw you when we were getting on the ship. Actually, you know what. You kind of look like someone I used to know,"

"That's interesting. My name is Kurapika. I don't think I have ever met you before, so I highly doubt we have ever met," Kurapika said coldly.

"Okay then. Anywho, Gon, the kid in all green, told me you were reading a book. What book is it?"

"I don't see how that is any of your concern, but if I must. I'm reading a manga. Its an unsolved crime thriller.," he stated almost as if he were annoyed by my mere presence.

"Oh, that's interesting. Actually I think I've read the same story. Is it A Sacrificial Lamb. I read that a few months ago. I really liked it. Especially when-" I start to say when suddenly my mouth is covered by his hand.

"Don't spoil the story for me, please," he whispered in my ear. His breath on my neck gave me chills. I lifted my hands to his arm and gently removed his hand from my mouth.

"I understand you don't like spoilers, I'm not a fan of them either, but I can't say I'm a fan of having my mouth covered. I get it, though. I would probably do the same,"

He seems flustered when he muttered an apology for touching me without my permission. I assured him it was okay. We talked about the book for a while. Somehow we got to the topic of why we wanted to become Hunters.

"My mentor has been training me for a few years, and he told me he only had one lesson he would not teach me until I could show him my Hunter license. Since I want to know what the lesson is, I decided to do this. Actually, before I met my mentor I had never really thought of what I was going to do with my life. Then one day, my mentor found me and basically adopted me. He's like the big brother I...like the brother I never had. My mentor is the closest thing to family that I have. What about you?" I say, hoping he didn't notice my pause.

"I want to become a Blacklist Hunter because...I want to make my family know that I will eliminate those that harm others unnecessarily. Well, really I will target one specific group: The Phantom Troupe. They specifically invoke an unawakened rage in me,"

"Oh, I guess becoming a Blacklist Hunter makes sense then. I haven't thought about that yet. I really was only doing this to earn the last lesson, but I guess I should think about what I want to do with my life. I'll think about it later, I don't want to be distracted while taking the Exams. May I ask why you want to target the Phantom Troupe specifically?"

"My reasons are actually personal, but I will let you know that they wronged me,"

"Oh, okay. Hey, I I'm going to go rest for a while. You can come and finish the story, but I don't know if you would want to come,"

"It probably would be more comfortable than sitting in the position I was in earlier. I'll come with you,"

"Okay. Let's head to the passenger area, or we could go somewhere else. I honestly don't know,"

"There is actually a part of the ship that is secluded and usually isolated. We can go there if you want,"

"That works. Let's go."

Kurapika leads me to an area in the back of the ship. It was just us, alone. We both sat on the floor and while I closed my eyes, Kurapika took out his book and began flipping through it. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing and the occasional turning of the page. I traversed into a state of relaxation. Kurapika began to hum a familiar tune. My mind couldn't process where I knew that song from. The soft humming made me feel more at peace than I had felt in a long time. At some point I felt Kurapika shift around and put his book away. He then leaned his head on my shoulder and relaxed his body. Was he going to fall asleep? Maybe. Eventually, we both drifted into a peaceful dream. That was until my usual nightmares showed up....

Breaking The Chains (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now