Better Than Friendship

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Kurapika chuckled, his face still conveying confusion, at my response to him. Although his voice sounded confused, his rosy blush remained. He scratched the back of his head and then extends his hand to help me get up.

I stand up, wincing at the pain in my back and at the sudden throbbing pain from my injury.

"Huh? I'd totally forgotten about that," the fleeting thought passed through my mind.

"You should take it easy until it heals properly,"

"Will do," I answer absentmindedly. I walk over to my bag and grab one of the matches that I'd picked up at a shop in Whale Island. Then, I pull out my notebook and rip out the small section of hand written erotic short stories that I'd forgotten about. I ball up the paper, set it on the floor, and then strike the match against the box until I hear the satisfying sound of the match catching fire. I light the papers on fire and stare intently at it as it burns. Once the paper has been consumed by the flame, I gently-okay maybe a little aggressively- pat the fire out with a nearby pillow.

"That resolves that problem! Okay, so Kurapika how do you want to pass the time?"

I turn towards him and see him doing a mix of laughing and looking at me as if I were insane.

"Um, Y/n, what was that?"

In a blank expression I answer, "The less you know the better for the both of us."

To be dramatic, I switch my expression back into my usual lighthearted smile.

Kurapika must be sick of me by now, but that's too bad because he is the only person I can bother right now. I should probably come with a warning.


"Warning: This bitch can be annoying as fuck!
Advertencia: Si vienes en contacto con esta persona, los síntomas comunes son: impulsos de golpearlos, impulso de correr a lo más lejos de ellos posible, y una alergia a la persona entera *La alergia se va después de una semana con contacto directo a T/n
[Warning: If you come in contact with this person, the common symptoms are: impulses to hit them, an impulse to run away as far way from them as possible, and a sudden allergy to them *The allergy goes away after a week of direct contact with Y/n]
(Get it? Bc in spanish it would be Tu nombre...maybe i actually don't know)

I chuckle at my humor before looking at Kurapika. My smile fades as I realize that he woke me up while I was having a "special" dream. My habit to speak in my sleep doesn't comfort me much either. I feel a warmth travel to my cheeks. I shake the thought away, convincing myself that if I don't bring it up, then he'll eventually forget about it.

Kurapika picks up his book and silently reads it with a small smile still set on his face. I stare at him sitting on the floor for a while, wondering how I should entertain myself. We stay like that for a while. Him reading his book and me walking around the room bored because I decided I didn't want to bother Kurapika. I didn't think I would need to bring a source of entertainment to the Hunter Exams. I stand in front of Kurapika and when I see that I have his attention, I lay on the floor in front of him and sigh dramatically.

"One time my mentor took me to this big city. We stayed at this cute little hotel. Well on the first day there, he took me to the lobby for the free breakfast. I made a waffle using the batter dispensers and the waffle maker, an it tasted good. That is the only waffle I've ever had and I'm confident that it's the best waffle I'll ever have,"

He stares at at me for a moment trying to gauge the situation before laughing. His laughter makes my head feel light and my heart dizzy. Is it an aneurysm or a stroke? I guess I'll never know. The way his head tilts back and exposes his neck when he laughs is captivating. I don't think its possible to ever get tired of Kurapika's face. I move next to him, still siting on the ground, and poke his cheek. He looks down to me, his smile still adorning his face, and makes a questioning expression. He looks forward again with a, seemingly, content expression. I lightly touched a strand of his hair, observing how delicately the light reflected from it.

Breaking The Chains (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now