Racing Down Trick Tower

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Hello my beautiful children. I'm starting to have an idea of what I'm going to do with this story, so that's exciting

🏓Includes strong language and @busīve parenting and alcohol @buse  that might upset the reader🏓 (I didn't write anything too graphic but just a fair warning there is mention of y/n being locked in a confined space and someone be violent while drunk)


"Do you feel anything yet?" Kurapika asks, facing me.

"Not really. The tablet said it would cause hallucinations of sorts, but I haven't started hallucinating yet. Maybe it's a weak drug that didn't work?"

"I doubt the Hunter Exams would use a faulty drug. You're starting to look a bit pale, so your body is probably starting to react to the pill now. I'm assuming it's some sort of drug, maybe LSD,"

"But we have to be in here around seventy-two hours, maybe less, so how would the drug continue to affect me for an extended amount of time like that?"

"Maybe the pill had a large dose, or maybe the capsule around the pill takes a while to dissolve? I mean that would technically elongate the time in which the drug is in your system,"

"Oh, that makes sense. Do you feel anything? I'm sure your pill would also have some type of symptoms to it as well,"

"I don't know. I don't feel anything symptom-like,"

Our conversation died down as we walked through the tower's many paths. There were several instances were Kurapika and I would accidentally become separated because one of us wasn't paying attention to where we were going. As much as he says it was my fault, he's wrong, it was definitely not my fault!

During the seven hours we had been in the tower, the drug began to show more pronounced symptoms. Wherever I looked something seemed to be moving around and the colors seemed to pop out more? Everything seemed bolder, louder? Everything I saw, it all started giving me a headache. My mouth felt dry and it all just irritated me. The headache, the colours, all of the damn symptoms were so overwhelmingly annoying! I didn't say anything to Kurapika because I didn't want to slow us down, but keeping it all in was hell. We walked along the paths avoiding or confronting any obstacle presented to us.

After every passing minute I began to feel worse. I was more anxious than when we began, and it all just annoyed me further. My heart felt like it was beating loud enough for Kurapika to hear, and the thoughts rampaging throughout my head weren't helpful at all.

"Kurapika knows,"
"He doesn't care,"
"He's just trying to pass the Hunter Exams,"
"He'll forget about you the moment he no longer needs you,"
"You're useless. That's why no one wants you,"
"Nothing matters, you'll always be alone,"

"Nothing changed? At all?" My small whisper had voiced a repetitive thought of mine. One that made me feel as if I were in the dark closet again.

"What'd you say?" Kurapika turned back to face me, his expression worried.


"I thought I heard you say something. Do you feel sick? Do you need to take a break?"

I looked at Kurapika knowing well that a break would probably help me, but wouldn't it also make me seem more pathetic? I quickly decline his offer and this time I take the lead and lead us through a narrower path. Maybe it's because of the change in size of the path or the drugs, but the path didn't seem to stay still. The walls felt like they were getting closer to me, and the confining feeling made me feel sick. I wiped away the sweat that had formed above my brows. The path eventually widened again, so I leaned against a wall to catch my breath. I would only be a minute, just close my eyes for one minute. My heart was still beating faster than usual and everything was still really bright, but compared to the risk of Kurapika dying, I would be fine.

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