24. Twoset Tutoring

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A/N: Hi y'all. Today's episode is an ordinary one-shot, as both boys aren't old enough to choose a different career in an AU yet.  Just a little story that may have happened at their maths tutoring..  I hope you like it.


"Eddy, I need your help."

"Sure, which question?"

"Well, to be honest, all of them, but I'm guessing I'll be asked to answer Question 17(b)."

"Ok, gimme your notebook."

14 year old Brett could not believe his luck when he became friends with Eddy at maths tutoring.  Not only was Eddy friendly to him, which most of the other students at tutoring weren't, he played the violin as Brett did, he was super smart and last but not least, he was kinda cute. Although that last bit, that thought of Brett's about Eddy, was a big secret.

Brett gazed at Eddy's side profile as he went to work on Brett's question.  Eddy furrowed his brows for no more than 2 seconds while he twirled his pen 3 times.  He then tapped his forehead once with his pen and started writing the worked solution in Brett's notebook. This would be what Brett will pretend that he came up with by himself and write down on the whiteboard at today's "maths drills" session.  Brett hated these sessions because on more than a few occasions he just couldn't write anything and was left to stand in front of the whiteboard for what felt like all eternity until he was finally dismissed by the teacher with the dishonourable remark; "maybe next time".

Brett knew he should just study more and solve all the questions in his textbook beforehand but he just didn't have the time with all his other commitments; school homework and more importantly, violin practice.

Eddy on the other hand was incredible.  He never studied for these drills either because he was equally busy with other priorities but he killed "maths drills" every time.

"Here you go, Brett."

"Wow, thanks, Eddy. Geez, how do you do it?"

Eddy shrugged.

"I dunno.  I suppose it's a bit like sight-reading.  Y'know how we get the other musicians in our orchestra ask us how well we can sight-read ?"

"I suppose.."

Eddy smiled.

"Look, you sight-read heaps better than I do and help me all the time, Brett.  So don't feel so bad about maths drills, okay?"

Brett smiled back.

"Thanks, man."

"Chen E, question 5(a)."

"Yes sir."

"...Actually, Chen, you can skip to an extension question on the next page, question EX1"

"Um... yes sir."

Eddy flipped the page of his textbook to read his question then quickly scribbled down something in his notebook.  It wouldn't have been more than 20 seconds.  Eddy quickly shot a look to Brett as he discreetly slid a piece of paper to Brett as he got up out of his seat and started scribbling on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.

The teacher alternated from looking at the class roll and the textbook, allocating questions to students in alphabetical order.

"...Yang, question 17(a)."

Say what ?

"Um... I beg your pardon?"

The teacher sighed.

"Please pay attention, Wang A was question 16(d), so Yang, you're solving question 17(a)."

Oh sh*t.  The order changed because Eddy was given an extension question!!

Brett finally understood why Eddy flashed him a concerned look before he got out of his seat.

Meanwhile, the other student, Angus Wang beat Brett to the whiteboard and started scribbling with the last whiteboard marker available.  Brett was panicking... he had only asked Eddy how to do question 17(b) and didn't even know what question 17(a) looked like. 

Brett quickly looked down at his textbook to look up 17(a).  The students were being drilled to think on their feet and weren't allowed much thinking time, so he had to be quick.  Then he noticed the piece of paper Eddy had given to him.  Brett thought it was just one of Eddy's funny doodles that were occasionally shared between them, though it was unusual for Eddy, the well-behaved straight-A student, to have passed him a note during class.

Brett turned over the piece of paper and was shocked to find, the complete worked solution for question 17(a).

Did Eddy just solve 17(a) for me in less than 20 seconds ?

Brett looked up from the piece of paper to see Eddy. Facing the whiteboard in the front of the classroom, Eddy had his back turned towards Brett. Eddy had managed to scribble down some information related to his extension question, but he now stood frozen facing the board. Brett placed the piece of paper from Eddy in between the pages of his notebook and hurried to the whiteboard. He went to the empty space adjacent to Eddy and wrote out the solution for 17(a). When Eddy noticed Brett was looking at him, Eddy quickly blinked a few times as if he was trying to rid some tears. He then quickly turned his eye towards the students behind him, in an attempt to tell Brett to turn around. Brett felt a pang of guilt as he followed what Eddy told him to do.

"Yang. Correct. You may sit down."

Brett glanced at Eddy one more time, but this time Eddy ignored him and kept looking straight at the whiteboard.

Brett returned to his seat.

"Chen E. This is rather unusual. Maybe next time, please go and sit down now."

Eddy quietly walked back to his seat next to Brett.  He was the only one who did the walk of shame today for not completing his question.

Brett looked up towards Eddy as he approached his seat. Eddy would not acknowledge Brett's gaze. Brett understood. Talking to peers during class was strictly forbidden at tutoring. He would have to wait till the class ended.

After what felt like all of eternity, the class finally ended.

Brett quickly packed up and was finally able to talk to his friend.

"...Eddy, you okay?"

Eddy shrugged with a smile.

"Yeah.  As long as the teacher doesn't decide to ring my mum about today.  Well, if he does, I'll just say it was a really hard extension question."

Brett's heart sank.

"Eddy, I so hope your mum doesn't find out about this.. Or she'll make you do all the extension questions in that chapter, won't she..."

"Yeah, I bet she would."

"Dude, you barely had time to think about your own question. I can't believe you did that for me.  Thanks man..."

Eddy smiled again.

"No biggie Brett, you're welcome. Just help me at rehearsal if I run out of practice time this week, okay?"

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