158. Twoset La Mort

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Eddy checked his clipboard for his next appointment and groaned when he saw the all too familiar name at the top of his list.

Brett Yang.

Eddy took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down as he opened his office door and called out into the waiting room;

"Next waiting, please... Brett?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Brett entered the room.

Gosh doesn't he look fabulous... if only he....

"Hi Eddy, how's it going?"

Eddy quickly shook his head to refocus.

"Oh, yeah, I'm okay, what about you?"

"I'm okay.. well, workwise though not so good, otherwise I wouldn't be here I suppose."

"Indeed. So how are you going, Death?"

Brett frowned.

"Please Eddy, I really despise being called that."

"Well what else am I supposed to call you? Grim Reaper?"

Brett recoiled in horror.

"OMFG that's worse!! Can't you call me something that sounds fancier, like La Mort? It's French."

Eddy rolled his eyes.

"Brett.. it might sound somewhat fancier but it still means Death, y'know."

"Yeah I know... Look, Eddy, it's not like I don't like the job. I just don't like the employee benefits.. or lack of it... and their stupid, stupid administrative regulations."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for starters, I hate their uniform."

"Ooookay... I kinda noticed that, since it says here that you've been sent to me because this is your 3rd uniform breach. Like, look Brett, there is absolutely no doubt, you look fabulous, I mean, you took my breath away when you walked in here..."

Brett perked up and smiled.

"Really? Oh Eddy, thank you so much!! See, I had this made to measure and the lining is silk..."

"It's beautiful. The cut really accentuates your delicate features.. it's just that.."

"Just what?"


"Oh c'mon Eddy!! Why do I have to wear black!?!?"


Brett smiled.

"Hey Eddy, thank you so much for calling me that, it does make a difference y'know. Sounds heaps better than Death...."

"Oh for goodness sakes, will you please focus for a nanosecond!!!"

"But Eddy..."

"NO!! I'm sorry, I've even contacted your HR, they said they would accept your custom made apparel if it satisfied most of the description of their uniform. But wearing all WHITE is just not on!!"

"But Eddy, black is so not my colour. When I wear it I look like a frickin' Giant Panda!!! I mean don't get me wrong, I think they're kinda cute and all but I don't want to look like one..!!  You see, my complexion is so fair and the contrast with the black uniform is so... conflicting. It upsets me."

Eddy face palmed himself as he shook his head.

"Brett.. look, I think the black would actually highlight your beautiful complexion.. y'know, like really draw attention to your face. I'm sure it would work."

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