174. Twoset Veterinarian XII (Liszt's curse 2)

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A/N: This is part 2 of a short story within the Twoset Veterinarian series.  The first part is:

173. Twoset Veterinarian XI


"Hey Brett, thanks for dropping by to show me how you play bar 87"

Eddy expressed his gratitude towards his best friend as he stuck his hand into the pocket of his jeans to get his key out. Brett had come by the coffee shop after his tutorial session and once Eddy finished his shift, the duo headed off to Eddy's unit. On their way, they had purchased some takeaway food for dinner. The plan was to have dinner, then Brett would help Eddy practice the piece they've both been working on, with particular attention to bar 87.

Eddy couldn't find his key in his pockets. He handed the takeaway food to Brett to hold and removed his backpack to search for his key. It wasn't in his backpack either.

"Oh f*ck, I lost the key to my unit."

"What? Hey, don't worry Eddy, I've got your spare key with me."

Brett whipped out his key ring and held onto Eddy's key as he handed the bundle to Eddy. This was Eddy's spare key that was given to Brett in case of emergencies.

"Oh yeah, that's right, I knew it would come in handy one day, thanks."

"You should take this key back now before I forget. Just cut me a new one if you want me to keep carrying one for you."


Once they were inside Eddy's flat, Eddy removed his housekey from Brett's keyring and handed Brett back his bunch of keys. Eddy placed his own key on the kitchen bench.

"Okay, let's have dinner before the takeaway food gets cold."

"So, the wretched Bar 87.."

"Yeah Brett. So how did you know it was bar 87?"

"Cos I also had a b*tch of a time getting it right myself."


"Okay, so, play it for me?"

Eddy played as Brett listened and watched intently.

"Well Eddy, you sounded heaps better than what I used to sound like."

"But you've since nailed it haven't you? I practically come to a screeching halt.  You play it for me now?"

Eddy passed his violin to Brett.

"Okay.. slight change in fingering.. makes this shift easier... this bit here..."

"Ooooooooooooooh ! Lemme try, lemme try"

Happy with their practice, the duo proceeded coffee in the living room.

"So, Eddy, was it only your house key that you lost on your keyring?"

"Yeah.. it's a shame that keyring went missing...it was one of my favourites."

"Oh I know which one, it's the one with a fluffy thing attached to it, wasn't it?

"Yeah. Um.. Brett, y'know, ...this is really strange..."

"What is?"

"...I think I'm been haunted by Lizst.."

Brett froze with his mug still against his lips and looked up towards Eddy. His eyelashes fluttered and his eyebrow was raised in confusion.

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