163. La Mort meets Guardian IV

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A/N: This is the 6th chapter of this series. The previous chapters are;

158. Twoset La Mort

159. Twoset Guardian

160. La Mort meets Guardian

161. La Mort meets Guardian II

162. La Mort meets Guardian III


They turned into the narrow street where Brett had parked his car.



"If any weird sh*t happens, stand back to back with me, okay?"

"What sort of weird sh*t?"

"Someone is trying to break into your car."

"Oh f*ck."


"So Brett, how d'ya wanna approach this?"

"Peacefully. I'm a peace lover. "

Eddy cringed.

"Brett.. you're from downstairs, in case you forgot?"

"Eddy, I dislike conflict. My car, my way first. Please ?"

Eddy shrugged.

"Fiiiiiine, I'll be nice. Um, excuse me..??"

The man who was picking the driver's side lock looked up towards Eddy. He looked rather aggressive.

Eddy tried to remain calm and polite.

"Do you mind.. that's our car."

"Really.. do ya have $50 on ya?"

"No sorry, I don't carry around any cash."

"Really. That's kinda annoying. Maybe you should start doing so.."

With the sharp implement he was using to pick the car lock, the man scratched a line along Brett's car.

Eddy exclaimed.

"Just what the f*ck do you think you're doing!?"

"What's going on over there?"

Eddy widened his eyes when he noticed for the first time there were two more guys behind Brett's car, they must have been trying to open up the boot.

The two men walked over towards the front of the car.

Brett slowly looked around;

So, I wonder if this constitutes some weird sh*t that Eddy talked about that warrants us to stand back to back ?

The three men formed a circle and surrounded the duo.

F*ck, I suppose it does.

Like clockwork, Brett and Eddy each slowly turned and stood back to back in the centre of the circle formed by the 3 men.

Brett felt Eddy's hand on his hip. He was gently pushed and they slowly moved clockwise so that Brett was facing his car.

Brett heard an unpleasant squelch behind him. He turned around and saw one of the men fall backwards as blood splattered from his nose.


The man with the picker rushed in, in an attempt to stab Eddy.

Eddy caught the hand with the picker with his hands as the 3rd man charged at Eddy. Brett exclaimed;

"Eddy.. to your left..!!"

Before the 3rd man could grab Eddy, he flew sideways after copping a hook kick across his face. Eddy then made a swift turn and faced Brett as he held the 2nd man's arms in an arm lock.

Brett was speechless.

Eddy grinned.

"That's why I need a gusset.. so I can still do kicks in my leather pants."

"This isn't a very peaceful way to do things."

Eddy pretended to pout.

"Well, none of them were being nice."

Eddy let go of the 2nd man then he used the back of his fist to strike him across the face. The man staggered backwards as he held onto his cheek with both hands. Eddy stood in front of Brett still eyeing out the 3 men in case they were still up to retaliate.

Eddy felt a gentle squeeze on his shoulder.

"My turn."

"Brett? You?"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"You know how to fight?"

Brett rolled his eyes.

The first man with a nose bleed looked like he was going to lunge towards them.

Brett looked at the man sternly and the man jolted backwards and fell over.

Eddy looked at Brett with furrowed brows.

"That's cheating."

"Less messy. Let's go Eddy."


The three had friends. There were 8 of them now, slowly closing in on the duo.

Brett shrugged.

"F*ck. Eddy, hold my jacket please."

Brett, dressed in a white T shirt with a pair of stylish white pants willingly walked over and stood in the centre of the circle the men were forming.

The next instant, a large section of the narrow back street turned into an inferno. Eddy, stunned and mortified saw Brett with all his 12 black wings spread out, taking up half the width of the narrow alley. The sight was truly majestic and beautiful. Brett then slowly turned around as he faced each man and one by one they collapsed. Then Eddy had a glimpse of Brett's face. A true death stare by Death, La Mort himself. It was the most frightening expression Eddy had ever seen. It was truly petrifying. Eddy stood in shock too paralysed with fear to even tremble. His usual tough act exterior was gone, leaving behind a scared soft hearted angel in hitching sobs.



Brett was back to his usual self, the soft spoken angelic Brett. The back ally was now deserted.

"Eddy , are you alright?"


Eddy quickly wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

"You did well. Eddy, you certainly don't fight like an angel."

Eddy let out a chuckle between his sobs.

"I'll take that as a compliment, Brett."

Brett gently stroked Eddy's back.

"Oh Eddy, it's okay.. Mine was all a little show. It's like VR. Just with more.. super high def I suppose."

Eddy shook his head.

"The inferno was fine.. it was that look you gave..."

Brett grimaced.

"Dammit Eddy, I honestly didn't want you to see my death stare on our first date. I've been told I'm ugly scary AF.... Are you okay?"

Brett reached out to Eddy's face and touched his cheek. Eddy held Brett's hand. Eddy sighed as he closed his eyes.

"I'm just glad I'm wearing black.. Had I copped that stare of yours any longer I may have soiled myself."

Brett let out a chuckle as he pulled in Eddy and held him close."

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