136. Twoset Veterinarian VII (Blink for benevolence 3)

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A/N: This is the third chapter of a short story (4 chapters) within the setting of Twoset Veterinarian. Please start reading from Twoset Veterinarian V.


"Brett...? I'm home.."

Eddy gingerly peered into the living room. Pag and Nini were in their usual spots, where the evening sun still lit up a small part of the living room floor, each curled up into a ball, napping.

Eddy knocked on Brett's study and peered in.

Brett was also asleep on the spare single bed. He was also curled up into a ball, albeit a massive one compared to Pag and Nini.


Brett stirred and opened his eyes.


Eddy took a step back.

"Yeah.. um..how are you feeling ? ..How was your day?"

Brett rubbed his face with his paw.

"Eddy... I'm.. so sleepy...  I couldn't get much done.."

Eddy furrowed his brows.

"Oh.. that's right.. Brett.. cats can sleep anywhere between 15-20 hours per day."

"Oh no.. my deadline..."

Brett let out a little mewl in despair.

Eddy suppressed a grin.

"So Brett, how much work did you get done?"

Brett twitched his whiskers.

"It's actually really hard to type quickly with my claws.. I cramp up when I try to keep my claws protracted all the time. So I tried voice to text which was kinda okay but I'm just not used to writing like that... it's hard to say out loud what I want to type. Plus this is kinda embarrassing but I involuntarily chirp and yip in between words and I gotta go back and delete those. It's been very time-consuming and frustrating."

Eddy's expression softened even further. He let out a smile.

"Well Brett, can I help in any way?"

Brett got up on all fours on the bed and stretched.

"I really just need someone to keep an eye on me so that I don't fall asleep. Maybe just for another hour or so? I've worked out in my head what I want to write. Can you listen to music with your ear pods while you keep an eye on me? I'll get self-conscious if you hear me dictate my article."

"Of course I will."

Eddy spent the next hour in Brett's study listening to music while checking on Brett every 5 minutes or so. He found it most effective if he gently touched Brett's ears to wake him up. He was careful not to overdo it though in case Brett got annoyed and swatted him.

"Okay.. I'm done. Thanks Eddy."

"You're welcome. Hey well done. Oh yeah, I got something for you."

Eddy rushed out of Brett's study and returned with a small paper bag. He took out the large pet brush he purchased from work today.

"Brett, I got you this."

Brett's eyes widened with excitement.

"Oh my god I've never been so pleased to see a brush."

Brett leapt back on top of the single bed in his office and kneaded around the mattress with his front paws before he settled down. Eddy sat next to him and started brushing his fur.

"Oooooh my gaaaaaaawd this is so good."

The whole bed began to shake with Brett's purring.  Brett let out a sigh;

"Y'know Eddy, it's been such a strange day. And what I find is that it's incredible how you can just shrug and carry on as business as usual.. well, after freaking out a bit, understandably... despite the absolutely bizarre and ridiculous situation we've been caught up in. Like preparing food for me.. helping me work..and now this."

Eddy let out a smile.

"Well Brett, I don't think we have much of a choice do we ?"

"No, I suppose not."

"And the bottom line is.. so long as you're with me, I'm grateful regardless of what shape or form you're in."

"..That's really sweet."

"But I do miss you.. in your original form..."

"Yeah me too... I'm scared Eddy..."


Eddy neared his face towards Brett. He looked into Brett's eyes then he slowly closed his eyes and reopened them. Brett got an immediate urge to repeat what Eddy did and slowly blinked back. Eddy smiled.

"Hey it worked.. I read up that it's a way to communicate with cats. It roughly translates to I trust you."

"I think it equates to I love you, Eddy.."

Brett moved in closer and rubbed his jaw against Eddy's cheek. Brett's purring was so loud, Eddy felt the vibrations shake the whole side of his body. He giggled. After the first rub, Brett pulled back and went in for another, this time in full force, knocking Eddy over, making him collapse onto the bed. Eddy chuckled;

"Hey Brett... you don't know your own strength.. You gotta go easy on me.."

By now Brett's purring was rumbling like a diesel engine. The next thing, Brett let out his tongue and licked the whole side of Eddy's face. It grated his skin like sandpaper.

"Ow...Brett... that actually hurts a bit.. You gotta calm down..."

Brett growled. Eddy froze. Eddy heard Brett through his gritted teeth;

"Eddy... please, slowly, get, away, from, me, now."

Eddy was so terrified he didn't think he could move at first. He started to tremble. He was shaking as he forced himself to slowly remove himself from under Brett who was trying to stay as still as possible. Eddy knew that any sudden movements would make Brett pounce on him instinctively. On all fours, Eddy slowly scuttled backwards out of the study into the corridor. His vision of Brett glaring at him blurred with tears as Eddy closed Brett's office door. Once the door clicked shut, Eddy turned around and leaned back against the door and let out a sob. He then remembered how his very smart little cat Pag had learnt how to turn doorknobs so Eddy quickly got up and went into the master bedroom. He closed and locked the door behind him as tears ran down his face.  

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