157. Twoset Vampire

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A/N: Hi! This was meant to be a one-shot written for a request by Ranko7672, a Twoset story about vampires. The reason why I write "meant to" is because it became a longer story.. in fact, it has basically written itself into a book!! So here is the first episode and more chapters will follow in some shape or form (most likely as my next book after  my current book "As Humanly Wizard".)

Thank you for your request Ranko7672 as it made me explore a completely new genre/theme.  I am really enjoying writing this and I hope you and my other readers will enjoy reading it!

[Further update] New book of this story has now been released.  Its title is "Twoset Vampire Story"


Brett's mother exclaimed.

"Happy 5th Birthday sweetheart!!"

Brett's father exclaimed.

"Happy 5th Birthday son!!"

Brett blew out the 5 candles on his birthday cake and smiled.

"Thank you Mummy and Daddy... what's that?"

Brett pointed to the large cube covered with a white sheet in the corner of their dining room.

"That.. is your birthday gift. He's your first human. We got him for you from the market early this morning."

"..He's mine?"

"Yes, he's a nice size for you, son. He's 4 years old."

"Just the right quantity of blood for you sweetheart."

Brett lifted the sheet to reveal a cage. A little boy was sitting in the corner of the cage, as furthest away as possible from Brett. He must have heard Brett's approach and scuttled away into the corner. He looked skinny and sad.

Brett turned to his mother.

"Mummy... will he die when I drink his blood?"

"Yes Brett, humans are our food."

Brett frowned.

"B, but I don't want him to die.."

"Brett sweetheart, we didn't get him for you as a pet. This is all part of growing up as a vampire."

"But.. but Mummy.. he looks so sad..."

"Brett.. it's just the way things are. Humans are either our food or servants. We purchased him as food for you. You need his blood if you want to grow up into a big and strong vampire like your father."

The little human boy was pulled out of his cage and was nudged towards Brett.

"Here, Brett. Take your first blood. It should be delicious. Go on, bite into him."

Brett gave an anxious look.


"C'mon sweetheart, you've practised this on a training mannequin before. You know what to do."

Brett looked at the little boy who was smaller than him. He looked as if he had given up all hope in life and appeared spiritless.

Brett's parents were losing their patience.

"Master Brett Yang, put your hands on the human's shoulders, pull him in, bite into his neck and drink his blood!"

Brett flinched and quickly placed his hands on the little boy's shoulders. The little boy did not even flinch. He slowly shifted his gaze from the floor to Brett. His glassy brown eyes held no emotion.

Brett put his hands on the boy's shoulders and pulled him towards him. Brett whispered;

"I... I'm sorry..!"

Brett opened his mouth and revealed his sharp little canines as he bit into the soft skin of the little boy's neck.

The next instant Brett gagged. He immediately pushed the boy away who fell backwards onto his bottom. The boy started to quietly weep as he held the side of his neck with his little hand. Brett spat out the blood in his mouth and went into a coughing fit.

"Sweetheart!?! What's wrong?"

"He.. he tasted yucky..."

His mother looked alarmed.

"What..?? I thought he was fresh"

His mother stepped towards the boy and with the tip of her finger, she touched where her son had bitten him on the neck. She took a little sniff of the blood on her finger, then tasted it with the tip of her tongue. She scowled in disgust.

"Honey, we've been ripped off. He must have been farmed"

"Oh great. We got him at the market expecting fresh produce! I was assured that he was organic !! Now what are we gonna do with him?!"

"Well he's no good use to us now. He is unpalatable. And he is too small to do any useful work around the place as a servant."

"I.. I want to keep him!!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"I wanna keep him!! Mummy, Daddy, you said he was mine!! Please!!"

2 years later



"C'mon wake up! Come for a walk with me."


6 year old Eddy rubbed his eyes as he followed 7 year old Brett out of his little bedroom. Since his arrival at the Yang estate at age 4, Eddy had lived in the servants' quarters with the rest of the human servants that belonged to Brett's parents. Eddy's life was spared because Brett had pleaded to his parents to keep him. A couple in the servants' quarters looked after Eddy as if he was their own child. Eddy was brought up being told by his parents never to disobey the masters, including young Master Brett.

Brett was a kind vampire child. The young master was pampered but not completely spoilt and had a kind heart. Moreover, he was lonely. At age 7, he had no friends as he was homeschooled by tutors like all the other wealthy vampire children. Eddy was the only being remotely close to a friend to Brett and so rather than bossing him around, Brett tried to the best of his ability to treat him nicely as a real friend. Though sometimes he did come across as an overindulged child.

"Eddy, I wanna ride the boat on the lake, come with me?"

Eddy furrowed his brows with concern.

"Brett.. are you allowed to be on the boat?"

"Oh, don't worry about that Eddy! I can do whatever I want!"

"But Brett, if by accident you fell into the water, are you able to swim?"

"What? Oh c'mon we'll be okay!"

Brett grabbed Eddy's hand and pulled him along as they ran through the large property of Brett's parents' estate. They arrived at the lake of the estate and stepped onto the small jetty where a small rowboat was tied to the pier.

"Let's do it Eddy!"

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