171. Twoset Secrets

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Eddy's secrets

Brett was hopeless in the kitchen so Eddy cooked most of their meals. That bit was no secret.

The sAcRiLeGiOuSlY secretive part was that whenever Eddy made deep-fried chicken and served Brett 4 pieces and would only have 3 on his own plate, Eddy would smile at his boyfriend and say "it's okay Brett, I know they're your favourite." In return, Eddy would receive the most beautiful smile.

Truth be told, Eddy had already eaten 2 pieces while he's been cooking. But Brett doesn't need to know that.

That wasn't the only thing Eddy chose not to tell Brett.

One typical hot summer day in Brisbane;

"Eddyyyyy... I'm so hoooooot..."

"Yes Brett, you are."


Brett blushed.

"Nooooo, I didn't mean it that way. I mean, I'm really boiling."

"... take your shirt off Brett."

"OMG what's going on inside your head?"

"I'm serious. I'm not being saucy... c'mon strip."

Eddy stepped up to Brett and gently removed his black-rimmed glasses and placed them on the nearby table. He then proceeded to grab onto the hem of Brett's T shirt.

"C'mon Brett, hands up."

"OMG, how old am I? 5?"

Brett giggled as he raised his arms and Eddy pulled the T shirt over Brett's head and off his body.

Brett let out a sigh of relief.

"OMG it feels so much cooler."

"I knew it."

Eddy showed Brett the label on the T shirt he just removed.

It said "Heat Tech" a thermal underwear that looked like a T shirt.

"....OMFG Eddy, I've been practically wearing these every day during summer...!! Where did these bloody shirts come from?!"

Eddy had bought them for their European leg of their world tour from a previous year during their summer break in Australia. They were bought in preparation for the European winter. Brett had forgotten about them and had thought they were plain T shirts, wearing them during Brisbane summer and wondering why he felt so hot.

But Eddy won't tell Brett that, because he knows Brett will then feel bad for bad-mouthing the thermal underwear Eddy had bought for his boyfriend.

Brett's secrets

Brett secretly thought he knew a thing or two about socks. Brett always thought Eddy was one of the smartest men who ever walked on this planet yet he also used to secretly think that when it came to socks, Eddy was as thick as a post.

"Brett...!! My sock has gone missing!!!"

Brett rolled his eyes.

"Eddy, why do you keep doing this?"

"Do what?"

"Lose your bloody socks?"

Eddy huffed indignantly.

"Excuse me, Brett, I don't lose my socks. I just lose one of them."

Brett groaned.

"Why. Do. You. Not. Just. Buy. The. Same. Socks. All. The. Time!?!? Then you wouldn't give a toss about whether you lost one. In fact, you wouldn't even notice you've lost one."

Eddy whined.

"But life would be so boring if you always wore the same socks...!!!!"

Brett's eyes shot open.

"OMG Eddy, I think I just solved one of lives biggest mysteries."

Eddy raised an eyebrow.  He was used to these very random statements from Brett.

"Have you now, Brett."

"Yeah. Have you ever wondered why you notice when you lose a sock, as you just said? Like, do you know WHY we only ever lose one sock and never a pair? Don't you think it's been one of life's biggest mysteries?"

Eddy furrowed his brows in confusion.

"No, I've never wondered that. Why?"

Brett became very serious. He pointed his two index fingers upwards, parallel to each other.

"Because if a pair went missing, then you'd never notice they'd gone!!!"

He swooshed his two index fingers in a circular motion, then hid his hands behind his back to simulate a pair of socks gone missing.

Eddy stared at Brett in disbelief. He then scoffed.

"Nah, I don't buy that."

Brett let out an exasperated retort.

"What !? Why the f*ck not!?"

"See that's where we're different Brett. You wouldn't notice cos all your socks are the same. All my socks are different. I would notice if a pair went missing as much as a singular sock gone missing."

"Oh, crumbs."

And as insightful Brett had thought he was about socks, his newfound admiration about Eddy's critical analysis would make Brett secretly crown Eddy as the new King of Socks, a title he had believed to have belonged to himself.

Twoset's secrets

Eddy can't seem to get enough of Brett during the day and his shortage of supply was supplemented by an oddly clever strategy his brain had come up with of dreaming about his boyfriend every night.

InTeReStInGlY, Brett managed to do the same for the same reason.

They would often meet up in their dreams, get up to all sorts of fun and games, wake up the next day and tell each other their bizarre dreams they each had, only to find out they've dreamt about the same thing.

These two have been brought up in different corners of various towns in different countries, yet one day they meet and realise they like the same things, they start finishing each other's sentences, they spend at least 5 minutes to finish a simple game of scissors-paper-rock and they would simultaneously start singing the same tune from their favourite pieces of music. It's as if each of these little miracles gives them a little gold coin which they've collected over time and they have now levelled up to a status where they can willingly share their dreams, both while asleep and when awake.

And that may be, one of the most beautiful secrets ever known.

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