27. Twoset Ultimate Questions

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A/N: Today's episode is a non-AU one-shot.


"Welcome to another episode of Twoset Violin! I'm Eddy."

"And I'm Brett. Today we have a very special episode of a new game. Ultimate Questions!"

"Today we have some ultimate questions that we will answer. They will require ultimate decisions to make ultimate choices..!!"

"There's no right or wrong answer so hope you Lingling wannabes play along and we can all learn something new about ourselves."

"So Brett, we aren't keeping score?"

"Nah. Okay?  Let's begin !!"

Brett read out the first question on the card in his hand.

"Ultimate choice. A cockroach to walk across your foot or a spider to walk across your face."

Eddy wailed.

"Nooooooooooo. Neither!!"

Brett smirked.

"Eddy, you're supposed to pick one, that's the whole point of the game."

"Games are meant to be fun, not distressing."

"Okay, point taken. We won't do this one."

Brett threw away the card over his shoulder.

"Your turn, Brett. Ultimate choice. Would you rather be reborn into a talentless gorgeous guy or talented ugly guy?"

Brett: I choose to be reborn into someone gorgeous and then I'll practice 40 hours a day, LING LING !!!

Eddy: You don't need to be reborn to be gorgeous.

Brett: Oh my god.. cut! Cut that bit!! I lost my dead-pan.

Brett: Ultimate choice. To work for little pay on a job you love, or get lots of money for a job you hate?

Eddy stared at Brett.  Brett stared back. They held their gaze.  Eddy broke the gaze first as he shook his head and smiled.

Eddy: Oh, c'mon. Don't insult me. I gotta choose what I love doing.  In a heartbeat.

"Your turn, Brett. Ultimate choice. Would you rather live in a hot summer room without aircon, or a freezing winter room without a heater?

Brett pondered for a while then perked up, appearing to have thought of a great idea. He faced the camera and smiled;

Brett: Can I still have Eddy with me? Then I'll take the winter room.

Eddy: Oh my god

"Okay Eddy, it says here that the next questions are for the both of us. Here we go. Ultimate question. There's no toilet paper but you have a $100 note. ...Would you wipe or not wipe?"

Eddy burst out laughing.

Brett: Oh my god, who came up with this question !?!??!?!

Eddy: My turn to read? Okay, ultimate question. Would you marry someone who doesn't ever talk or someone who won't stop talking?"

Brett: I'll be the guy who won't ever shut up.

Eddy: Okay, I'll be happy just listening without uttering a word.

Brett: Last question. Ultimate question. Your lover and best friend, drowning. Which one will you rescue?

Eddy: Huh? I don't understand the question.

Brett: I didn't get this one either.  What does it mean by which one?

Brett: How'd that go ?  Do we have enough footage?

Eddy: Editor-san, what'd'ya mean we barely have any usable footage??

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