26. Twoset Grapefruit Boys

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"Dads, I'm thinking of getting a part-time job for summer, what do you think?"

Eddy smiled to his 20 year old adopted daughter. She had lived with Eddy and Brett for the last 15 years, since she was 5 years old.

"Sounds like a great idea Claire, where do you have in mind for work?"

"Well Deddy, there's an opening at the university gym."

Brett spat out his coffee. Eddy burst out laughing.

"Detty?? Yuck."

"S, sorry Claire, OMG, Eddy, pass me a tissue will ya."

Eddy gasped as he tried to speak.

"Hey, Claire, that's great ! You oughta go work there! I wonder whether they've changed anything, what do you recogn' Brett?"

The next day Claire arrived home from uni in a hurry. As soon as she came through the front door, she started screaming for her Dads.

"Oh my god Dads!!! I went to the uni gym for an interview today and almost died !!! I can't believe it!!!!"

Brett stepped out of the kitchen.

"Oooooooooooooooh nooooooooo Claire."

"Detty!!! Why didn't you ever tell me ?!? You and Deddy !!!"

"I cannot believe they still have that thing up there?!?!?!?"

"Yes I took a photo of it !!"


Eddy came out of his study.

"Oh my god, what's going on ?"

"Eddy, you wouldn't believe it, they still have our photo up there !!"

"Oh, no way!!"

Eddy burst out laughing again.

"Deddy... Dads.. I can't believe this..."

Claire held up her phone and showed her adoptive fathers the photo she took at her uni gym. Her "Dads" in their early 20s, in very out of date looking gym gear, smiling in a photo, their photo was framed and hung up on the gym wall.

"So Dads... which one of you are going to explain to me what a grapefruit boy is? That's what it said on your wall of fame?"

"Claire, your Dads were grapefruit boys."

"Don't tell fibs Eddy. No, Claire, you father, Deddy was the very first grapefruit boy, I was just his sidekick."

"No you weren't Brett, I insisted you had to be one, too, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do it..!!"

"Dads!! Please, will you guys calm down and tell me what this is all about ?"

"...So, Claire, as you can already tell, your father Deddy has always been a very good looking man."

"Oh my god Brett, quit it."

"Oh my god Detty, I mean you guys are so sweet together but really, sometimes you guys are too much."

"I'm just trying to explain it with context. Anyway, it was Eddy who wanted the job at the gym and he asked if I wanted to  come along too."

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