186. Twoset Psychic II

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The young couple had just finished their dinner and was about to relax on the sofa together.

Before he was about to settle into a comfortable position, Eddy pushed himself off the sofa and stood up as he pointed to the kitchen;

"I'm getting myself a drink. You want anything Brett?"

"Thanks Eddy. Black tea with one sugar please?"


"Here ya go Brett."

Brett glanced at the mug that Eddy placed on the small side coffee table next to him. Eddy had left a teaspoon in the mug for stirring the tea.

"Oh. Um, thank you Eddy."

Eddy raised an eyebrow.

"What is it Brett? Did I stuff up something?"

Brett quickly flashed a smile.

"Oh, no, not at all, everything is good, thanks."

Eddy raised his other eyebrow.

"Are you sure? You've got that look in your eyes..."

Eddy darted his eyes to the calendar on the wall. Brett rolled his eyes.

"I knew it!! It's that... that... ugh, what did you call it?"

Brett blushed as he face palmed himself.

"...The time of the month..OMG this is so embarrassing."

"Yeah, that..! Isn't it !? Brett..? Why are you suddenly embarrassed?  You were the one that explained it to me with that phrase.  And y'know what, I think I can now tell when you're like that from the shape of the moon.. cos it was a waxing crescent moon last time as well..."

Brett screamed.

"OMG please, nooooo!!"


"Now you're keeping track of my cycles!?!?! OMG, that sounds so bad.."

Brett cringed.  Eddy shook his head.

"It's not rocket science Brett...! It's just a way to keep track of a 28 day cycle and what's better for that than the moon? You actually said so yourself before.  And what's wrong with your... partner keeping track of your.. cycles to better care for him?!? I mean last time you got too many unwanted visitors and you wanted me with you.  So you obviously need more care during your p.."

Brett glared at Eddy as he screamed;

"OMG Eddy I swear I'm gonna flip out if you... don't you dare use the P WORD!!!!"

Eddy raised both hands, showing his palms.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, it was just a slip of the tongue. So.. please tell me Brett, what does this all mean? Were you not meant to have tea? Does it make.... anything worse or something?"

Brett took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. He then waved his hand around.

"No, no, no, it's not like that at all... I'm sorry I flipped out. Honestly, it's okay Eddy, don't worry about it, I'm sure everything will be fine. C'mon let's watch a movie or something."

Brett slid off the sofa and scooted over to sit in front of Eddy who had since sat down on the sofa. Eddy placed his hand on Brett's head as he turned his upper body and swung his legs up onto the sofa.

They were ten minutes into the movie.




Brett turned around towards Eddy when Eddy didn't respond.

"Eddy? What is it? Why do you look freaked out?"

Eddy's eyes were fixed towards the small coffee table at the end of the sofa. It had been out of Brett's field of vision while he was watching the movie. Brett's mug of tea, prepared by Eddy ten minutes ago was the only thing on the coffee table.

"Brett.. someone just stirred your tea."

"Oh. Okay thanks Eddy."

"N, no, Brett, it wasn't me. I didn't do it."

"Yeah I gathered that I just thanked you for telling me."

Eddy stammered;

"Brett!? Do you realise what I'm saying? The spoon went around twice by itself!! I saw it with my own eyes."

"Yeah. I gathered."

"Brett..?? I don't know what you've gathered. Why are you so freakin' calm about this and not freaking out like I am?!"

"Because I'm.. so used to it? This is not the first time it's happened.. It happens a lot when I'm.. I'm like this... at this time of the month.. ugh."

Eddy widened his eyes;

"..It happens A LOT!?!?"

"Ya. Y'know. All it's doing is just stirring my drink for me."

"WTF that's not JUST somethin'..!!!!"

Brett sighed.

"Look Eddy, I'm sorry. I had a bad feeling when you left the spoon in my mug for me for stirring my tea. I should've taken the spoon back into the kitchen, I didn't mean to upset you. She's just stirring it for me, she's pretty harmless."

"...It's a she?"

"Yeah, it's a little girl."

Eddy looked around anxiously.

"Is she.. still around..?"

Brett bit his lower lip.

"Brett, please. Please be honest with me."

"Okay fine. Yes, she's still next to the coffee table."

Eddy pulled his legs up towards himself.

"Eddy, that's not necessary. You can't even see her."

"Brett.. come off the floor and sit with me now, please. Right now!"

"Okay okay.. um.. you do realise she's more likely to sit closer to me so by me going close to you..."

Eddy kicked his legs.

"Okay, okay, fine, stay where you are...!!"

"Eddy, you can't see them, please don't let them bother you."

Eddy raised an eyebrow.

"Brett? Why did you say it in plural?"

Brett rolled his eyes with regret.

"...okay so there's.. a few..."


"OFFS what bloody difference does it make?! You can't see them anyway!?"

"That's not the point..! I wanna know how many are in this room...!!"

Brett let out an exasperated sigh and started turning his neck to scan the whole living room.

10 seconds later.

"Brett? Well!??"

"Hang on, I'm still counting..."


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