Trapped (Jacksepticeye x reader)

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Ugh, I ran out of food again. I sighed dramatically as I looked in my food storage, seeing nothing but a few bread crumbs left on the shelves. Guess it's time for a borrowing trip, I thought to myself. I grabbed my hook and rope from the wall and slung my satchel over my shoulder before exiting the safety of my home inside the walls of the human's house.

The human who lived here was a rather loud being and screamed a lot, especially when he went to record "videos," whatever those were. His name was either Jack or Sean, but I couldn't really tell since he responded to both names. Overall, he seemed like a nice person, but of course I wasn't going to endanger myself by being careless while borrowing. Even if he seemed nice, I wasn't willing to let myself be caught by such an over-energetic man. That was a recipe for disaster.

Finally I made my way up the staircase of nails I had made for myself and peeked through the small holes of the outlet, checking to make sure the human wasn't in the room. The coast was clear, so I unhinged the outlet from its frame and stepped out, putting it back in place after I was fully emerged from the wall. I looked around, seeing that the counter looked like it had been recently cleaned and everything was put away, but there was a familiar smell wafting through the air that I just couldn't ignore. I walked all the way to the edge of the counter and looked around the floor until my eyes landed on a mouse trap with a small chunk of cheese stuck on it. It would be risky, but it was possible to get the cheese without setting the trap off. With not much other choice, I grabbed my rope off my belt and stuck the fish hook end into the counter, throwing the rest of the rope over the edge and letting it dangle all the way to the floor. I carefully climbed down, making sure to not slip since it would be a long fall. Eventually I reached the ground, letting go of the rope and landing silently on the floor. I ran across the floor towards the mouse trap which was in the corner of the room in plain sight. I had to be quick in case Jack decided to come out of his recording room because I was out in the open and I would have no chance of escaping if I was seen.

As I came up to the trap, I began analyzing its structure so I could see how I could take the cheese off without injuring myself. The cheese seemed to be stuck to a little pin, so if the pin moved it would most likely trigger the trap and send the deadly bar snapping down. I gulped and placed each hand on either side of the block of cheese. Bit by bit I began to slide the cheese off the pin, and so far it seemed to be going pretty well. Nothing was going off, and the cheese was so close to being in my possession. Just as the cheese slipped off the pin, BAM! The bar slammed down on my arm, immediately breaking it with a sickening crack. I screamed out in pain before covering my mouth with my one hand, which I managed to get out of the way before the bar got both my limbs. Tears began to stream down my face as I watched my arm turn purple, blood beginning to ooze out from the skin. It took everything in my power not to cry out at every little movement that I made. My arm seared with pain, like a thousand knives were being pushed into the skin on my arm. I tried to lift up the bar to get my arm out, but I lost my grip under its pull and it snapped down onto my arm again, making me screech before cutting myself off, remembering that the human was still home.

Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse,

Thump, thump thump...

No. No no no no. Jack was approaching the kitchen, and I was still in the room in plain sight. Not only that, but I was injured and had an entire mousetrap attached to my arm, not to mention I couldn't climb up my rope that I left in the kitchen. In a desperate act of escape, I began dragging myself over to the nearest exit which was another outlet across the room. My arm screamed in pain, but I ignored it and pressed forward as I knew it was my only chance of survival. I wasn't going to let myself die like this. There was no way I would go down being caught by a human after getting caught by a mousetrap. I would escape and live a happy life, and-

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