Ethan's travels (Pt. 2)

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Ethan held the ship's wheel steady as the wind passed gently through his hair. With the beautiful handiwork of the Lilliputians, the boat had given the young man smooth sailing for a good while now. The weather has been good, and the waves weren't too choppy. It reminded Ethan how grateful he was for the Lilliputian's help, especially from Mark who had shown his subjects that the shipwrecked sailor wasn't dangerous, even if he had given him some trouble at first. He was going to miss those little guys, but he knew he would never forget them.

Ethan's reminiscing was disrupted as the wind suddenly picked up in pace, making him snap back to reality. While it was still a sunny day, the young sailor could see dark clouds on the horizon. As he looked up, he noticed the wind in his sails was pushing the opposite direction that it was supposed to, meaning the storm would be coming towards him.

"Oh no, I am not doing that again." Ethan commented to himself. Before anything else he grabbed the rope to the sail and pulled until the fabric was bunched up neatly to its mast, keeping the wind from pushing Ethan in the wrong direction. After securing the sail he returned to the helm, looking around for any possible islands where he could wait out the storm. To his luck there was one, thankfully not too far away. With that Ethan turned the wheel, doing a 90 degree turn to the right and heading towards the island that looked lush and green, quite promising that it would provide shelter.

After about another twenty minutes of sailing, Ethan finally came up onto the shore of the island. He hopped off his boat and pushed it as far as he could onto the sand, hopping back in momentarily to grab a wooden peg and a rope so he could secure his ship. After he nailed the peg into the ground and tied his ship to it, Ethan looked up at the sky, noticing it much darker now as the wind confirmed the storm blowing in. He was glad that at least this time he wasn't at sea and at the hands of the storm, but he knew he still had to find shelter. With that Ethan stood, bringing a compass and a small knife with him, making note of where his boat was as he trekked into the forest.

As the young man pushed past bushes and hopped over dead logs, he noticed that the environment was much different than Lilliput, or even Maine where he lived. The trees were absolutely enormous, as were the plants that were supposed to be considered small in comparison to the trees. Ethan didn't think much of it though, assuming it was just a different climate and the island probably had different properties to it. As he continued through the forest, he kept an eye out for anything edible that he could take back to his ship. Although the Lilliputians had given him lots of food, he thought it couldn't hurt to make sure that he didn't starve out at sea. After pushing away a large leaf, Ethan suddenly found himself looking at a rather large bush that looked like it had giant raspberries on it. He smiled to himself at his successful venture, his stomach already grumbling at the thought of eating the delicious berries. Just as he was about to step out from the bush, however, he felt the ground rumble. He paused, wondering if his brain was being paranoid for a moment. But when something big suddenly swung in front of Ethan's view he stumbled back, and after collecting himself he realized that it was a giant leg.

Ethan's eyes widened as he stared at the massive limb. A giant? But how?! Well, after thinking about it for a moment it wasn't the craziest idea after meeting a bunch of tiny people, but still! It just seemed a bit harder to believe that there was a man a hundred times bigger than Ethan's size.

Ethan kept quiet as he watched the giant. This man wore a sage green hoodie and blue jeans, with black boots to complete the ensemble. His hair was brunette, and his skin was quite pale. Ethan couldn't quite catch his facial features as the giant was facing the other way. Ethan watched in silence as the large man squatted down to pick some of the berries he was looking at. With the giant distracted, Ethan decided now would be a good time to get out of there before the monstrosity noticed him through the leaves. He stepped back, keeping a careful watch on the enormous man, but he failed to notice the twig in his path and as he stepped back onto it it snapped, alerting the giant. Ethan's heart dropped, mentally cursing himself for giving away his position with the classic 'breaking a stick' trope, but he just hoped the giant would ignore it. However, that wasn't the case.

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