Snatched (Mark & Ethan)

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"Hellooooo? Anyoooone?! Heeeeeeelp!" Ethan cried, clinging to the trunk of a tree. Earlier that day he decided what a fantastic idea it would be to climb a tree, and he ended up going too high and getting stuck. Unfortunately he was in an almost uninhabited part of the woods, so people were hard to come by and it had already been an hour. Ethan's arms were burning from hugging to tree for so long, but he didn't dare let go. Letting go meant falling, and falling meant getting extremely injured, and at worst possibly dying. So he kept yelling for help, hoping that someone would hear him and come along. "Is anyone there? Hello? Please, I'm stuck in a tree and I can't get down!" Ethan yelled hysterically. He was about to begin shouting again, but the ground shook which cause the tree to shake as well, making Ethan's mouth shut as he gripped harder onto the trunk. More rumbles came in a rhythmic pace, each one more intense and louder than the last until something big came into view from behind the surrounding trees. Ethan's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as a giant came through the trees, casually strolling along through the forest.

The giant had black hair and stubble that contrasted against tan skin. His eyes were a soft brown, and he wore a simple black t-shirt and jeans with black shoes to match. His body was well-toned, making for a rather intimidating sight, especially for Ethan who watched with wide eyes from his perch. The giant simply emanated power, frightening Ethan to his core.

As the giant got closer Ethan realized he was coming right his way, and at the height he was in the tree he'd most certainly be seen by the giant as he passed by. There was no way he could try and hide with the time and resources he had, so Ethan just froze. Maybe if I just don't move, he won't see me-

As the giant passed by he happened to look right over to Ethan, doing a double take seeing the human in the tree as the two made eye contact. Ethan inhaled sharply, staring straight back at the soft brown orbs that rested curiously on him. Neither of them said anything, but after a moment a small smile found its way onto the giant's lips as he turned his body to face Ethan.

"Well, what do we have here?" He asked mischievously. Ethan gulped.

"Y-You're really big, s-sir." Ethan stammered, mentally facepalming since that was probably the worst thing to say to a giant for the first time. But the giant just laughed at the human's first reaction.

"I guess I am." He giggled. "What are you doing so high up in that tree?" The giant asked, tilting his head.

"W-well sir, I-I thought it'd be fun to climb this tree, a-and then I got stuck." Ethan explained through stammers.

"I see." The giant hummed. "How long have you been there?"

"A-an hour, probably." Ethan admitted. The giant's eyes widened at the mention of this.

"An hour?!" He echoed. Ethan nodded. "You must be exhausted, holding onto the tree like that for so long." The giant gestured, pointing towards Ethan who still held onto the trunk with a tight grip. "Here, let me help you." One of the giant's hands began to lift up towards Ethan, causing his eyes to widen and his arms to tighten on the tree as he watched the enormous hand approach him.

"U-um, no, thank you. Please don't." He squeaked, tensing up as the hand came too close for comfort.

"Oh come on, you've been there for an hour! I can get you out of there right now!" The giant retorted.

"N-No, thanks. I-I'll wait for someone else to come along." Ethan tried to dismiss the subject, but the giant persisted.

"I really think I should get you out of that tree." He pushed on.

"N-No, I don't think you should." Ethan argued.

"Here, let me just-"

"What are you- hey!" Ethan squeaked as the giant pinched the back of his shirt and began tugging on it, pulling him away from the tree as the giant tried to pick him up. But Ethan refused to let go, making for a comedic scene of him gripping onto the tree for dear life while the giant casually pulled him away. Eventually his arms gave way and he dangled by his shirt as the giant lifted him away from the tree and closer to his face, smirking a little as he got his way.

"See? Now you're out of the tree!" The giant smiled triumphantly.

"And now hundreds of feet in the air, yes. Now put me down!" Ethan began to squirm in the last bit of his sentence, and the giant couldn't help bit smile at his adorable attempt of escape.

"Not yet. First, I want to know your name." The giant replied. Ethan stopped struggling for a moment and looked at the giant with a scowl.

"My name is Ethan." He huffed, then continued struggling.

"Well nice to meet you, Ethan. I'm Mark." Mark smiled, placing his hand on his chest for emphasis.

"A pleasure." Ethan replied sarcastically. "Now that I've told you my name, I've earned the right to return to the ground."

"Wellll, I didn't exactly say I'd put you down once you told me your name." Mark admitted, placing Ethan in his free hand. Ethan squeaked as his shirt was let go and tumbled to his back, but quickly sat up to regain his dignity.

"That's not fair! You said-"

"I said 'first of all,' not 'just one thing'. You still owe me some chat time." Mark smirked.

"What?!" Ethan exclaimed.

"So tell me, what's your life like?" Mark teased.

"I don't have to tell you anything!" Ethan shouted. "I just want to go home! I've been stuck in a tree for the past hour, my arms hurt like hell, and now I'm being toyed with by a freaking giant! I've had a bad enough day already, and I don't need you to make it worse! I just- I-I just want to go home!" Ethan tried not to cry, but his emotions got the best of him as he began to bawl away. Mark was shocked as he watched the little human break down, now unsure of what to do in this situation. Sure, he probably could have lessened up on the teasing, but he didn't expect the human to cry! Mark couldn't help but feel bad since his teasing is what drove Ethan to this point, so to try and reassure him Mark began speaking again.

"Hey, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." Mark panicked. It didn't help much as Ethan continued to cry away, curled up into a small ball in the giant's oversized hand. Mark's brow furrowed as he didn't know what to do, so instinctively he lowered himself to the ground and sat down with crossed legs, and then pulled the human close to his chest in a makeshift hug. Ethan flinched and inhaled sharply when he made contact with the giant's chest, freezing up as he wasn't sure how to react. At first he pushed away, but when Mark lifted up his other hand to gently ruffle his hair, Ethan found himself relaxing into the giant's body. The tension left his muscles and his eyes fell closed, allowing him some calm after everything that happened that day. Small whimpers still emitted from his mouth, but they were now much quieter than before.

"I'm sorry." Mark whispered. "I'll let you go, just make sure not to climb any more trees, ok?" He chuckled softly. Ethan hesitantly looked up at the giant through blurred vision, his eyes red and watered down from his tears. He sniffled a little and nodded yes, making the giant smile and give him one last hair ruffle. Then he slowly pulled Ethan away from his chest and set him on the mossy ground. Mark gave Ethan a sad smile, then stood up and began walking away, leaving Ethan behind who just stared at the giant. But as Ethan stared at the retreating giant, something made him want to stop him from leaving just yet.

"W-Wait!" Ethan blurted. Mark halted and turned around, making eye contact with the little human. Ethan froze up, realizing he didn't plan what he was going to say. He took a deep breath and began speaking, hoping his words would come out the way he wanted. "C-could I maybe... see you again? Like, could we meet here tomorrow or something?"

Mark said nothing for a few moments, then slowly he began to smile. He walked back to the little human and kneeled down.

"Sounds like a plan." He replied. Ethan smiled in return and extended his hand, implying a handshake.

"It's a deal then." Ethan grinned. Mark nodded and extended his own hand, gently grasping Ethan's smaller limb with his thumb and pointer finger and shook it up and down. He then let go and stood up again, towering over the little human who craned his neck to look up at him.

"See you round then." Mark dismissed, then turned and walked away. Ethan watched until he disappeared into the trees, leaving him alone in the forest. A small smile crept onto Ethan's lips as he placed his hands into his jean pockets.

"See you."

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