An Agreement (Giant!Mark, Tiny!Jack, Tiny!Ethan)

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"Ok, coast clear." Jack whispered, hopping out the outlet from the kitchen wall. Ethan followed behind, gawking at the enormous furniture and appliances in the room. It was his first borrowing, so being outside the inner walls was completely surreal to him. "Stay close, we just need to grab a couple things and then we can go home." Jack reminded. He jogged across the counter, Ethan following behind as the two made their way to the butter dish. Jack grabbed one side of the glass lid and lifted it with a small grunt, gesturing to the butter with his head. Ethan understood the command and grabbed a piece of tinfoil from his belt, unravelling it and walking towards the butter. He scooped some of the smooth yellow substance out from the block with his tinfoil, making sure to smooth the butter back down so there were no obvious notches before wrapping up the tinfoil with the ingredient. Jack placed the lid back down as quietly as he could, taking a moment to catch a breather before waving Ethan along and continuing on with their borrowing trip.

The two spent the rest of the night gathering items and going back and forth into their home in the walls to deposit them there. It was a rather large borrowing trip as they had run out of last month's portions, so they had to take as much as they could in one setting. It was Jack's preferred method of borrowing; he always mentioned how he liked getting everything at once so he could avoid being seen less, since there weren't as many times he was outside the walls in the open. Sure, it took longer to borrow each time, but as the elder borrower and the one who had done it the longest, Jack had the first say in how borrowing was to be done. By the time the two gathered most of their items, the sun had just began to rise, making the room begin to light up as Jack transported a portion of the materials inside the outlet panel.

"We got everything?" Ethan asked.

"I think so. Butter, blueberries, crackers..." as Jack trailed off he suddenly remembered he forgot one single item: "crap! We forgot to get water!" Of course they had to forget the one vital item to any living things survival. Without water, the two would die out in only a few days! But the sun was rising, and for whatever reason, the human that lived in the household liked to get up particularly early, so there was no telling when he'd pop into the kitchen. Jack cursed himself for forgetting such an important item, but he thought it best to leave and return later to avoid being seen. "Y'know what, let's just come back tonight. I'm pretty sure I have some spare water somewhere, so we'll just survive off of that until we can grab some." Jack dismissed with a sigh, turning to head back into the wall.

Ethan on the other hand didn't see why they had to wait the entire day to grab water that wasn't even that far away, his mind running for other possible options. He turned to look towards the time in the kitchen, reading the analog clock and learning that it was currently 5:45.

"How early does the human usually wake up?" Ethan asked, turning back to look at his friend.

"Around 6:00 AM. Why?" Jack replied. Ethan glanced towards the sink, then towards an empty container they brought with them to store the water in.

"I can make it." Ethan mumbled. Before Jack could question what the heck he was talking about, Ethan snatched up the reasonably sized container and ran off with it, making his way towards the sink.

"Ethan! No!" Jack cried out. As Ethan ignored his cries and shoved the tap on with his foot, Jack was about to go after him, but froze when a looming figure began to approach the kitchen.

Ethan placed the container under the stream of water, letting it fill up all the way to the top before kicking the sink off again. He grunted as he pulled the container away from the sink, then paused to take a moment to seal the top with tinfoil and wrap his rope around it's middle so he could drag it across the counter a little better. But as he was doing so, his world suddenly darkened, making Ethan pause. In confusion he turned around, only to find himself staring at a wall of black fabric.

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