Five Nights (Mark and Jack)

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Jack's heart pound in his chest as he ran. The dark halls did nothing to help him find his way in the dark, and the smell of old pizza distracted him from his objective: survive. Misshapen drawings of bears, bunnies, ducklings and foxes sat along the wall, crinkled and just barely hanging on to the one thumbtack that held them up. The environment was awful, but right now that was the least of Jack's worries.

Jack was a borrower, you know, the tiny people that borrow from human beings to survive. In the past Jack had made the mistake of finding his way into Freddy Fazbear's pizza place and became stuck in the building due to various circumstances. Obviously he couldn't go borrowing in the day because there were tons of children running around, as well as staff serving drinks and pizza. And at night, well, that situation wasn't much better. In fact, it was probably worse. The animatronics that were used for entertainment would come to life and move on their own at night, and they attacked any adult human that they could find by stuffing them into a Fazbear suit. The first time it happened Jack was absolutely sickened. The sounds of the poor security guard's screams and the smell of blood was traumatizing. The only way Jack had survived until now was staying close to the ceiling and travelling through the walls, only grabbing pizza or spilled drinks that were within reach. But tonight, he had made the mistake of risking it and going for a slice placed in the middle of a table, and one of the animatronic's had seen him.

Jack could hear the sound of the animatronic's giant metal feet finding its ways through the halls, looking for anyone to stuff into a Freddy Fazbear suit. In the past multiple security guards had failed to survive the night shift and ended up in the wrath of the four animatronics that plagued the pizza place. Jack wasn't a human, but he wasn't going to chance being seen by an animatronic and getting recognized as one. He already was sick of the smell of blood and he didn't want to smell his own if he could help it.

As he approached a corner, a giant metal foot slammed down in his path. Jack skidded to a halt and fell on his butt, staring up at the animatronic fox. The metal pirate froze for a moment, then suddenly creaked and looked down at Jack with its permanent toothy smile, tilting his head and then freezing again. Jack shook as the fox, otherwise known as pirate cove Foxy, stared at him with his one good eye. The animatronic seemed to be deciding wether Jack was human or not. Jack wasn't sure what was going to happen, especially since he wasn't human but certainly looked like one. He was just smaller.

His question was soon answered when Foxy began to move and reach his rusty hand towards Jack, a menacing gleam in his man made eye. Jack screeched and scrambled to his feet, bolting in the other direction. His hands flew to his ears as the animatronic let out an unholy scream and began to run after him, metal scraping against the dirty tiled floor.

The ground vibrated from the giant animatronic, but Jack forced himself to stay balanced. He had to find an escape route, and fast. Leaving the building was out of question since the doors were far too heavy for the small borrower to push open, and hiding in an open space would certainly get him killed. So where could he go?

As Jack ran he spotted something up ahead. A faint light illuminated a room that could be entered through a doorway, but for some reason it had no door. But maybe something inside could help Jack survive, so he sprinted towards the room with his last bit of adrenaline. Behind him, Foxy rounded the corner and screeched, throwing Jack off for only a moment before regaining his balance and sliding into the doorway.

Just as Foxy tried to reach for Jack, a large metal slate slammed down behind the little borrower, scaring the daylights out of him but blocking out the angry animatronic. Foxy banged on the door in an attempt to open it, but it held firm and kept him outside the room, relieving Jack. Eventually Foxy got bored and left to return to his pirate cove, allowing Jack to let out a sigh of relief.

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