Jack and the Beanstalk (Giant!Mark, Tiny!Jack)

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Requested by @sarahwolfe12093

"I can't believe those magic beans worked!" Jack huffed, trying to catch his breath after the intense workout. He glanced over at his shoulder to look at the top of the beanstalk, seeing the vine structure poking out from the clouds. "And I can't believe I actually climbed that whole thing!" He puffed. As he faced forward again to scout out the scenery, he was surprised to see a structure in the distance. A castle, it looked like, and out of curiosity Jack began to make his way over. Maybe there was someone who lived there that could tell Jack about the strange land he encountered, and why it was hidden away.

As the Irishman trekked across the puffy clouds, he noticed that the castle seemed oddly far away despite it being about the size one would expect. Jack blinked a few times, wondering if his perspective was somehow malfunctioning, but his vision didn't seem to be the problem. His felt a strange gut feeling coming on, making Jack believe there was something off about the castle. He continued to walk towards the structure, but with every step he took Jack noticed the building getting bigger and bigger, until finally after ten minutes of walking he reached the doorstep of the castle, the structure completely towering over him. Jack gawked at the building. It was absolutely massive! But it was a castle, and they were usually pretty big, so this was probably normal... Right?

"H-hello?" Jack called. "Anyone home?" He waited for a response, but there was none. He gulped, and approached the enormous door. At first, he tried pushing it, but even with his full might the door wouldn't budge. After a couple attempts, Jack gave up on using brute strength and instead switched to using his brain. He stepped back and examined the door, when he realized that the crack under the door was just wide enough for him to fit into. It would be a tight squeeze, but with enough persistence he could make it. So the Irishman laid down, proceeding to slide himself under the door bit by bit. After a few minutes of adjusting, pushing and pulling, Jack finally popped out on the other side. As he stood to brush off the dust from his clothes, he looked up and gasped, realizing that this was not just a big castle.

Everything surrounding him was absolutely HUGE. And not huge like a little bigger than normal, huge like it was meant for another being, a much bigger, more powerful being. But as much as Jack began to worry what resided in the strange building, he found himself starting to explore the castle, taking his time to really look at all the details and maybe find some clues about the place. As he explored, he stared up at massive pieces of furniture and decorations along the floors and walls. He had to admit, whoever lived here had pretty good taste. But as he continued to explore, his neck started to get sore from all the looking up that he was doing, and Jack thought that maybe if he got up higher, he could see everything much better while saving his neck.

Currently positioned in the living room, Jack noticed a couch placed by the window, deciding that the piece of furniture would be a good solid object where he could get a better view. As he approached the side of the couch, he noticed the drapes of the window conveniently hung all the way to the floor, making for good climbing material. The Irishman could feel his fear of heights kicking in, but he pushed it aside and courageously stepped toward the curtain. As he grabbed the flowing material, he gave it a couple tugs to make sure it was sturdy, and with that he began to climb, grabbing fistfuls of fabric and using all his strength on the journey upward. After about fifteen minutes of strenuous climbing, Jack finally managed to clamber onto the head of the couch, rolling over onto his back as he gasped for breath.

"Jesus, I'm gonna be so strong after this." He commented, noticing the amount of climbing he'd done that day.

After finally catching his breath, Jack sat up and stood, looking around. Now this was much better. He could see everything quite well, including everything in the living room and a few other rooms that disappeared behind the walls. But even with his better point of view, he failed to realize what was down below...

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