Kisses (amyplier)

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A/N - Sorry I know this is another Markiplier one, but I'll be getting to other people soon. This is just what I have right now :)

Amy sat on the edge of the couch swinging her legs back and forth as she nibbled on a giant piece of cheese she had found in the kitchen. The TV was playing one of her many favourite shows, which she usually watched as Mark worked on his videos.

Amy was a borrower, and her best friend was Mark, who was a human. Every borrower knows when they're seen they're supposed to move out immediately, but Amy found that Mark was kind and very gentle with her. He understood that borrowers couldn't have their existence known about, and only a few of his close friends knew of Amy with her permission to reveal herself.

Mark had found Amy after she had broken her leg risking a slice of cheese attached to a mouse trap, but failed and accidentally let out a  scream of pain, causing Mark's curiosity to lead him towards her. When he found her he freed her as gently as he could and nursed her back to health since she was in no condition to borrow. Within that time, Amy had found herself trusting Mark more and more, and by the time her leg had healed she didn't want to leave. Mark was thrilled when Amy asked if she could stay, and from then on she didn't have to worry about humans, because she had her protector.

Amy smirked when a frustrated yell came from Mark's recording room. He was playing a game called "Getting Over it", and it was not a good game for him to play. Rage games always got the best of him, and so far getting over it seemed to be the worst of them all. She resumed watching her show as the muffled sound of Mark doing his outro came from his recording room, sounding tired and very frustrated.

A few moments later Mark exited his room and walked towards the TV, knowing that he had left Amy to watch her favourite show. There she was, still nibbling at the cheese she had found, swinging her legs back and forth like an innocent child. Amy turned to meet Mark with her big brown eyes and smiled.

"Hi Mark! How'd it go- ah!" Amy squeaked as Mark scooped her up and flopped down on the couch, lazily leaning against it and letting his legs reach out as he set Amy on his broad chest. He set a hand over her, heat enveloping Amy like a warm hug. Amy felt Mark take a deep breath in before exhaling and blasting her with minty air, sighing loudly.

"...Not so good?" Amy asked, a small smile on her face.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Mark mumbled, his voice sounding like a child's. Amy smiled and laid down on her stomach, resting her head in her arms.

"Ok, you big baby." Amy teased. Mark was about to retort but he sighed again and let it go.

"You're right, I am a big baby." Mark admitted. His eyes closed as he shuffled himself into a more comfortable position, trying to rest after playing the frustrating game. Amy smiled before scooting her way out from under Mark's hand and walking closer to his face with careful steps, making sure not to lose her balance on the cushioned surface. She made it to his face, which was content as Mark still kept his eyes closed. Amy put her hands behind her back and leaned forward, planting a small kiss onto Mark's lips. Mark flinched, almost sending Amy tumbling off of him, but she quickly regained her balance. He opened his eyes and looked down at her with surprise, his eyes wide and confused.

"What was that?" He asked.

"It just looked like you needed it." Amy teased again, a bright smile on her face. Mark blinked a few times, processing what had just happened as he turned a bright shade of pink. He looked away, but then returned and gently kissed Amy back, and this time it was her turn to blush.

"I think you needed it too." Mark smiled softly. Amy stood there dumbfounded for a few moments before turning and walking down Mark's chest, retreating under his hand. She felt Mark's chest move as he laughed, to which she responded by hiding even further in the curvature of his hand to conceal her blushing face.

Mark's laughter died down, and soon the sleepy fatigue took over once again, and his body wouldn't allow him to stay awake any longer. Before he fell asleep, he checked on Amy who had already fallen asleep under the warmth of Mark's hand. Mark smiled and laid on his side, curving into himself as if shielding Amy from any kind of harm. Soon he too fell asleep, protecting the one who meant so much to him.

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