The Escapee Pt. 2

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Warm air surrounded me, stirring my senses back into consciousness as I shifted slightly on the soft fabric below me. At first, I didn't want to wake up, because I knew that if I did I'd have to face the trials of the day, and I was already so comfortable...

Wait. Why couldn't I feel the grass brushing against my limbs, or the chilly air of the outdoors? Wasn't I supposed to be outside? At least, that's the last place I remember being. I slowly began to open my eyes, letting them rid of the fuzzy vision until it became a clear picture, and I suddenly stiffened as I looked around at my surroundings. I wasn't in the field nor the wretched pet store I escaped from, but instead an unfamiliar home that most certainly belonged to a human, maybe even more than one. I seemed to be placed on a large pillow that sat on the couch, and from my platform I could see the rest of the living room with the oversized TV and coffee table directly in front of me, as well as the hardwood floors a good distance below me that stretched into a few other rooms of which I could not see into. Everything was absolutely huge, which I should have been used to due to spending much of my life in a pet store, but because the house was so unfamiliar it became so much more daunting. Not to mention I had a feeling that a human had found me. How else could I have gotten here? And how else could I explain the new bandages on my body?! They know I'm here, I thought nervously to myself. What if they know I came from the pet store and try to return me, or even worse, keep me as their pet! What are they going to do to me?!

My blood went cold as I heard a door open. As I heard the familiar heavy footsteps of a human my head snapped towards the sound, my eyes widening as I saw an approaching shadow stretched across the floor coming from the hall. In my sheer panic I did the first thing I knew how to do. Hide.

I scrambled off the pillow, sliding down its side towards the backside of the couch and slipping between the cushions, hiding inside the furniture as I felt the rumbles of footsteps approach the couch. They stopped, but not before the silence was filled with a muffled "huh?" Before the sound of fabric was frantically moved around.

"Amy! They're gone!" A man cried out, his deep voice fading as he sped away from the couch. Now's my chance! I quickly squirmed my way out of the cushions and ran to the edge of the couch, looking over the fabric cliff side to see how far of a drop it was. Admittedly it was pretty far, but there was a blanket lying in the floor that seemed soft enough to land on. I took in a deep breath, then leaped off the couch and sped towards the ground, landing and tumbling into a roll before finally coming to a stop. My body felt a little sore after that, but thankfully it wasn't bad enough to worry about as I had to get moving before the human-

"There they are!" A feminine voice exclaimed. I whipped around as I saw two humans, a female one with wavy blonde hair and a petite figure pointing straight at me, and a male one with raven black hair and stubble with a more muscular frame. But I didn't dwell on examining their features long. I spun around and bolted the other way, running as fast as I could until I could find an escape. This was turning into the pet shop chase again!

"They're running away!" The man exclaimed, and with thunder seeming to strike the floor I knew he had begun running after me. Here we go again. I sprinted across the floor, feeling the rumbles behind me from both humans now as they scrambled after me, trying not to trip over each other in the mad chase. I quickly turned on my heel, spinning into what I assumed was the kitchen as I saw a table and chairs in the centre of the room, as well as a glimpse of an oven and fridge set beside polished counters. As the humans clamoured after me I ran under the table, wincing as I heard the sound of wood clashing against each other and scrape across the floor as the man accidentally ran into the table and chairs trying to make a grab at me.

"Ow!" He yelled, falling over onto the floor.

"Mark, are you ok?!" The woman exclaimed, dropping to her knees to check on the poor man.

"It's ok, I'm fine!" Mark assured quickly, hobbling back to his feet. "We gotta get that borrower before they run away, though!"

I had already made it back to the living room at this point, sliding across the hardwood floor as I came to a stop. My chest heaved in and out as I spun around in a panic, desperately trying to find a hiding place before the humans found me again. Just as I spotted a nook behind the cabinets under the TV, I felt the floor rumble again as the young couple ran into the room, both of them looking around before their eyes landed on me at the exact same time, sending a chill down my spine.

"Get them!" The woman exclaimed. I went straight back into action as I turned and sprinted away, of course with the thundering footsteps behind me during the chase. If I could just make it behind the cabinets, I'd be fine! Even if they tried to get me out, eventually they'd leave from boredom as humans do, and then I could find a way to escape. Almost there, almost there, almost there-

I yelped as darkness suddenly overtook me, falling to my stomach as something had landed on top of me and pinned me to the floor. I could feel the familiar texture of soft fabric, recognizing it as the same blanket I landed on when I jumped off the couch. It was pitch black now, and I couldn't tell how much fabric was surrounding me, not to mention it was difficult to hold up due to its weight.

Meanwhile, the human couple stared at the blanket Mark threw over the little borrower, watching with frozen bodies at the small lump shuffling underneath the vast amount of fabric in a panic. Mark made the first move, tip-toeing towards the blanket before kneeling down and slowly resting a hand over the borrower, causing them to flinch and let out a screech, and in return the human's hand quickly retracted as he glanced worriedly at his partner.

"What do I do?" He whispered.

"I don't know." Amy whispered back, shrugging her shoulders. "Just be careful, I guess. Try not to spook them too much." Mark turned back towards the blanket and stared at it for a few moments, wondering what he should do in this very odd situation. Eventually he leaned forward and scooped up the entire blanket so the borrower was trapped in the folds, carefully packing the blanket into his arms and slowly standing up before turning to his girlfriend.

"I'm gonna head to my room." He decided. Amy nodded, and with that Mark turned and headed down the hall.

I squirmed about as I felt the sway of the human's footsteps rock the blanket he was holding with my tiny body trapped inside, trying to keep myself afloat amongst the folds of the blanket. It was still dark due to the fabric covering my head, so I had no idea where we were going. I just hoped it wouldn't be back to the pet store. My stomach dropped as I felt the movement slow and the blanket was lowered to the ground. There was a shuffling of fabric all around me before light suddenly filtered in and the blanket folds were laid flat amongst a vast bed, and my immediate instinct was to jump to my feet and run away as fast as I could. I bolted, but didn't make it far as something caught the collar of my shirt, making my feet fly out in front of me before I was dragged back by enormous fingers.

"You're a bit of an escape artist, aren't you?" Mark pointed out, watching me wiggle about in an attempt to detach from the fingers, doing whatever I could to escape the human. I squeaked as he suddenly lifted me off the bed, then proceeded to spin me around before setting me down again. This time however, I found that I couldn't move. I was hit with realization how close I was to the human, and how dangerous the situation had suddenly become. Fear took over, and I found myself shaking as I slowly looked up to meet the human's eyes. The brave front I tried to keep up had been broken down, and it was obvious the human could see that. He stared at me for a few moments, taking the time to fully examine my features now that I finally held still, and then with a sigh he let his stiffened shoulders drop as a look of sympathy passed through his eyes.

"What are we going to do with you?"

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