Watch for Icy Roads (Giant!Jack, Tiny!Mark)

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The night was dark with just a few twinkling stars shining through the clouds in the chilly winter, fields  blanketed by snow and trees with frost decorated all over their branches, showcasing the freezing temperatures. Although beautiful, winter came with a few problems, one of which being icy roads. Mark seemed to be the only one driving down the highway in the middle of the country. He was trying to get home in these bad driving conditions, and driving in the dark proved difficult as it made it harder to see where the ice was.

"Geez, I can hardly see anything." Mark breathed, scanning the road for ice. He was worried his wishes of safe travels wouldn't do much to help in the freezing weather, and without winter tires it made driving much more daunting. But he was taking it slow, being as cautious and careful as he could, so he was hopeful about getting home safe.

As Mark drove down the road, he saw something in the corner of his eye. It looked like a couple of lights had flashed in the distance for just a moment, but they had disappeared when he tried to look for them. Mark shrugged it off and continued driving, unaware of the situation he had suddenly fallen into. That was, until a deer jumped out from the ditch.

"Shit!" Mark yelled, grabbing the wheel and attempting to swerve out of the way. But in his panic he forgot about the icy roads, and his car started spinning at high speed. He tried to regain traction, but it was no use, and he ended up crashing into the ditch. The airbags went off, thankfully saving Mark from bashing his head into the wheel, but he wasn't looking too good. The windshield had shattered upon impact, cutting into his face and leaving blood trickling out of his fresh cuts. The cold filled the car quickly with the open window, immediately chilling Mark's body. It didn't take long for him to black out after the crash when his adrenaline died down. He went limp in his seat, slumping over the airbag. The deer that had attempted to cross the road went on its way unharmed, unaware of the car crash it just caused.

The cold was sure to set in soon, especially at night, and hypothermia was definitely possible in the freezing temperatures. If someone didn't discover Mark soon, he wouldn't make it through till morning. However Mark got lucky, for when he crashed someone did in fact hear him skid into the ditch, although it might not be what he, or anyone really, expected. A looming figure stood in the trees, quietly approaching the car wreck. Snow crunched under enormous black shoes, and a large cloud high above dissipated into the air with each breath the creature took. As the figure left the line of trees, it was revealed that it was in fact a giant, and his name was Jack.

"Woah..." The giant breathed, staring at the car. He looked around to check if there were any more vehicles coming his way, and once he decided the coast was clear he approached the shattered car. As he walked around to the driver's side, Jack kneeled down in the snow soaking his navy jeans, and lowered himself so he could peek inside. As his eyes laid on Mark, he gasped, seeing the man in rough shape. He sat up quickly, his brain now berating at him to do something. "But what the hell should I do?" He worried out loud to himself. Jack never had much of an opportunity to interact with humans, but he did know that they were terrified of giants. One time he was seen while on a walk, and the human who saw him ran away screaming. After that he worried the police would try and chase after him, but nothing happened so he assumed everyone thought the human was crazy. Nevertheless he didn't want to scare the human in the car, much less take him out without consent. But as Jack caught a glimpse of Mark again, his brow furrowed, and he knew what he had to do to keep the little guy alive.

Jack gently grabbed the handle to the car door, pulling it and opening the door. He laid down again, figuring out how to get the man out of the car. The seatbelt buckle was far too small for Jack's hands to try and press down on the release button, so he ended up just tugging and ripping off the belt itself. He a little bad for destroying the seatbelt, but the car was already a wreck so it didn't matter all that much. Mark started slumping over as his source of balance was taken away, but Jack managed to catch him before he fell too far, saving him from tumbling into the snow. He adjusted his hand so that he could lift Mark out of the car without him sliding off the edge of his palm, and with that Jack began lifting him out of the wreckage.

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