Splish Splash (Giant!Jack, Tiny!Ethan)

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Ethan loved the ocean. Growing up in Maine, he often spent his time at the sandy beaches swimming in the salty waters and occasionally fishing for lobsters with his dad. But today he was by himself, going for a relaxing boating trip relatively far out in the ocean. He had planned to catch some fish that he could bring back to his parent's house and cook for dinner, and was currently standing at the edge of his boat with his line dangling into the water. The ocean was pretty  calm for being so far out from shore, and the sun was shining it's gentle rays across the turquoise waters, making it a pleasant day for fishing as nothing seemed to be disturbed.

"Wonder what I'll catch today?" Ethan mumbled to himself, leaning over the edge of his boat as if to search for a fish in the water. He shrugged his shoulders and tipped back, humming a quiet sailor's tune to himself as he let his eyes gaze across the salty waters. He always loved to spend his time at the ocean; it was filled with memories of spending time with his family and friends, and growing up beside it made it feel like he was at home. Especially because he was now living in the famous city of Los Angeles, returning to the ocean made him feel so relaxed and comfortable. Ethan sighed happily, taking in the salty air that brought back so much nostalgia to the young man.

His line suddenly lurched forward, bringing Ethan along with it as he struggled to maintain a grip on his fishing rod, his arms strained over the metal bar that was the only thing keeping him from sliding off the deck and into the ocean. There was definitely some sort of sea creature that took the bait on the end of Ethan's line, but what kind of fish could be so strong? Ethan grunted as he pulled back the rod with all his might, his rod bending as if it were about to snap in half. His feet skid across the polished wooden floor, his arms still strained to try and keep his fishing rod from flying out of his hands.

Before he could even realize what happened the fish pulled so hard on the line that it sent Ethan flipping over the edge of the safety bar, falling off his boat and into the ocean with a yelp. As he crashed into the water, bubbles flew everywhere, scaring any sort of fish that might have been around. Ethan made sure to keep his eyes shut due to the salty water that would burn his eyes, which unfortunately cost his eyesight since he couldn't see where he was nor which way was up. He began to panic as he felt his chest burn for air, not to mention whatever was strong enough to pull him into the ocean was still in the water with him. What if it was a shark? A giant whale? The kraken?! Ethan's mind began to flip out, but before he could go into a complete state of panic something brushed against his side, making him flinch in the water. It quickly wrapped around his torso, and before he knew it vertigo hit his stomach and his body was forced down as whatever was holding him swam up, crashing through the surface of the ocean and allowing fresh air to enter Ethan's lungs.

Ethan took a few moments to gain his breath back, taking deep gulps of air before he decided to open his eyes again and look around after the pain from the salt had settled. The first thing he noticed was that he was clutched in skin and bone, formed to be what looked like a giant hand that clamped over his body. As his eyes trailed away they followed across the ocean where a limb attached to the hand disappeared under the blue hue of the water, and slowly looking up Ethan was met with an enormous face only partially sticking out of the water so that icy blue eyes stared back at him in wonder. The breath left Ethan's lungs as he stared frozen at the creature, who was surprisingly humanoid despite being so huge. The brown hair on the giant's head was brown and stuck out in all directions in wet clumps, and where his ears should have been looked to be webbed fins that flicked every now in then in the water. As Ethan stared at the creature it slowly rose above the water, revealing a well trimmed goatee and gills on the sides of its neck. The human's heart hammered in his chest as he gawked at this monstrosity, wondering what possible scenario would play out now that he was in the hands of this creature.

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