The Escapee Pt. 1 (Giant!Mark, Tiny!Reader)

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"Get them! Don't let that borrower escape!"

My chest heaved in and out as I wiggled my way through the crowd of shoes, followed by an angry manager that worked for the pet store. People were shocked to see me run around dodging the manager this way and that as they had never seen a borrower attempt to escape before. Most borrowers were rather docile because of the knowledge that humans were a far superior race and there was no point in trying to fight back, but I wasn't going to let myself be thrown into the hands of some grubby child just because I gave up. So I continued to sprint around the store, waiting for my opening to escape this dreaded prison. People gasped as the manager lost his footing and slid into a pile of boxes filled with packing peanuts, giving me the opportunity to regain my ground. And then as if the heavens took pity on me, someone entered the store. With a boost of adrenaline I dashed towards the entrance, silently praying that the human would hold the door open long enough for me to get through. I pushed my legs harder as the door began to close, and at the last minute I slid through like a baseball player sliding into home base. But now was not the time to celebrate. I kept running, turning the corner to run down the sidewalk, hearing the familiar jingle of the bell in the pet shop door as the manager finally made it outside.

"Get back here you little vermin!" He yelled, dashing towards me. In a panic I turned towards the road and jumped off the curb, rolling onto the pavement and earning a few scrapes and bruises before scrambling back to my feet to continue running. The manager was about to follow after me, but just as he reached the pavement a semi truck flew by and almost hit him. To my advantage I clambered onto the curb on the other side and hid in the tall grass, hoping my dull grey clothing wouldn't stand out amongst the bright green. As the semi truck finally passed I could see the manager sitting down on the curb with his hands behind him as if someone pushed him to the ground, a shocked expression on his face as he knew he had a close call with death. He pulled himself together and shakily stood up from the ground, brushing the dirt off his clothes. I pressed to the ground as he scanned the grass, still trying to find me, but with an annoyed sigh he turned away and walked back to the pet shop in defeat. I waited until he entered the pet shop again before I got up and ran. I wasn't going to take a chance; getting the farthest away that I could from that horrible shop was my top priority right now.

I must have been walking for an hour now. I had no idea where I was, I was getting hungry, and I was tired from all that running. It felt like I was going to pass out at any second, but I pushed on. If I remembered correctly, it was possible for borrowers to live in a human home without being discovered by the owners of the house. That's where we got the term "borrower" from. All I needed to do was find a home to borrow from, but there lies the problem. I was in an open field, and from my point of view there were no houses to be seen. And then just as I thought things couldn't possibly get worse, my head suddenly felt very heavy. Against my will gravity took over and made me fall to the ground, hitting my head on a nearby pebble (which in comparison to me was a good sized rock) and making my forehead start to bleed. My vision grew hazy from exhaustion, and before I could stop anything I blacked out.

Mark took in a deep breath of fresh air and exhaled, sighing contentedly. He had just finished recording and editing a video, and after getting it up on YouTube he decided to go for a short walk and take some time for himself. I should probably head back soon, Mark thought to himself seeing as he was already out for almost an hour. Just as he was about to turn to go home, he saw a small grey blob lying amongst the grass. He was going to ignore it, but something in his gut told him he shouldn't. He approached the object and knelt down, squinting as he tried to figure out what it was. By reaching down and flipping the object over with his finger, he gasped as he realized what lay on the ground was in fact a tiny person, a borrower.

Mark's eyes widened a little. He had never seen a borrower in person before, never mind being this close to one. He had sometimes seen them in advertisements on TV, but it was never something he had shown interest in. The idea of making a pet out of something so humanoid disturbed Mark. Borrowers were pretty much human already, the only difference was their size. But now Mark found himself kneeling right in front of one, and he didn't even know if they were alive. He reached down and gently nudged the borrower onto his fingers, lifting them up to his face for a better look. He gently set his pinky on the side of their neck and felt for a pulse, and with a sigh of relief he could feel the tiniest little pulse under the pad of his thumb. He pulled his finger away and scanned the humanoid being. Their hair was h/c and their skin was s/c, and the clothes they wore were dull and grey. They had no shoes, but a small bracelet around their wrist read a number: 1046. Mark assumed that was their ID number until a human was to name them, but for now they remained a simple number. As Mark's gaze returned to the borrower's face, he noticed their forehead was bleeding. His eyes widened as he realized their entire body was covered in scrapes and bruises. He immediately took action, jumping to his feet and spinning around, walking home as fast as he could without jostling the little borrower too much.

Mark practically burst through the door of his house, making his girlfriend Amy look up from her phone in surprise. Mark looked frantic, turning this way and that until he finally met eyes with Amy who was sitting on the living room couch, staring at him with concern and confusion in her eyes. Mark quickly slipped off his shoes and rushed towards Amy, still cupping the borrower in his hands that Amy didn't yet know about.

"Amy! I need your help!" Mark stated bluntly. Amy blinked in surprise at the vague request.

"With what?" She replied, her eyes travelling to Mark's cupped hands in suspicion.

"I found a borrower, and they're hurt! Could you treat them?" Mark lowered his hands to reveal the small borrower curled up in his palms, still bleeding and sore all over. Amy was surprised as well as concerned for the little creature's well-being, but she looked back up at Mark with uncertainty.

"I don't know how to treat a borrower." She replied simply. Mark knelt down on his knees to become eye level with his girlfriend, a distressed look in his eyes.

"Amy, please. They're exactly the same as us, they're just smaller! I can't just let them die, even if they're considered pets." Mark pleaded, begging for Amy to help the little borrower. Amy stared back at him before sighing, gesturing for him to hand the borrower over to her. Mark's face lit up in relief as he slipped them onto Amy's hands, and with that Amy got up from the couch and headed towards the bathroom. Mark followed closely behind as Amy walked into the bathroom and set the borrower on the sink, ducking down to check the sink cabinet for the first-aid kit. She pulled it out and stood back up, rummaging through the kit as Mark watched nervously over the nurse's shoulder. Amy paused for a moment and turned around to meet eyes with her partner, both of them saying nothing for a moment before Amy sighed.

"Mark, I know you're worried, but I need space to work." Amy implied gently.

"O-oh, sorry." Mark apologized, leaving the room quickly. "You'll make sure to help them though, won't you?" He asked, pausing at the door frame.

"I'll do my best." Amy smiled reassuringly. Mark smiled back and left, leaving Amy to work her doctor magic on the little borrower. She sighed and turned back to the small life form, her brow furrowing at the sight of the helpless being. "The world hasn't been kind to you, has it?" Amy whispered sympathetically. She began her work, disinfecting and bandaging the borrower until they were all patched up. Their arms and legs looked as if they were mummified, and their forehead was also covered in a hefty amount of gauze, but it would help the little borrower heal. Even after all the poking and prodding they were still passed out, so the nurse decided to move them somewhere more comfortable where both Mark and Amy could keep an eye on them. The couch was deemed a suitable place for the time being, and so the tiny being was placed on a squishy pillow, a perfect bed until further notice. All they had to do now was wait, and hope everything would be ok once the strange borrower regained consciousness.

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