"I do"

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Lin's pov

The wedding is in two weeks and I am stressed the fuck out. The flower guy cancelled on me last minute, so I got to find a new one. I've been trying to teach Sebbie how to throw the flowers, but every time I try, he starts screaming doodoohead, the tailor is still working on out suits and I am still working on 'Moana'.

I am freestyling for 'Moana' when Groff walks in. "Hey babe, could you please pick up Sebbie from preschool. I am going to go grab lunch with Pippa" he asks in a cheery voice. I suddenly feel anger well up in me, as the stress overwhelms me. "DAMNIT JONATHAN, CAN'T YOU SEE I'M WORKING. YOU GO PICK HIM UP" I scream pounding my fist on the table, I see Groffy whimper and I immediately regret the words that left my mouth. I stand up and walk towards him "I'm sorry, I'm ju-" Groff takes a step back and I can see tears in his eyes, as he cuts me off "It's fine Lin-Manuel, I'll go pick Sebbie up" he says, already walking out of the room. I turn around "fuck" I mutter, hitting the wall.

Groff's pov

'Auch' I think while walking away. I know he is just stressed about the wedding and I should have asked earlier, but I couldn't help thinking of Jack when he slammed his fist on the table. I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears that were pooling in my eyes. I'll just text Pippa and tell her I will be late and with Sebbie.


-I'll be a little late Pipps and I'm bringing Sebbie with me. Is that okay?

- Yeah totally. See you soon xoxo

I pick Sebbie up quickly, not staying to chat with the teacher and other parents. I make my way over to the restaurant where Pippa and I are meeting. I am only half an hour late, that's not too bad. "Hey Pipps" I greet her, Sebbie holding on tight to my hand. "Hey Groff, how are you?" Pippa asks, gesturing for me and Sebbie to sit down. "I'm alright, Lin is stressed out about the wedding". I sigh, securing Sebbie in a seat. "Aww yeah, weddings are really stressful" she says sympathetically. "I wish I could just take all the stress away for him" I sigh, pulling Sebbie on my lap. "Well why don't you?" She asks with a smile. I stare confused at her, playing with Sebbies hands.

"I mean I can officiate weddings, I learned it for a friend's wedding. Your family and Lin's are only a call away. It doesn't have to be big and extra" she giggles, taking over Sebbie. I think for a second, but I honestly think she is right. "Will you help me?" I ask her, faking a pouty lip. "Of course. I'd be happy too" she smiles, we spent the rest of the lunch coming up with a plan.

Lin's pov

Groffy planned a beach day for us because I've been so stressed lately. Right now, we're sitting in the car. I've got my legs relaxed on the dashboard while Groffy is driving and Sebbie is sleeping in the backseat. "I'm sorry for earlier this week, Groffy. I didn't mean to be so angry with you" I apologize, taking my legs of the dashboard. "Honestly, I should apologize too, you've been doing most of the planning and I should have asked you earlier" he smiles, not taking his eyes of the road. I smile, happy that he forgave me.

After the drive we get out of the car. I get Sebbie out of the kiddie seat, gently waking him up. "Hey kiddo, come on. We're at the beach" I softly cheer. "Each" he softly cheers back, his eyes still droopy. "Aww" I can't help but let out. "You ready?" Groffy asks, kissing my cheek. "Yeahhhhh, vamoss" I reply, lifting Sebbie to sit on my hip. We walk up the dunes, the grass high and green. When we get to the highest point, I expected to look down and see a crowded beach full of towels, instead I see lawn chairs and everybody Groff and I love. "What" I ask, turning towards Groffy. "Surprise" he replies, nerves sounding trough "do you like it?" He asks, his breath a little bit hitched. "I love it" I gush, put my hand over Sebbies eyes and kiss Groffsauce. "HEY, YOU'RE NOT MARRIED YET" I hear Anthony faintly yell in the background. I put my hand high in the air and flip him off. After we release our lips, we walk on. Sebbie notices my parents and takes off running towards his abuela.

I greet everyone and half an hour later, Groffy and I are standing opposite each other, staring lovingly into each other. "Do you have any vows prepared?" Pippa asks, the biggest smile ever on her face. "Yes" Groffy and I say at the same time. We giggle and Groffy gestures for me to go first. "All right" I say, taking a shaky breath. "Jonathan Drew Groff, where do I even begin, I love you so so so much. After Vanessa died, the whole world seemed to have lost its colour, everything seemed grey and meaningless. You brought the colour back in my life. You made me want to live again, you made me love again". I say, wiping away the tears that are welling up in my eyes. "When that monster took you away, it made me realize just how much I love you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, raising our son together" I say, this time letting my tears flow, but wiping away Groffys. Pippa is crying too, so she just gestures for Groffy to go. "I don't know how I am supposed to follow that, but I'll try anyways" he says, giggling. "Lin if I'm being honest, I knew I loved you from the moment I looked in your eyes. I was immediately taken in, the moments I spent thinking you were dead, were the worst of my life. I never want to lose you, ever agai-". He stops suddenly, a sob suddenly escaping. I lean forwards to kiss him and whisper in his ear "you got this, I love you" I smile, pulling back. Groffy smiles and continues "Every awful, depressing or hurtful moment in my life was totally worth it, because it led me to be here with you. I love you" he finishes, tears streaming down both our faces.

We turn our gaze back to Pippa. "Why did I become this wedding officiator. You guys are too cute" she chokes out, tears violently making their way down her cheeks. Groffy and I giggle, and I give her arm a comforting pat. "Alright, Pipps you got this" she murmurs to herself. "Right, it is now time to exchange the rings" she exclaims, putting a wide smile on her face. It is quiet for a moment as we wait for Sebbie to step forward and give us our rings. "Sebastian thats you" Pippa says, looking at Sebbie with an encouraging smile. "Oh, sowwy" Sebbie replies, with a big grin. He steps forwards, with a pillow with the rings on it, "ere ou go dada an papa" I take the ring for Groffy and Groffy takes the ring for me. We slowly put the rings on each other's fingers. We are about to lean forward to kiss again "uhuh" Pippa says, putting an arm between us. I fake pout but pull back again.

"Alright, time for the most important question" Pippa says, smiling again. "Do you Jonathan Drew Groff take Lin-Manuel Miranda to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse in sickness and in health?" She asks Groffy. "I do" he says, the most beautiful smile on his face. "Alright good or else I'd have to kick your ass. Now, do you Lin-Manuel Miranda take Jonathan Drew Groff to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse in sickness and in health?" Pippa asks, fake rising an eyebrow. "I do, of course" I say, smiling trough my tears. "Yayyyyy, you may now kiss each other" Pippa yells. I pull Groffy closer by his shirt and press my lips on his.

We spent the rest of the day, peacefully on the beach. Chatting and singing with loved ones, making smores over a campfire. My parents take Sebbie with them, so Groffy and I can stay on the beach, until it's late in the evening.



Alright thats the end people. I might write some oneshots or something like that in the future. For now I am working on a new fanfic, set in the late 1700s. I got a lot of inspiration for that one and I think it will turn out way better than this one. If you are interested in reading it, the first chapter will appear on my account soon. Anyways, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it❤

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