Chapter 39

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If Jimin could have his way, he'd bring Namjoon home, bundle him up in his fluffiest comforter, spoon-feed him some homemade soup, and kiss and cuddle him until he falls asleep. After everything that he's been through, the CEO wanted nothing more than to take care and fuss over his boyfriend. 

But Namjoon, wanting to convey his thanks to the Kim-Jeons and everyone else who helped, insisted on stopping by the ARCADIUM building so he could personally express his gratitude to them. And that's why they're inside Jimin's private elevator, along with Yoongi and Jin, with Jimin clutching Namjoon's hand close to his chest. 

For someone with such dainty fingers, Jimin had one hell of a grip. 

"Baby," Namjoon murmurs, wincing slightly as he feels the blood leave his fingers. "It's okay. We're together now. I'm safe."

"Ooops, sorry about that, darling," Jimin whispers as he loosens his hold. Kissing the back of his hand in apology, he leans his head on the pilot's shoulder.  "I guess I'm still feeling a little unsettled. I was just so damn worried, Joonie. I don't think I could bear it if anything happened to you."

Namjoon pecks the side of Jimin's head, then leans down so he can plant a quick kiss on the younger's pout. "I know. But everything's okay now, see, I'm okay. Just breathe, baby. I can feel how tense you are right now. It's not good for you."

Jimin sighs and smooshes his face onto Namjoon's neck to breathe him in. Somehow, his scent helps him to calm down, and Namjoon holds him close, needing to feel the warmth of his boyfriend after a long and harrowing day. 

The elevator doors open and the four are greeted by an exuberant Jungkook and Taehyung, who instantly crowd around Namjoon.

"Hyung!" Jungkook exclaims as he and his husband engulf the pilot in a bear hug. "Thank God you're okay!"

"Yeah!" Taehyung chimes in as they disentangle themselves from the pilot. "We were all so worried about you! Jiminie here was in floods the whole afternoon... seriously, check the couch, I think it's still a little damp from his tears."

"Hey, I didn't cry that much," Jimin protests.

"You did," Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung say in unison, making the CEO blush.

"Oh baby, no wonder your eyelids are all red," Namjoon says, turning to Jimin to stroke his cheek. Jimin pouts and leans into the touch.

"Ya, MinJoon, NamJim, or whatever the hell you call yourselves, before you start making out again, I just wanted you to know that Taehyung and Jungkook ordered fried chicken and beer and jajangmyeon," Yoongi drawls as he peruses all the food on the circular dining table. "I'm fucking starving, so let's eat."

"I vote for MinJoon," Jungkook exclaims while moving towards the food-laden table. "It's hella cute."

"For real. Every couple should have a portmanteau name," Taehyung declares. "We're TaeKook. Best unit."

"Good lord," Jin mutters under his breath. "Hey Namjoon-ah, have you met Hoseok? He was a big help today. If not for him, we wouldn't have found you right away."

"Glad I could help, man," Hoseok says while shaking hands with the pilot. "Good to see you're okay."

"Thank you," Namjoon sincerely says. "But how in the world did you track me down, Hoseok-ssi?"

"He's a hacker," Yoongi blithely says while munching on a chicken drumstick.

"Computer specialist," Hoseok clarifies. "And you can call me Hobi. I'm a 92-liner."

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