Chapter 34

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Namjoon power walks through the airport, giddy at the thought of being reunited with his lovely boyfriend. Four days may be nothing to some people, but for the pilot, it was torturous to be away from Jimin for that long. Wheeled luggage in hand, he speeds up even more, knowing that his lover will be waiting for him outside.

His thoughts are interrupted when a feminine voice calls out to him. 

"Excuse me, Captain Kim?" 

Namjoon turns around and sees a woman wearing an Air Korea flight attendant uniform smiling at him. Average height, chin-length bob,  fair skin. He's sure that he's never seen her before. Must be a newbie. 

"Yes?" Namjoon says. Did he forget something in the cockpit? He's been known to leave things in there. Airpods, his wallet, a scarf.  For some reason, they just seem to slip through his chair and vanish into thin air.

"I'm the new flight attendant, Sanha," she says. "I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee with me?"

"No thank you Sanha," Namjoon says, trying to be unfailingly polite as always. "I have plans with my boyfriend. Have a good evening."

Namjoon turns and briskly walks away. He gets his phone out and swipes and taps on the screen, pointedly ignoring the annoying woman who has decided to shadow him. Undeterred, the flight attendant follows and walks alongside him.

"A boyfriend?" she smirks. "That's new. Didn't think you would play hard to get. But I'm willing to play along if you are."

Irritated, Namjoon frowns at her. "I'm not playing hard to get. I'm serious. I have a boyfriend and he's waiting for me."

"Riiiiggght," she sneers. "I don't think so. Yeri and some of the other girls say that they've been with you, so I'm guessing you're just lying. I don't know why you're doing this though. Am I not your type, Captain Kim?"

"Should I go to HR and report you for harassment?" Namjoon tersely asks. 

Sanha scoffs, still trying to keep up with Namjoon who's taking long, quick strides as he heads towards the airport's exit.

"Who'd believe you?" she asks. "I'm a woman. Surely it's more legit if I say that you've been harassing me? Huh. Maybe I'd just do that."

"Wow. You're a piece of work, aren't you?" Namjoon coldly says. "You'd stoop that low just to get what you want?"

"Oh, for sure," the flight attendant smirks. "That's why you're better off having coffee with me than lying about a virtual boyfriend. And oh, look at that. We're outside. Where is he, huh? Where?"

"Right here, bitch," a smooth, sultry voice smugly says as Jimin tucks himself neatly onto Namjoon's side and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey darling, I'm so glad you're home."

Turning to face the younger, Namjoon hugs Jimin and holds his face tenderly in his hands. He kisses him softly, oblivious to the flight crew's fake gagging sounds and the looks of passers-by.

"I missed you so much, baby," Namjoon murmurs. "Felt like I couldn't breathe without you."

"Same here darling," Jimin says as he caresses the side of Namjoon's face. Going on his tiptoes, he reaches up to plant a soft kiss on his lips. "I'm so glad you're here now. Let's go home, Joonie."

Turning to find a shell-shocked Sanha, Jimin smirks. "You're still here?"

"B-but you're Park Jimin, ARCADIUM's CEO..." she splutters.

"So? And if I am?" Jimin says.

"Y-you're together? The two of you?" she asks.

Shaking his head at the obliviousness of the woman, Jimin sarcastically claps his hands. "Oh wow, you finally put it together. Congratulations."

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